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Show J FOR RENT w Apartments Unfurnished SJZnAXTTAVT. KOlT RENT. TUB TsL-hlmimra:. Wna. o-4:3. oM T-itoTVl AI'T. THE HICKS APT., OS S. 6th Kast. o21"i t MODJ-lRX 4-KOO.M AFT.. FRONT and rear l.on-Jies. Hyland 1J41-R '1 no lUnmuetle, T'tiT E. 3rd youth. "- 1 5 ROOMS; Kl'KNlTCRE FOR SACK. IS Bin-kii)!!httm a,ins. J. A. Blake, o2''i4 ATTRACTIVE 4-ROOM APT.; GARAGE. Kaa raJifif nil white enamel linlsn; llS.Bn Take So. 4th E. car to 414 Rail Ra-il ipiia ave. Hylanrl L'745-M. o 1 lu FAIRMONT APTS, FIFTH SOCTII. Between Be-tween Main and State, five-room modern mod-ern fiats. Apply Visaing, Was. 2,3, or Janitor. Hi PEAL'TIKi:!.. 4-R.M. APT., HARDWOOD tloors, elec. ranc, closed porch. 4-J SrrtEastVt jif 7S49-J. L'l S3., I-ROO.m" APTS.. MERJiUlTH. WO 1st ave. c-W". PRESCOTT APARTMENT!) FIXE. laree suites. 575 E. 2nd South. Apply janitor. rj'" IVANHOE. 417 E Broadwav. H-room apartment; S4o. Tel. Hy. 357'3-W. y3S- AT THE EAGLE GATE. Branstord apartments, Emery flats, Eagle Gate apartments; location best In clt?; strictly hiuh grade; references required; re-quired; housekeeping and furnished and unfurnished bachelor suites. American plan cafe In connection, open to the public. pub-lic. Office in the Branstord. Phone Was. 2026. 1!?21 E.-ROOM APT., MODERN; STEAM heat, janitor service, sleeping porch; $25. Tione Was. 3859-W. 3il 1th ave. . rlC'63 JEXSlXGTOX3rc'D. 4 AND 6-ROOM. w $35 and 542.50. Was. 6710. rll40 4-ROOM APT. IX OAKS APTS., COR. 4th E. and 3rd So., $30.00. Little & Little, Mclntyre bldg. r292i THE MIDGLEY. 634 SO. WEST TEM-ple; TEM-ple; choice front apartment, vacant April 1. Phone Was. 4036. Viti'i EE1SE APARTMENT, 561 E. 1ST SO. 5-room apt.; everything the latest; 3 large porches. Call Was. 302 or Was, 06. 1-3113 6-ROOM, HOT WATER HEAT, $32.50. Top apt., 106 No. Main. Was. 2213. r3374 Apartments Furnished THE COVEY. Newly furnished and unf. apts. Fireproof, Fire-proof, modern, elevator service, roof garden; gar-den; prices reasonable. 2S9 E. So. Tem- ple. Wasatch 6671. dl723 THE RICHMOND, 70 EAST NORTH Temple St.; two-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; elevator, spacious lobby, dancing and amusement room, maid service when desired; rates $27.50 to $40 per month, Including light, heat, gas and telephone. 142 .0 ALEXANDRIA, 330 SO. W. TEMPLE. Nice 2 and 3-room apt. Was. 70bl. K2611 ONE 3-ROOM APT. AND A 2-ROOM apt., furnished, including piano; rent reasonable If taken for the winter. ' 433 Hazel court, on 4th So., between 5th and 6th E. ml395 RAYMOND, 64 SO. MAIN H. K. APTS. ; disappearing beds; $4 a week and up; modern; no children. Wasatch 1257. f3176 4 UK D-rCM. f ftUiVl An., VJ.ur-lJi,! ly furnished, at 448 So. 6th East. o2206 HOLLYWOOD APTS.; FOUR ROOMS, oak finish, newly decorated; new furniture furni-ture b468 WILFLEY APTS. ; TWO LARGE ROOMS, kitchen, bath; newly decorated, thor-oughUcaned: thor-oughUcaned: $25. 153 Pleipont avenue. ' b465 HOLLAND APARTMENTS, 410 South West Temple St. If you are particular, see these highly-furnished highly-furnished housekeepng apts.; no chil-?n; chil-?n; references required. Was. 6725. M79S (T LArtW; 2-ROOM FRONT APT., 443 SO? r hit est. 0669 ELEGANTLY FURJM. 4-ROOM API'., with sleeping porch, to party who will board lady for part rent. Was. 6645-W. r21 ' NICELY FURNISHED 2-ROOM APTSTT 53.50 to $5.00 per week. Savoy hotel, 26 E. 1st South. rl71 CUT HIGH COST OF LIVING. RAISE your own garden and have a nice apartment, apart-ment, $20 up per month, close in. Gar-denette Gar-denette apta., 445 So. W. Temple st. r272 COLONIAL APTS. AND ROOMS. 114 wT 1st South: well ventilated; close In; bath, phone, elevator; special winter rates on apartments. Was. 4915. r2538 THE WOOD, 653 E. BROADWAY 2-RM. apartment, 3rd floor, $25; 3-room apartment, apart-ment, 2nd floor. 535. No children. r2311 HORSLEY APTS.. 600 W. NO. TEMPLET phone Was. 1724; 3-room apt., $22.50; 3-room 3-room apt., S25. Steam heat, gas range, private bath, 2 beds. r24i4 MODERN 2-ROOM APT.; HEAT, HOT water, sleeping porch. 262 E. 8th So. r2i55 4 NICE, LARGE ROOMS; QUIET-AND clean: $25, 628 E. 4th So. V3046 THE SASSE: 2 ROOMS, SLEEPING porch, front and rear; heat and gas. SI North 2nd West. r32S6 KENSINGTON, MOD. l-ROO.M NICELY furnished. Was. 6710. 1'33!I7 . Wanted To Rent GARAGE OR BARN FOR SMALL CAR, near First ave. and E street; must be cheap. Address E-19, Tribune. r3155 COUPLE WANTS 3 OR 4-ROOM Mob" ern house with garden. Address E-31. Tribune r33S6 FURNITURE FOR 6 OR 7 ROOMS! Call Was. 5733, or 214 W. 2nd So. . - ri2Z CARPJNTER WORK CARPENTER WORK, ALTERATIONS, repairs, storm sashes and screens. Phone F.vington, Was. 4256. rl330 HOTELS RAYMOND HOTEL, 64 S. MAIN. Clean, newly furnished, homelike, 75c and $1. e!5S2 HOTEL "WILCOX, i Mod. furn. rooms, by the day, 50c, 75c and SI. 00; by the week, ?3.00 and up. 43S So. state. Was. 6765. Opp. city and county building. r3213 PALMER HOTEL, 54 W. First South; well furnished, clean, hot and cold water, steam heated. By flay. 60c, 75c, 1.00. Moderate rate by week. rl354 "ROGERS HOTEL. 247 MAIN FRANCIS Kin, prop.; light outside rooms; day or week. oti"4 NEW REX HOTEL. 