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Show WEATHER DATA A f Comparative weather data at Salt Lake Citv, March 21, 1917: Highest temperature today was 7 de- grees; highest in this month since 1874 was 77 degrees; lowest last night was 26 degrees; lowest this month since 1S74 was zero; mean temperature for today was 26 degrees; normal was 43 degrees; accumulated accu-mulated deficiency since the firet of the month is 201 degrees; accumulated deficiency defi-ciency since January 1 is bb4 degrees. Relative humidity at 6 a. m. today, was 49 per cent; relative humidity at 6 p. m. today was 06 per cent. Total precipitation for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 p. m. was .16 of an inch; total for this month to date Is 2.26 inches; accumulated excess for the month to date is .96 of an inch; total precipitation sine January 1 to date is 4.3E inches : accumulated excess since j January 1 is .36 of an inch. ; Sun rises at 6:28 and sets at 6:42, March 22. 1917. WEATHER OBSERVATIONS TAKEN AT 6 P. M.. MOUNTAIN TIME. -3 X C -0 cc -f i gl U H 5- Stations. : 3 n , 2 ? : S " : S -o ; : : : 3 : : ' : e j 3 s' : Boise . ...I 38! 40INWI....I .HiOoudy Chicago . . 54 6$!NW .OO'Clear Denver . . r SOi XEI I .OiVClear Gr. .lunc. . 51 SSI SV 161 .00:Pt cldy Helena . . 32! 36! SV 2(1, .02!Cloudy L. Anseles I Ml fSi SWi 1 .00'Clear New York . .IS! 4 ."E! 141 ,12:Rain Omaha . . ."SI Ml S! I .00'Clenr Pooatello .. 2S! 341 SYVI 24! ,20:Cloudy Portland .. 42! 461 W 161 .34IRaln S. LAKE . 261 4R NW'I S .ISlSnow San Fran. . 54! 68 NW1 Hi .OOlClear Spoknne . . 3S! 42 W IS .0S:Clourfy Tonopah . . 36! 46 NW 221 .OO'Clmidy Wlnn'ca . . 34! 421 X! 10! .02:Cloudy |