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Show AGENCY Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. j Rudolph Konold, Collecting Agent, i 712 Kearns Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT STATE-MENT - For the year ending December 31, 1416, of the condition of the Phosnix Mutual Life Insurance Company. The name and location of the company Is Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance company, com-pany, 49 Pearl street; Hartford, Conn. Name of president. John M. Holeombe. Name of secretary. Silas H. Corn well. The amount of its capital stock paid up, mutual. The amount of its assets...? 42,393.349.87 The amount of its liabilities 42,393,349. &7 The amount of its income during the precedine calendar cal-endar year S, 802, 143. 57 The amount of its disbursements disburse-ments during the preceding preced-ing calendar year 6,623, 649. S3 The amount of losses and endowments paid during the preceding calendar year (included in foregoing item) 2,721.360.61 The amount of risks written during the year 25,437,660.00 The amount of risks in force at the end of the year... 179,815,823.00 j State of Utah, Office of the Commissioner of Insurance. ss. I, John James, commissioner of insurance insur-ance of the state of Utah, do hereby certify cer-tify that the above named insurance company has filed in my office a detailed statement of its condition, from which the foregoing statement has been prepared, and that the said company has in all other respects complied with the laws of the state relating io insurance. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the insurance department this 1 0th day of March, A. D. 1917. (Seal) JOHN JAMEP, ' Commissioner. |