253 STATE. IN business and shopping center; rates reasonable. Was. 671. r2143 TUXEDO. HOTEL, 44 SO. STATE. MODT ern family hotel. Rooms, $1.00 up. r2145 LUCID HOTEL AND CAFE, 112-114 West South Temple street, opposite In-terurban In-terurban depot. All modern rooms, well furnished; kept clean; hot writer; $3. SO to $5.00 per week. Ground-floor lobby and popular-price cafe in connection. Wm. R Hammond. Prop. rr.3i.i5 Where to Stop LINCOLN HOUSE. 6S E. 1ST SO.. 250 rooms; single rooms. 35c, 40c and 60c ; modern: baths. 15c. Special rates by the y.-eek or month. Was. 3453. u2556 . HOTEL LUCID. 114 W. S. TEMPLE ! Modern rooms, popular prices; also cafe ' "where- reasonable prices prevail. r.t!H j HXSHiPS. TANKS ''W S. ELBOWS ER & CO,. GASOLINE AND I t- pumps, tanks, self-measuring de-rTces de-rTces and dry cleaning equipments. C. O. Hottel, factory rep., P. O. Box 619. Wa-f Wa-f tatch o3513 FOR RENT For Rent Furnished Rooms XE'ALY FURNISHED ROOM. I'P.I-vatc I'P.I-vatc home; rcasonal)lo rent. 325 So. :"!h EasL d775 STRICI'LY MODERN ROOMS, SUNNY jipartments, rates S3 and up. Hia E. 1st S0; f4164 aT.KXANDRIA. 330 SO. W. TEMPLE: Single sleeping rooms, 53 and up. Was. I ;rt'.t9. hi::70 1 3 H. K. ROOMS, J12 FlOR MONTH; . close In. 225 North West Temple Was. 6147. ni250o FrTTnt ROOM IN EXCLUSIVE APART -ment. No. 1 Louise apts. ro FU R N Ii? H ED P. ix )M AND KITCMB N - ette. near East higli school. Call Hjiand 1023 -M. r700 MCELY FURNISHED. CLEAN, FRO X T looms: heated, cloe in, fine locution. Was 371S-M. r7j)4 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; MOD-ern; MOD-ern; close in. 134 1st ave. Was. 7414-W. r22S7 MODERN- FURNISHED ROOM; CAN DO a httle iitrlit housckeeplnst. Cumberland Cumber-land hotel, 307 E. 2nd So. Was. 6621. r26n NICE, MOD. FRONT ROOM; SUITABLE for 2 gentlemen. 341 So. 1st West St. Was. 7372-W. I-301S NICELY FURNISlTED OUT SIDE ROO J f in choice apt. No. 3 Louise. Was. 4S73-W. rai22 CI.AN BEDS AND ROOilS, WELL furnished, for sober people only; by week, 52- and up. Stark Rooms. 333 So. State, V2 block south of Auerbach's store. 1-3394 NEWLY FURBISHED FRONT SUITE with porch; desirable for two or more. 465 E. So. Temple, apt. 4. r33S9 NICE FRONT ROOM, VERY CLOSE IN. No. 5 Louise apta. r3421 For Rant Housekeeping Rooms 4 CLEAN, MODERN ROOMS. 531 SO. 1st West. r2749 HOUSEKEEPING RMS., NICELY FURN., with gas. 358 So. West Temple. h3616 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $2.50, S3.50 and ?4. 178 E. 1st South. Pullman Pull-man rooming house. Wras. 3193. d2776 CLEAN, MOD., 1 AND 2 ROOMS FOR h. k. ; ground floor; good location for r. r. and smelter men. 333 W. 1st No. 01941 CLEAN ROOM. CHEAP TO WOMAN employed. No. 1 Olsen court, rear 253 E. Broadway. Forenoon. rlOS3 2 ROOMS; LIGHT, GAS. HEAT; PRI-vate PRI-vate family. 667 So. 1st AVest. .rl346 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS FOR 1. h. k. ; no children. S35 So. Main. , r!62S THREE COMFORTABLE ROOMS, $5.00. 545 W. 3rd North. W-as. 3373-W. r!630 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; -walking distance. 412 E. 2nd So. r2217 ONE AND 2 ROOMS FOR HOUSED keening; gas and phone. 424 Church St.. 4th So., bet. Main and State. r2406 TWO FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS; lights, gas. bath and phono; no children. chil-dren. 174 W. 1st No. r2572 2 FOR $12 AND 1 FOR 56, CLOSE IN, light, at 225 North West Temple. r2589 2 ROOMS, S2.50 PER WEEK; BATH, light. Was. 1970-J. 524 So. W. T. r2577 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR -HOUSE keeping; no children. 311 So. 2nd West. r2652 MODEKN LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING single rooms. Cumberland hotel, 307 E. 2nd So. Was. 6S21. 1-264S L. H. K. SUITE, ALSO SINGLE ROOMS; gas range, bath and heat. 209 E. 4th So. r3020 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR young couple; close In. 130 So. 3rd East. rl SO THREE-ROOM MODERN, SLEEPING porch, phone; $16. 859 Green St., bet. 6th and 7th E. on 9th South. rS238 TWO 2-ROOM APARTMENTS FOR light housekeeping: light and gas furnished; fur-nished; $15 and $23.50 per month. 652 So. W. Temple. r3253 TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. No. 12 Kendall square, off West Temple, between 4th and 5th South. r3252 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP-Ing HOUSEKEEP-Ing rooms at 231 So. 1st West street. - . r3308 TWO ROOMS. MODERN, FURNISHED. ' Cottage apt. Close in. No children. 535 So. W. Templa. Was. 4972-M. r3323 NICE. LARGE HOUSEKEEPING APT.; cozy, well furnished, private cobblestone porch, ground floor, fireplace, beam ceiling, ceil-ing, etc.; gas and lights furnished free; phone, hot and cold water, steam heat; close In; $6.00 per week. 306 E. 5th So. r3419 TWO MODERN H. K. ROOMS. LIGHT, bath, gas and phone. Hy. 943-J. 519 South 5th East. r3375 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE KEEP-ing KEEP-ing rooms, first floor. No. 1 Kendall square. 