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Show () f THE REAL SOLUTION OF TOUR FOOT TROUBLE "N () (g) The "TRUFIT" jg 2 Adjustable ArcSi Lift -r-i For Tired, Weak or Flat Feet r The arch of the foot may be raised gradually mJ A. Y I by the wearer, with comfort at all tlmes pT-, f .i fT7 . I can be raised or lowered at will, merely by a ' "J I Y 2k turn of the adjusting screws. key.. T ) Adjusted by the wearer. The simplest, most U ) gN positive and accurate adjustment possible. . ( SS f.sl s v H .'2' 4 wJ 1ST No bending, no hammering, no jHY'" N (S) guessing. Comfort, fit and dura- j&kr gf .KX (S) Y bUity guaranteed. V' " ! rX-, Sold Only at - jfCtfi - ? bU gOur No. 6 Store. f' . gMjA g r BEST HEAVY SILK g . () Seamless Elastic Hosiery d FOR EVFIRY CONDITION REQUIRING SUPPORT OR COMPRESSION. () . 7-Jf Made seamless, there are no seams to Irritate 'CI' rJ -j l'J 4. the skin or tendons of the limb. Correct fit- r-1 . J jfiiivUv! tinS of soft strong, pliable fabric, light weight, I r54!. f-'-'l 'i ventilating, durable, superior in shape as com- j I TV x f;rw'.'' 3 fortable as an ordinary hose, yet gives necessary I I "I p ' ::';J compression. Swollen, enlarged, weak, bruised I Y' 1 z V ') s all! ulcerated limbs are always benefited and fT7 I lj Wsi j ' in many instances entirely cured by the firm and T JL 3 pTj 2 even compression. "XT (Ej F.'-V-'1 0 Complete assortments of Silk Elastic Knee Caps, ( Anklets, Leggings and Stockings at Our No. 6 v?' (Tl y fcjLi Store Hotel Kenyon Corner. See Our Expert. $ V!rV t Consultation Free. i - (S) I . I For Your Health's Sake, WEAR THE WONDER A 4 Health Belt &0O (1 B 1 STYLES FOE. MEN, WOMEN irngmnmi i t Y AND CHILDREN. T A. y Retains health, comfort and style. Prevents sagging fc-f. at the waist line. Raises the body upward and back- fry (-;) ward, adds grace and symmetry, and improves the gen- V1J-S-J (p fv- eral physical appearance, keeping the body normal in I size, as well as wondorfuily improving the general VftJ health. On sale at our No. 6 Store. Kii3 ; n2' r this regular I Hard Rubber pL j?J $3.50 Leather-Covered I ' STEEL TRUSS J 1 ot-ptpt t-pttcc Is self -fitting. Conforms rr- , j bTiiiL lKUisij j,J t0 tlle body perfectly. A Jf- One sale at our No. 6 f jltWA the merits of this splendid Store, Main Street, Hotel UVdvPI truss at our No. 6 Store, (i) Kenyon Comer. Expert jjj!J' Main Street, Hotel Ken- vp' fitter in attendance. yon Corner. -L mMMiimwMlmi k rdv'.-''v'.v,.Vi'''?--' ""'4'WV- tr lave You Backache, Gout, Rheumatism? (By M. C. Lucas, M. D.) American men and women should guard constantly against kidney trouble, because w'e eat too miK'h and all oiir food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid, which the kidneys strive to filter out, they wea ken from overwork, over-work, become slugs-fish ; the eliminstive tissues clog and 'trip result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and often the poison reaches the tissues, causing rheumatism and gout. "When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead, when vour back hurts or the urine is cloudv, full of sediment, or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night, when you suffer with sick headache, or dizzv, nervous spells, acid stomach, or' you 'have rheumatism when tbe weather is bad, ask your druggist drug-gist for Anuric (double strength). I have found in practice that .Anuric is more potent than lithia and in moat case? it will dissolve the uric acid as hot water does sugar. Most people do neglect themselves. Their tongue has a dark brown color, skin sallow, breath bad. yet they fail to