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Show SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT STATE-MENT For the year ending December ol, 1016, of the condition of the I Fidelity & Casualty Company of New! York. ! The name and location of the company.; Fidelity fc Casualty Company of Now j York, 92-9-1 Liberty street, New York ; City, New York. Name of president. Robert J. Hillas. Name of secretary, Theodore K. Gaty. The amount of its capital stock paid up ? 1 ,fmniio .no The amount of its assets .... 3,7SS.7Lir. . 23 , The amount of its liabilities ! (including capital 1 ll,-JoS,0P2.97 The amount of Its income j during preceding calendar i year 10,667,720.76 I The amount of its disbursements disburse-ments during the preceding calendar year 9.2fi2.7S8.03 The a mount of losses paid during the preceding calendar cal-endar year (included in foregoing item) 3,930.821 . R2 The amount of premiums written during the year.... 13.226.1 15 .. "19 The amount of premiums in for'-: at the end of the year 10.?"'S,tfr.57 St a te of rial). Office cf the Commissioner Commis-sioner of Ins'iranie ss. I. John James, commissioner of insurance insur-ance of the s;;;te of i";b!i. do hereby certify Llijit tin- above mined innur:iiu-G companv has file! in my office a detailed de-tailed statement "f i's nndition, from which the forcoM!-,' s'Mte merit. h:is been prepared, and I : : r ( ;hp :-aid company lias in al! -t!i-'-r ) c-pe--ts con: piled with the laws of the stare relating to insurance. in-surance. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affi.Ned the seal of the Insurance depur'ment this Kuii day of March, A. D. 1017. (Seal) JOHN JAMES. Commij&fiioner. |