1-3373 For Rent Unfurnished Rooms TWO. ROOMS. UNFURNISHED, W-ITH private bath, kitchen cabinet and bed. Call Hy. 274S-W. r24SS For Rent Stores and Offices NEWLY FINISHED. UPODATE offices; one, two, or en suite; steam heat, elevator and janitor service; best location in city. Boyd Park Bldg.. 162 So. Main St. h2310 NICE OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT UN-der UN-der James hotel, 160 So. Main; sidewalk entrance; $25. Inquire 611 Kearns Bldg. 113470 CHOICE OFFICE ROOMS IN THE Tribune Bldg.; recently painted, papered pa-pered and refitted. Inquire F. J. West- con, iijus Aearns isiag. X39U9 FINE LARGEsBASEMENT IN HOOPER Bldg. for rent. Apply room 202 Hooper bldolt. f:!432 FIX 13 OFFICE SPACE FOR REXT; ground floor; 19 So. Main street; the center of tlfe businoss district. "The Office Of-fice Arcade.'' Inquire Mrs. Cartiiy. r9 Sewing Machines Rented SEWIXG MACHIXES RENTED, 50c A week; sold, 53 up. We replr. 159 So. State. Was. 4703. r21S4 For Rent Pianos GOOD-TONED PIANOS FOR RENT, $3 per month. Call Hyland 337-J. r464 KODAK FINISHING MAIL TOUR FILMS TO SCHRAMM-Johnson. SCHRAMM-Johnson. Dni?s, Salt Lake CIt.fr. We develop any szz roll, 10c; any size pack, 20c. Other finishing prices correspond-i correspond-i ng. We pay return postage. mlO 56 NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS PAY', I wilt give more for your old clothlne. Phone Wasatch 5235. r76l EDDIE GREEN PAYS HIGHEST prices for old clothes, shoes, etc. Was. 1503. 14592 ZEMEX BUYS MEN'S CLOTHINa shoes, trunks, suit cases. Was. S212. 65 Commercial St. klS21 Oid Clothes Bought SWALI.EY POSITIVELY PAYS HIGH-es: HIGH-es: prices for clothing'. Was. 7S46. l2 E. Cnd South. a741 ARE GORDON PAYS GOOD PRICES for anything of value. Was. 3u7u-W. ; Commercial et. OoC'4 BABYCARRIAGES RE-TIRED WHILE YOU WAIT. 1200 GO-CART WHEELS IN STOCK. J. W. GUTHRIE BICYCLE CO., 22S East 2nd South. Was. $5. r227 FOR SALE For Rale Automobiles SEE US BEFORE BUYING. Ford Korm-a-truck. Chnivllers, e. and b. Appersons, e. and s. Chalmers, e. and s. Pierce-Arrow roadster, e. and s. And many other makes. Bargains In used cars. C. A. QUIGLEY. 33 Exchange- place. r2148 a" BARGAIN GO O D TIRES. SELF-starter, SELF-starter, car practically new; -will sacrifice sacri-fice for a quick sale; see this car; it's an Oldsmoblle. Ruy McGaln, Newhouse hotel. ho-tel. 03S95 "CHEAP 1916 STlT UEBAKER SIX, WI N -ter top; easy terms. Call Hy. 1603. h2213 FOR SALE 5-PASSENGER TOURIN G car in Al condition; will sell at reasonable rea-sonable price. Utah Double Truck Car Co., 66 West 4th So A3S56 FOR SALE BU1CK LIGHT SIX TOUR-Intr, TOUR-Intr, 1916; seat covrs. extra tire bumper. bump-er. Best buv in the city. 430 S. Main St. Was. 21S2. Q2.-.S6 WE ARE CLOSING OUT AT COST OUR Ford delivery bodies, all styles and sizes. J. P. Fowler Mfg. Co.. 41-57 So. West Temple. Q2397 BARGAINS IN USED CARS. SEE Chancellor, Utah-Idaho Motor Co.. 465 So. Main. hllU 1000-LB. TRUCK. NEARLY NEW, GOOD condition; bargain. -11 Main St. 1-2796 BARG Al NS IN USED CArH SAXON MOTOR SALES CO. 430 So. Main. Phone Was. 21S2. r3l49 WE HAVE A LARGE NUMBER OF RB-built RB-built automobiles that we are offering Bt from i to original cost. Every one guaranteed to be in Al mechanical condition. con-dition. Terms to responsible parties. SHARMAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. 43-45 West Fourth South. Phone Wasatch 6707. U26S7 USED PARTS AND BEARINGS. ALL makes; also magnetos, carburetors, tc. Auto Salvage & Supply Co., 62 E. 4th South St. k2074 THE LINCOLN GARAGE CAN READ-ily READ-ily sell your car. Ask Mr. Stewart, Was. 70S. ml603 NEW FORD DELIVERY CAR; ALSO Indian motocycle, with side car. A snap. Wllles-Horne Drug Co., -8 South Main. r3309 Wanted to Buy Autos OLD AUTOS WANTED. WE PAY ecod prices for any make old machines. What have you? Address B-26, Tribune. rl!7S WILL TAKE FIRST-CLASS AUTO AS-first AS-first payment on my new 6-room bungalow, bunga-low, up to date and strictly modern, including in-cluding furnace, large lot, garage and chicken coop. 1195 Crystal ave.. Highland Park. Hyland 2745-M. r3230 Wanted to Rent Autos WANTED TO RENT A FORD AUTO-mobile AUTO-mobile truck for 2 months. Call Hy. 2846. r3052 Automobile Repairing MR. FORD OWNER, BETTER HAVE that car overhauled by an expert; ail work guaranteed; 'rate, 60c per hour. Geo. Gardner, Ford expert, 730 So. Main. 1-2558 Auto Tods. Trim mine's LET THii vVLLcTGTONroT ca figure with you on tops, seats, covers, general trimmings; lowest prices; workmanship work-manship the best. 44 So. W. Temple. Wasatch 7446. ' ' r711 Auto Information Free FREE AUTOMOBILE INFORMATION bureau. Anything you want to know pertaining to automobiles. Drop us a line. Automobile Information Bureau, Box 659. rl068 For Sale or Trade WANT TO TRADE MY MOTORCY'CLB as part payment for 1916 Ford. Will pay balance in cash. Ford must be in first-class condition. I guarantee motorcycle motor-cycle to be in first-class shape. Phone Hy. 114-R Sundays and Was. 72 week days. r2908 For Sale Motorcycles BARGAINS IN USED MOTORCY'CLES. House of Hopper, 140 East 3rd South. . O1403 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE. A-l CONDI-tion. CONDI-tion. Phone Hy. 114-R Sunday or Was. 72 week days. r2907 INDIAN MOTOR, A-l SHAPE; WILL sell cheap, $50. Apply to K. Abramson, Murray, 45th street, first house west from State road. r3215 TWIN-CYLINDER, CHAIN DRIVE Thor, just overhauled, $50.00. Apply 440 North 3rd West. . r3216 1915 3-SPEE 15 ELECTRIC INDIAN, fully equipped; will