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Show Coffee Futures. NEW YORK, March 21. The market for coffee futures recovered most of yesterday's yes-terday's losses during today's trading, with July contracts selling up to 8.03c, or 18 points above last night's close and 63 points above the low level of the month. Houses with Wall street connections were the best buyers, probably on a more optimistic v'ew of peace prospects or the political situation, while there was some southern selling in tlie late trading. The market opened at an advance of S to 16 points, with active months selling 13 to 18 points net higher during the middle ot the day. closing prices were a few points off from the beBl under realizing and there may have been some trade selling on the earlv advance, as there were reports re-ports of a little business In the cost and freight market. The final tone was steadv at a net advance of 9 to 12 points. Sales, 76,000 bags. March, 7.72c; April, 7.77c: May, 7. Sic; June, 7.SSc; July 7.96c: August, S.03; Scp--pmber, S.llc; October. 8.16c; November, 4Jc; December, 8.26c; January, 8.32c; February. 8.33c. Spot Dull. Rio 7s, $c; Santos 4s, 10c. The cost and freight market was reported unchanged to a shade lower. Sales of Santos 4s were reported at 94 o, American Ameri-can credits, with well described 4s offered at 9c to 9ic. Ijondon credits. The official cables showed an advance of SO reis at Rio. Santos spots were unchanged un-changed and futures unchanged to 25 reis lower. Santos cleared 36,000 bags for New York. |