see that their machinery needs attention. at-tention. Everybody should take a mild laxative at least once a week. A pleas- , ant way to clear the tongue and the i highly colored water noticed in the i morning is to take a laxative which will cure the inactive liver and bilious-i bilious-i ness. ! A plensrmt vegetable pill is made up : of May-anple, leaves of aloe, and jalap, ! made inrn a tiny pellet and coated wi;h ugar. First put up by Dr. Pierce near-lv near-lv ."SO years mo. Prucgistg sell these vegetable pellets in vials, simply ask for Dr. Pierce's Tleasant Peiictj," iAdvertjsemwitO Furniture FEATURE Sd STORAGE ) Induced aLtes "When selecting a storage company, com-pany, be sure that the warehouse ware-house is. properly constructed and that the business is properly prop-erly conducted. Let us show you a Keyser Fireproof Private Pri-vate Room, the safest, cleanest and most sanitary storage in Utah. M. A. Keyser Fireproof Storage Co. S2S West Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, i Phones Was. 2398 and 2R23. Best Medicine for Constipation. Mrs. Charles Crim, Charleston. III., states that Chamberlain 's Tablets p. re the best medicine for constipation that siie has ever used. There are hundred f of others who arc of the same opinion. These tablets are easy to take and most acrceable in effect. For sale by all , dealer T. , - - . (Advertisement) S (First of All Reliability) The Pre-eminence ..'.. 'J - t :s s i i i . t v 't I of the I- ' ' j j STEINWAY V , ! I Is Unique " A:' - : ! i Probably no other line of endeavor in the -t - . ' ' - : ' world, musical or otherwise, offers such , - ; lj a striking example of universally con- . ; ; N ceded leadership as - , '$ I. f -.. i THE STEINWAY .lV ' ' ' J i I I f A list of the indorsers of the Steinway would be the list of the f world's greatest musicians from Liszt, Wagner, Rubinstein to g Paderewski and all the musically great of today. i I f - i l FRITZ KREISLER, world-famed violinist, who appears at the jj i tabernacle in concert next Friday night, uses exclusively the ' STEINWAY PIANO. " j l Hear all the Kreisier records on the Victrola at this store. lj j' jd's This famous violinist makes records exclusively for the "Victor j KVfi$ ' Co. and in our stock you will find all his selections. Start a j s$fMffi-fs charge account with us and learn what we mean by Consoli- r'ili-nnem dated Service. i rBlff &bmcMaM jmmc'&a i , "Our Fifty-Fifth Year." ' . j I House of Steinway Victrolas and Victor Records. I I I i. mum mm. i is made in a clean and sanitary cream-cry cream-cry in a clean and I sanitary way that"s one reason i'.'hy it is the reigning fa- ! vorite. I Your grocer has ' it fresh today i I Made fresh dally at ! Nelson. j i Ricks Creamery, Salt Ls!:c. j housethajiks toour , pa R Lectrik. '8 "Why don't you follow the E. Lectriks' example and put an Electric Washing J J Machine I a in your honie1; An electric washer will do a whole a I week's wash in less time than it takes to rub out a Q dozen pieees on the old-fashioned washboard. Dainty S I linens or lacos as well as heavy flat pieces are washed a j with equal safety and perfection. S I Prices $50.00 and Up 1 j Electric washers are easy to operate a ' will give years and years of service ylL, , f, can be run at a very low cost. A small I'lSj'J'Xs S I cash payment puts one in your home. Lli ' IPay the balance with your monthly a light bills. J Utah ffSFSMl Power & jgf0 Light Co. M-ajlJ ' ' Efficient Public jL'jjilMJpj I Ground Floor & 1 I Kearns Bldg. M&& Sy I R Telephone lain LasajgBsjJy fr i 50- f IIIZSL-, ISRIBUKE WANI ADS PUil t |