sacrifice for cash. Phone Hy. 3527. r!344 For Sale Machinery NEW AND 2ND-HAND HOISTING BN-gines; BN-gines; Smith concrete mixer; builders' derricks; tools, etc. Phone Wasatch 622. r2li CLEANING. RESTORING COLORS, hand work: removes all grease or stains; reasonable. Frank Martin, 27 So. W. Temple. Was. .7276. ol559 CARPETS AND RUGS CLEANED WITH powerful vacuum cleaner, 5 cents a yard. Phone "Specialty Department," Main 6. r!464 SUTTON SANITARY ELECTRIC BEAT and colors restored 9x12, $1; quick service. Hyland 2300. r2562 Vacuum Cleaners I CALL EARDLEY BROS., WAS. 6700. We rent them, 51-25 a day. 37 E. 1st South. r!50 POWERFUL VACUUM CLEANERS FOR rent. Phone 'Specialty Department," Main 6. rl465 ELITE CLEANERS RENTED; $1.00 A week buys it. Very powerful, easy running; run-ning; rugs cleaned, 5c yd. Dcdse Bros. Was. 7036. r2366 ESjSMAKING DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING; will go out by the dav. Was. 79i5. r2S6S SMART SUITS, GOWNS, ONE-PIECE dresses; also Imported models copied. Was. 945-M. r27S4 Dancing Academy NEW DANCES, TODDLE AXrTsAUN -ter. WOODWARD 3, 34 Main St. Waltz, one-step, tuo-step in 4 lessons, daily. Phone Was. 7, ,0. 01417 DETECTIVES WESTERN DETECTIVE ASOCIATION; secret service, daily reports. Call 512-514 512-514 Mclntyre bidg. Phone Was. 8299. m209 WAS. 37S6. NIGHT PHONE, HY. 94-W. Suite 412-414 Mclntyre Bldg. INTER -ST ATE DETECTIVE ASSN, Incorporated and bonded under the state laws of X'ebraska. Home Office. Omaha, Neb. Expert ln estigators, Salt Lake, Utah. r3200 ACCORDION PLEATING i KILT. BOX SIDE PLEATING. HEM-! HEM-! stltohlrg and pinking. Mrs. Jennens, :0S E. Broadway. Hyian.l 7S7-J. k514 UTAHN A SPRINGS SPARKLINGWA ter. filtered and bottled, bubbling- from Mother Earih; pure, clear, colcl and healthful ; t3V a ra?e; 5 gal. bottle, pOc; delivered. Hy. 20 70. r746 FOR SALE FSjie oujijTJindJMt BAB v CHICKS. Healthy, vigorous, prolific stock. R. I. Rcfis. Minorca, Barred I'.ot-ks. White. Brown and Buff Leghorns. Now booking orders. Prices consist cut wttli quality. ARCADY PLACE HENNERY, Wellsvllle, Utah. A. F. SMURTHWA1TE, Manager. r1602 NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR MARCH and April delivery of baby chicks- Barred Rocks. R. I. Reds. Black Mlnorcas. White, Brown and Bulf Leghorns, An-conas. An-conas. Address Pioneer liatclicry. A. Nathan, salesinanager, 465 Hollywood ave. Phone Hyland 2846. P. O. Box 1162, city. o34"3 BABY CHICKS. HOGAN1ZED. TRAP-nested, TRAP-nested, thoroughbred stock; all varieties; varie-ties; order now; prices reasonable. Frank Earls, 349 Wilson ave. Hyland 771. O1400 EGGS FOR HATCHING, S. C. RHODE Inland Reds. 3788 So. 7th East. Mur-ray Mur-ray 241-M. H. H. Mclntire. o::2;",3 book your orders now for baby clucks; White. Brown and Buff Leghorns. R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks and Anconas, B. Minorcas, White Rocks; all chicks guaranteed; 60 hours from call Lake; can furnish on siiort notice. W. H. W. Smith, agent for Bilin Hatchery, 306 So. 4th East. Hyland 3016 oSlS BAB V CHICKS. TODAY DELIVER Y ; egs for hatching, poultry bougn.. sold. Ramsliaw, 2415 5th E. Hy. 3048 ni2S47 WHITE AND BUFF ORPINGTON PUL-lets; PUL-lets; eggs for hatching from prize-winning pens. V. R. Madsen. 67 So. 8th East. Was. 56 or Was. 4034-J. Q-'S91 STRICTLY FRE1SH EGGS. PHONE Murray 136-jV. 3772 So. 9th East, oi'5 AT STUD, KXOXY BOY, A. K. C, 20S336. Boston rcrew tail terrier, classiest little lit-tle Bostoii in the west. Weight 17 pounds. 232 E. 4th So. Phone Was. 62,0. r225 BABY' CHICKS; ALL STANDARD breeds: While Leghorns from special laying strain at slight advance In price. Book orders early. B. W. Mendenhall, 26 Richards St. Was. 1718. rS26 SILVER SPANGLED PI AM BURG EGGS; first priae state fair; $2 for 15; few roosters. Wanted Cattle. A. T. Saun-ders. Saun-ders. Phone Ply. 2690. 11023 BLACK ORPINGTON EGGS FOR hatching, from prize-winning stock. Prices reasonable. Hy. 1700. r!358 J. L. WALLACE IS NOW BOOKING OR-ders OR-ders for baby chicks, April and May delivery. de-livery. 721 No. 2nd West. Was. 4634. rl589 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR STRICT-Iv STRICT-Iv fresh eggs. Morrison's celebrated Scotch pies, 20 W. 1st South. 1-2146 BOSTON TERRIER, PEDIGREED AND registered; license paid; cheap. Nobby Bultorium, 219-21 So. State. r2158 STRICTLY FRESH EGGS, 29c DOZEN. I will send prepaid to any address in Utah 15 doz. ranch eggs, strictly fresh, for $4.35. H. Fechser, Fairvicw, Utah. r2529 THOROUGHBRED BLACK MINORCA eggs for setting. Call Was. 5462-R. 1-3240 BABY CHICKS TODAY, WHITE AND brown Leghorns. R. I. Reds. 006 So. 4th East. Hy. 3016. r332S BEAUTIFULLY MARKED . BOSTON bull terrier male pups; good pedigree. Hyland 2234. r33S0 4THOROUGHBRED .SPITZ PUPS. IX-quii-e 773 E. 2nd South. Phone Was. 5293-J. T3415 For Sale Horses and Vehicles EIGHT MARES, FROM 3 Y'EAP.S OLD up, suitable for farm work, and several sev-eral heavy horses. George Ross, 36 No. 2nd West. Was. 5847. OS343 6 BLOCKY BUILT MARES, AGES 6 TO 8 years, weight 1200 to 1500. Taylor's Exchange, 468 So. State. r56 HORSE" SURREY AND HARXESS, cheap. 179 E. 37th South. Call Was. 732. r21U FOR SALE SEVERAL SETS OF heavv double work harness. 