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Show MUCH INTEREST IN LITTLE ZION TOUR P. J. Puroell Finds Many Anxious to Make Trip With Salt Lake Botarlans. P. ,7. Purcell, manager of the Continental Con-tinental Casualty company of Salt Lake, who has .iust returned from a trip to Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, reports that great interest is taken by the insurance men and others in the trip which the Salt Lake Rotary club will make to Little Zion canyon some time this summer. A number are anxious anx-ious to make the trip with the Salt Lakers. " E. H. Bchrens, general agent of the Continental Casualty company at r . i I U;mJn)P trt IjOS Angeles, uas iiutit-oicu lumstu w the extent of promoting a party from Los Angeles for the Little Zion trip," said Mr. Purcell. "Ho intends to go before the chamber of commerce of Los Angeles, if the Eotarians of Salt Lake will sanction the move, and propose a partv of auto tourists from California to meet the Utah party and proceed with them to the canyon. The Califor-nians Califor-nians would start from Los Angeles and join the Salt Lakers at the canyon. 'Howard Hayes, head of the Chicago Chi-cago Union Pacific-Northwestern tourist tour-ist bureau, is petting out a new folder which will contain many views of Little Lit-tle Zion. He has persuaded the head of the Northwestern railway's advertising advertis-ing department to take the trip and this gentleman is anxious to visit the canvon with the fiotariaug. "'It is possible to make a big thing out of the trip. It might be expanded into a kind of formal opening of Little Lit-tle Zion canvon to tourist travel. At all events, Little Ziou is booming and is bound to become a center of tourist travel in the next few years." |