519 So. State St. r2786 HORSE AND WAGON, OR WILL trade in on new or used Ford car. 368 So. State st. r3197 DOUBLE SET OF FARM HARNESS, used only 3 months. 101S Pierpont st. r33S4 FOR SALE STUDE BAKER WAGON, in good condition: farm box and dump bed. Apply 519 State st. r3399 To Lease FEED BARN, HEAVY PATRONAGE, large demand for hay and grain. Address Ad-dress D-15, Tribune. r2539 For Sale Livestock TWO-YEAR HEIFER. FRESH NEXT august. 30SS Highland drive. r2O70 For Sale Furniture S. & E. FURN. STORE, 319 STATE ST.. buys, sells and exchanges all kinds of furniture. 319 South State. Was. 3023. r44 THE PEOPLE'S FURNITURE CO. THE home of bargains. Quick sales, smali profits, is our motto. We buy and sell anything of value in second-hand goods. Was. 3561. 361 So. State. C. F. Coleman. Q2533 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, SPRINGS restretched, mattresses made over. Was. 3299. Salt Lake Mattress Mfg. Co. dl4U For Sale Pianos 1 FINE-TONED PIANO. MAHOGANY, $145; 1 Starr piano, walnut, cost $500, now $235; 1 handsome plaver piano, was 5S00, now $475. 330 So. W. Temple st Q1559 ORGAN, LATEST TYPE, IN FIRST-class FIRST-class condition; 16 stops.1 Big bargain if taken at once. Phone Was. S246. 630 So. 10th East o79 FOR SALE GERHARD PIANO oik case, good as new: $100 cash. Hvland 3375. 1215 So. Sth East. rs57 $700 PLAYER PIANO, ALL EQUIP ment. $300. Call Was. 7924. r3400 For Sale Sewing Machines GUARANTEED DROP-HEAD MA- chine $ 7.00 Singer drop-head machine 12.50 Electric portable machine 37. oo Rented 50c week. We repair any make. Walker Elec. Supply Co., 159 So. State. Was. 4703. r2934 Books for Sale CASH PAID FOR BOOKS. We buy large or small collections of books of all kinds. Books on "Mormon-ism" "Mormon-ism" especially wantpd. Theatre Book Shop. 63 E. First South st. oS For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT. CHEAP. GOOD place with many outbuildings, big flowing flow-ing well: make good poultry ranch, also Ideal picnic resort. Inquire E. A. Smvthe. 51 West 2nd South. r337S P5?2t IDTI.EASE COTTAGE. 2361 SO. STH East. Hy. 2070. A quiet, restful, homelike place, where your chronic ailments ail-ments can be cured: all forms drugless therapy, spinal therapy, electricity and chiropractic. Take 9th East st. car. r2SS2 WISH TO CO.XFER WITH ENER-getic ENER-getic family man of some means with view of having him take interest and charge of good sized, newiy irrigated farm. Address E-3. Tribune. r23-t JLTJCTORY FOR HAT REPAIRING SEE TAYLOR. the hatter, 24 East 1st So. Established 1SSS. g2QC5 J)PTJCL COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. 337 MAIN street; dependable Rx. work. Right prices. r3315 FOR SALE Miscellaneous 'i-KAR A T A N ! S E V K R A L SMALL diamond rlns ;md pins, nlsn Mark overco.i t, 3S, or oxi-lianpe for In. M overcoat; over-coat; will consider snit do Iht s. tnmk, KenLs' f urnis.iin;-;. Address D- 20, Tribune. Trib-une. f'-' 7 POOL TABLES SHOWCASES AND stoit fixtures. Wetlierbee Mf. Co.. :'4 Rirhnnls st. r2ft-" BARGAINS IN N E V AND SECOND-hand SECOND-hand generators and motors; armature winding. Tiiomas Eieoiric Repair Co.. 69 W. Bro.Thvny, Was. 1246. oS02 THE LARGEST LINE OK UNCALLED- i for clothing In city. Nobby Suitonuin, 2111-21 State. k2 j ;U second" h a "ndseits FROM S5 up- Nobby Sulioriurn, 2lcJ-2l South State. y4G7 M1SEIT TAILORED SUITS AT LESS than half their cust. Noboy Suitorium, 219-21 South State y4iti 10U COLON iES B EES FOR SALE. FOR particulars write V. L. Batcnelor, Ne-phi. Ne-phi. Utah. rl032 ITaR FIXTURES FOR SALE FOR storriKe charea. Mitchell Van & Storage Cc, 27;; So. V. Temple. rlu5 CIVIL ENGINEER'S WYE LEVEL AND aneroid ; good condition ; cheap. Box B-9, Tribune. rlOiio EadFeS, NOTICE! BEAUTIFUL GR E E N broadcloth suit, aimost new, very cheap this week ; other things. Call after 2 p. in., 47 East 1st So., room 26, Sell wood hotel. rl29.j SECOND-HAND BANK FIXTURES partitions, showcases, drug store lix-tures lix-tures and post of lice boxes for sale. 32 Richards at. rl4tt SHOWCASES; ALL KINDS STOrtE fixtures. Wetherbee Mfg. Co., 24 j Richards st. r64S BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES, BOYVL-ing BOYVL-ing alleys, store fixtures. Minn Billiard Co., Wetherbee Mfg. Co., agents, 24 Rich-ards Rich-ards at. r6 4 7 "SELLING OUT FULL QT. GUCKEN heirner rye or bourbon bonded whisky, 100 proof, ti yra. old. $.1; pt., 25c; s. qt. good w-hiaky, 50c; wine, 2uc; 3 bottles beer, 50c. Get it now. Social bar, 502 South State. o254S HOTEL RANGE, BARBER CHAIR, piano, sieel range, cash register, complete lunch counter outfit, Western West-ern Exchange Department. 313 State. Was. 2S27. u3S PINT OF PORT WINE FREE WITH each quart of R. L. C. or Monogram whisky, $1 full quart. Phone Was. 6527. Royal Liquor Co., 15 W. 1st South. Matt orders promptly filled. Free delivery in city. m277 A FEW STRICTLY HAND-TAILORED uncalled-for suits, we will sell for half price; get vours now. Beehive Tailoring Co., 102 W.' 3rd South. L. Solomon, Mgr. r43 PANTS, $1.25 UP; NEW SUITS, 5S.50 up; high-grade blue serge, $12. 156 So-State. So-State. Q3875 A NEW PLAYER PIANO. LESS THAN wholesale cost. 622 Judre bldr. m2l'6S DIAMOND RING, LADY'S TIFFANY, large: splendid stone about 2 karats; pledged recently for $275; must sell ticket at once. Address A-4, Tribune. r!68 WALL CASE, 6X9; GOOD AS NEW. 12 So. 1st West. rl046 CHEAP, SIDOOWAY COLLAPSIBLE babv buggy, in good condition. Phone Hyland 2P21-J. HSO E. 7th South. r?,208 7th East. Hyland fi6-J. LADY"S $ 4 0 S P RiN G COAT FOR $20. Landlady, 412 E. 2nd So. Hy. 751-R. i T32J95 FOR SALE-GOOD AS NEW BABY carriage, new English reversible style, finished in gray, with black folding top. Room 52, Semloh hotel, after 5:30 p. m. r32S5 DRESSERS, WASHSTANDS, BEDS complete, heaters; reasonable. No. 9 Phipps court. r32S2 RAZORS, SI-I EARS', CUTLERY SHARP ened. Utah Barbers' Supply, 126 W. 2nd South. r33l2 4920 SHARES CAPITAL ELECTRIC stock. Address Box 523, Helena, Montana. Mon-tana. r2623 RUGS' RESTORED LIKE NEW: SPOTS removed; aOc pkg. Applied at 2c per yard. Electric vacuum cleaners rented, SI. 25. Sell SI a wk. Strongest on market. Dods:e Bros., Constitution bldg. Was. 703x T3367 FIRST -CLASS GAS RANGE, CHEAP; also dining room table. 466 E. 2nd So. r:i3S2 BALED HAY. JOHN II. TOLMAN. Centervjlle, Utah. Phone 97-2. r3413 GRIFFIN CLEANS WALL PAPljR, CAL-cimines CAL-cimines like new. "If 1 streak or mar your paper, I repaper." Phone Hyland 3065-J. 1T66O UTAH PAPER CLEANING CO. BfIsT work. best prices. Hyland 254S. Was. 50. p19 IDEAL, PAP ER CLEANING. E X P E rienced men pays. Ask for Wesley. Was. 178$. rl65 TRIPP PAPER CLEANING, ROOMS, $1 and up. Wasatch 1339. 'rl271 jroyiNGSTOR AGE, ETC. WHY NOT LET dL'MBO, THE BIGGEST van in Salt Lake, move you this spring? Costs no more than a smaller van. We have all fcize auto trucks, from a Ford delivery car to the largest. We have none but careful and sober men. Give us a trial and be convinced. We cater to all kinds of city and country delivery. Will go as far north as Preston, Idaho; Sprlngville to the south. Kamas to the east, and Bingham, Tooele and Garfield to the west. Let me figure with you, from a suitcase up. Call Was. 1176, Had-ley's Had-ley's Transfer, 111 East 2nd South st. .- Llilll pert packing and shipping. Keyser Fireproof Storage Co. Phones Was 233 and 2S23. y2479 KIMBALL BROS. MOVING & STORAGE Co. Moving, packing, storage and shipping ship-ping at reduced rates. 73 South Main street. n2762 FIREPROOF S T O R A G E, MOVING. packing, shipping. Redman. Wasatch 555 and 556. al356 HAVE MITCHELL DO YOUR MOVING. packing and snipping; fireproof storage; large auto van.; long-distance moving. Wasatch 414. rl5S Moving Van call me; i will tell you what your moving will cost. I drive my own motor van. Motor moving or packing and shipping in v only business. L. C. Harris. 222 W. 6th So. Was. 7215. r!25S ! THE RElXvBLE REDMAN WAY j Wasatch bio AND 556. 160 Main street- ; el357 ; Furniture and Piano Moving ! McpHEE PIANO MOVING CO. STOR- age, packing and shipping. Household ; goods handled with care by experienced j men. Auto trucks, email and large, usr-d. Phone lor prices- We will tell you the cost before we move you. Office 47 So. I Main. V,i. l7r. hi 124 CIPODIST DR. ELIZABETH L. WISMER, GRAD- ua'e. 72ri ?ic.Iiit.yre bldu. 6i So. Main. Wa?au-h 2 klS"4 DR. F. VAN HOUTEX, D. C. O. ALL ailment? of t fer-t treated. 215 So. State. Was. 14 V r2r,59 INVERSIOD SHOP MODKLS BUILT AND PE7:F:CTE): m3',h.ine wr.rk; pc-ner.t re;-air:ng. sen, 61 o. Sr.'it1. o.')',i FURNITURE REPAIRING W. WILLIAMS & SON, 3 N STREET. V.'as. 2... Upholstering. rcpairint.. chairs recancd. oZiZ . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rroomin? Houses 65-POt )M HOUSEKEEPING APTS., c;.-aring ;3oo a mo. Will trade for farm. 40-room apt., clearing ?150; price $2500. Si-room roomln? house; S private baths; i clearing ?300 a mo. Price $;J-500. i 6 rooms; price $450. in rooms; A-l furniture; price ?600. Will make easy terms. I have many other bargains. A-l groccrv store at invoice; about SluuO. Mr. CARNEY. With Burt & Carlquist, 40 So. Main St. Was. 3.i0. r2$2 Miscellaneous STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE at Richfield; worth about ?M nt when bought before the late advances: good, clean stock. Basement full of cases Oi canned goods, etc.. that have advanced I 25 per cent to 50 per cent fiince purchased. Entire stoek at invoice piice and freight. Fixtures discounted- A good buy. Money talks. With or without business location, re ms ?5"; long lease. Books open to inspection. Address E-15. Tribune. rSmil 24-luK7MliOTEL, COMPLETELY FU I'll I'-ll ished and modern; no competition. At Salina. liOO population, thrifty and prosperous. pros-perous. $7500; 52"U0 cash, $K0u per annum. Addrcs. E-14, Tribuno. r305 50ix)OM h err EL. COM pletely fur- ni:hed, new and modern, Richfield. Has a large and high-class trade. Accounts Ac-counts open to inspection. S4'''.00; $ 1 3 .0"0 cash, K'70ii annually, at 7 per cent. Richfield Rich-field is growing. Good reasons for selling. sell-ing. Address E-17, Tribune. rSPfifl FOR SALE SOME ELEGANT BaK-gaine BaK-gaine in moving picture and vaudeville theaters. Want party, some capital, good theatrical proposition in city. Can use first-class cabaret sinsei"?- Bert Christy. SU1 Boyd Park bldg. Phone Was. Iu67. m2:.s7 DEEP CREEK BOOMING. IF INTERESTED IN DEEP CREEK, get - free maps and p'ats; all valuable information regarding district absolutely free, by dropping card to Ralph E. Phillips, Phil-lips, 521 Mclntyre bldg.. Salt Lake City. 1-2430 GOOD LOCATION FOR AUTOMOBILE mechanic with capital. Was. 264$. ! rl236 1 PARTNER PREFERRED, BUT WILL sell a beautiful candy and catering business. busi-ness. Address A-9. Tribune. r227 RESTAURANT FOR SALE. 124 WEST South Temple. rl5S5 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, FEED store, hay, grain and mill stuff, feed barn, in good location; terms. Address D-16, Tribune. r254l FOR SALE SMALL GROCERY STORE in country; little capital required; a goud opportunity for one wishing a small, paying pay-ing business. . Address D-14, Tribune. r2540 WELL ESTABLISHED CANDY BUSI-ness BUSI-ness for sale; complete equipment; extensively ex-tensively advertised. For particulars call at Bankers' Trust company. r3209 CIGAR, FRUIT AND CANDY STORE for sale. Living rooms in connection. Rent, $20. Will sell for $175. Inquire T?ln (Iraiiflf. avp v3?ri WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER small, welt-located, modern hotel. Ad- ' dress E-30, Tribune r3390 BOARDING HOlfSE FOR SALE cheap; company gives security; within one hour's run from city. Inquire E. A. Smythe, 51 West 2nd South. r3379 monkyto loan LOTS OF MONEY, WITH NO AD-vance AD-vance of rates, no delays and privilege to repay in partial payments at any time, stopping interest. A home concern that loans its .own money, makes interest payable pay-able at nome and cancels Its loans the day paid. City or farm loans. THE HOME INVESTMENT & SAVINGS SAV-INGS CO., Glen Miller. President; George Sutherland, Vice President; K. D, Hardy, Cashier. 6 West First South St. rUfil WILL, LOAN AT 7 PER CENT ON Improved Im-proved city property. No commission. C. G. Douglas. 30S Kearns bldg. rl35 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS:: L1B-eral L1B-eral options. Miller & Viele, 803 Kearns bids, ; all MORTGAGE LOANS WITHOUT DELAY. Frilsch. ;01-202 Feit bldg. C1S23 PLENTY OF MONEY AT LOWEST rates. A Richter Co., 73 Main street. Phone Was. 641. g2735 FOR REAL ESTATE LOANS SEE TIIT-tle TIIT-tle Brothers company. 161 Main St. gs:u LIBERAL LOANS ON WATCHES. Diamonds, Dia-monds, jewelry; S10 for 3nc; $2.r. for 75c Larger loans proportionately lrss. Confidential. Confi-dential. Provident Loan society. 205 Kearns bldg. e2 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED without delayor publicity. D. D. Drake, 303 Scott hldg. f32fi4 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names; cheap rates, easv payments: confidential. Andrews An-drews & Co.. room 339 Atlas bldg. el2')0 SXLARY LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR pel-sons permanently employed business busi-ness confidential. 401 Walker Bank Bldg. oI7S BEST WORK AT LOWEST PRICES. Wall paper cleaning, painting, paper hanging, kalsomining. Was. 469 .-J. w401 PAINTING. PA PER HANGING AND kahiominlng; estimates given. Whs. 5341 -J. 629 E. 2nd So. 03221 PAINTING. TINTING, KALSO.MINING, at reasonable rates. Call Hancock, Hancock apts., Was. 1S50-R. o3Sf PAPER CLEANING. PAPER HANGING and kalsomining: prices reasonable. Was. 42oti. Work guaranteed. Tr157 FIRST-CLASS PAPER HANGING AND paper cleaning done. Ask lor sample book. Hyland C25S-W. r32:'4 DRW. N. GRIFFITH, BLOOD POISON. skin troubles and private diseases. 1T.:H4 Main street. 2jll STATE MEDICAL CO.. SPECIALISTS blood, skin and chronic discuses. If ou need a doctor, set the best. 234 Main si. 1-331') EVERYTHING IN THE l-'L'R AND taxidermist line; remodeling, repairing and cleaning; a complete stock of manufactured manu-factured furs: 24 years In Salt Lake City; buhest prices paid for raw furs. I;. Stenzcl Fur Co.. 315 South Main el. kOl'3 IIattresses remodeled- M.vi'.TRhS.SES MADE FROM OLD MAT-treas'-s or rags. 426 6th East. Hy. 2H0. c SI FURRIERS GENEVA C. HICKS CO. FIR GA R-ments R-ments ina. repaired, cleaned and sold. CS So. f.'h KM. CHIROPRACTIC PARLORS .1. 1 1. P.E.m-ON. DOCTOR OF ClIiKO-practi ClIiKO-practi , Z'i E-j.-d park bldg. Waa'cn yl rJ2 L. 1-2. FARNSWC.-irrH. 516 FELT BUi. Plione Wns, i2.'i") RTJGO:JANDR ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC; BY Expert; Ex-pert; high-gr.ide. hai.d work. 1XS South State. M'as. 2103. rill 4 FOR SALE Jtjnovdj 2P5X32"i FT. TRACKAGE. PUR. BY 3 streets, far $:',i"i,0ini. Eonse for any number num-ber of years and will repurchase any time upon lit years' notice. As security tor l-a.-e and repurchase, will pive one-half of a.mount in gilt-edge securities, to be hfdd hy purchaser. Was. 2213. r245 BV OWN Ell NEW (TTtOOM lU'NGA-Inw. lU'NGA-Inw. up to d.xte and stri. tly rrOiiern, Including In-cluding furnaue ; :a i -:o lot. parage and chh-kc-n coop "I'.f1.". Cr'stal ave. Highland Park. Hy. 27i5-i. rl29 IN ORDER TO E Im-'ImTt a QUfcK sale. I ha"o decided tu cll my 5-room modern brick house for J.'H'. 5500 les tlian actual cost. 1 must S'MI. and will accept any reasonable o;"i-r. Splendid home for railroad man Address R-16, 6-ROOM MOl'KRN UK1CK EU NO A LOW. southeast. A real bargain. Easy terms. Hy. 737-R. r2253 K-ROOM MOD. Ill )M E, ON PAYED strevt. tine lawn, inut trees, imp. ad in. Large garage: near school. Too large for piesent o--ncr. Will t1! on ea-y terms. Call 1352 So. 11th East, or CO Exchange Ex-change I-'iace-. r720 nOOM ERA ME HOUS E A!, SO ON E of 4 rooms; S 7 T 0 each. Terms. rhnr. Hy. 3S!1-M. r703 Tribune. f26T HP: RE IS AN EAST SIDE BARGAIN. Corner lot, S rovi.s facing south. 6 rods facing east, on 7tli East ana 4th South streets. Finest location In city tor apartment apart-ment site. Must sell at once. Will take 56000 If 'sold quick. Address Owner, box 50, American Fork, Utah. r743 WE SELL REAL EST AT E. THAT'S ell. Tuitlo Brothers Co., 161 Main st. MUST $2600 BE COST SOLD $4200 5 -room modern, wit h reception hall. Near 10th East and 9th So. Fireplace, fine bath room, first-class electric fixtures, fix-tures, stairway to attic, , which is all floored; cement basement, lnrtre lot. nnlv four blocks to new h!gh school ; 3 blocks to Liberty park. All improvement taxes paid. $2600 and no more. If there ever was a bargain this is one. A SHTON-JENKINS CO. 47 Main'st. Was. 67 72. J r3304 MODERN BRICK. 33TII EAST. ONE-fourth ONE-fourth less than cost. H v. 2NS4-W. ' r:l3i9 For Sale Farm Lands BEAUTIFUL 15-ACRE FRUIT FARM, 11 miles southeast of city. No. 14 Ava-lon Ava-lon apt. rU ATTENTION! it you want to buy, sell or exchange real estate, give Bruneau & Hill a trial. Oiving satisfaction is their plan of action. Was. 2S0O. o3S6'J : A GOOD FARM AND STOCK RANCH of !00 acres; 200 acres under cultivation in alfalfa and grain; tlOo acres grazing land; pood water right; fences, buildings and improvements, agricultural implements, imple-ments, etc.; title perfect; a!su a very fine house and lot ; pasture, etc. ; si ma ted in center of Sanpete county; easy terms. For further particulars, apply to owner, Jacob Johnson, 301 Kearns building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 3 2 2 0 Homesteads THOSE WHO DESIRE TO TAKE advantage of the gene-roug offer mad by the United States government, govern-ment, viz., securing a 320-ACKE NON-RESIDENT HOMESTEAD in Sail Juan county, Utah, can obtain the services of the SAN JUAN LAND. CATTLE & DEVELOPMENT CO. for the small sum of $1000.00 and the crops as per its contract. The company will do the work, under the supervision of the entryman. They will summer-fallow forty acres each alternate year. In the fall Tu" the UUb year they will plant the EIGHTY ACRES, ns required by law, and give the entryman TWO-THIRDS uf the crop the following harvest. Terni6 of contract payable as follows: $50.00 AT ONCE when you list your name with us; $200. 0u when you have examined ex-amined the land and made your tiling at the U. S. Land Office in Salt Lake City; 150. 0U when we have cleared and plowed the first forty acres as require .1 by law; $1.S0.00 the following March 1st and then S 150.00 each year for t hree consecutive years. As per conti act and agreement, when all installments are paid, the ontry-man ontry-man will receive TWO-THIRDS of the crop raised on the EIGHTY ACRES1. Tho entryman for his portion of the crop should realize from ?Su0 00 to $1200.00. To those who will pay tho sflooO.OU cash down, or give, short-lime notes which the bank will accept, wo will agree to fence the EIGHTY ACRES under cultivation. culti-vation. SAN JUAN LAND, CATTLE & DEVELOPMENT DEVEL-OPMENT COMPANY, E. T. WOOLLEY. Tree, 222 Continental Rank Hldg.. Salt Laks City. Utaji. o35 4 Real Estate for Sale or Trade 2 ACRES, SOUTHEAST, 5-ROOM brick, cellar, barn, 30 bearing fruit trees, small fruit, good water right. Make offer. 4-room frame in city, $1000. Inquire In-quire 233 D. F. Walker blder. o?491 HOUSTON R Ea"l EST A T E 1NV. CO. 1 ,.o y f f I . i o In 1C W v )n n A place. tifiHi 5-RM. MODERN HOL'S K, OEM EN ' 1" basement. 324 Quince st. Small cash payment, vacant lots or acreage. Was. 76M. rzy$ WILL TEA DE M Y FINE H OM E O F G-room. modern cxcei t furnace. wPh parage, barn and 1 ijhx 1 S5 feet cf giound, at l n 72 W. 4'h So., for farm or ranh property. Address E-25, Tribune. r32S For Eent Farms and Acreage FOR REN T 10 ACHES G R O U N D 1 N citv limits, Salt Lalie, suitable for truck gardening. Address F. A. Lindlof, 318 E. 14th St., Kant Oakland, C'a, r24M Real Estate, to Exchange WILL T R A D E MO D E R N 6 -E O O . I house lor vacant lota or farm land Phono Hy. 7C4. fl'i.; TYI EWR EJtS RENT A TYFEUR1TER (ALL MAKES, blind writers 1 mo. 3 mo. 4 mo. and Olivers HJ) 54.50 $5.00 Anv Make Late Mod!. .S2 ST. 00 $s.60 B I - Y A T Y PEW RI T E R LIKE REN T . REBUILT, 5.00 down and J5.00 per month. Shipped on a pproval. WHOLESALE WHOLE-SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Vi South Main, Salt Lake City. Utah. Phone Was. 27tU. rlr,7 ALL MAKES RKN'I ElTY7jER MONTH up; rent applied on r'tircbase. Remington Reming-ton Typewi iter Co., 5tf E. 1st South. xl9"l NEW TYPEWR1TP;KS, C OR ON A A N D Royal; til other makes rebuilt, for sale or rent. Utah Typewriter Exchange Co., War w h 4f:0. 2C . 2nd South. r250 JiEM - THREAD FURNISHED FREE; ACCOR-d ACCOR-d ion pler-i i ing, iuni;i!j : irail orders so-ticitft'L so-ticitft'L Kid-F!tTing Tnilored Corset parlor. par-lor. 40 E. 3rd Sou Hi. Was. 2?4 r2H2 SPAJVILE: FOR LESS )NS IN SPANISH OR WORK of translating, see Mrs. . B. Foley, 529 Atlas block- ol915 t I |