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Show TEXTB0QKREA01G Work Is Preliminary to Selections Se-lections for Use in the City Schools. The committee recently appointed by Superintendent Ernest A. Smith of the, city schools to read various text hooks submitted hy publishing companies preparatory pre-paratory to selection of the school hooks of the city schools for the coming five years has organized and is at work at the specified peiusinR. For expediency the committee has been divided into twenty-three sub-committees, eleven having the work of selection of hlKh school texts" and twelve of those of the elementary and iunior high schools. Regular Regu-lar meetings of the sub-committees have begun for discussion of the merits and demerits of the various texts read. Following are the members of the committees: com-mittees: Vlllgh school suhiects: ' Knslish Ella M. indies. Frances Qual- Matbnatios U M- Gillilan, Ruth c-Jj Virginia Peterson. 7istorv Pr. Ira P. Travis, Frances '" Thome. KHzabelh Jlessmore. French and Spanish -Mathilde Domcnge, F.milv C. Curtiss. German Caroline S. raine, Meta Boett-cher. Boett-cher. Louise Bcnz. Latin Alice Rowe, Florence Jennings, Minnie Cunningham. si i I p n c f " Bioloav-A. O. Garrett. G. W. Bailey. Phvsics H. C. Boltz, F. P. Jones. Chemistry-R. C. Follo.-k. R Learned Commercial Margaret Ma" Ichie. L. M. Gillilan. Elizabeth Kitz Gerald. Susie fv. "Wilton, William A. McKay. Elementary subjects: Reading Lizheth M. Qualtrough, Mary Dvsart J Fred Anderson, .1. T. W'orlton, Orare 'stanchfield. Rubetta Moorhead, Jane Callahan. Jeanette Mitchell. Rite J. Woodcock. lKuothy Bowman, Mame Abbot' Ab-bot' Jane' Cutler, Martha Alexander. lo-let lo-let Guthrie, Maude Morgan, Vlo Sorenson, Emma Mitchell. Mrs. Susanna Hawes, Mrs Matilda Bliss. ' Geoiraprv Oscar Van Cott. D. W. Par-ratt Par-ratt P. R. Coombs. A. B. Kesler Zeta Morris." Elizabeth Stocking, Katherlne DASrit'hmettc-F. D. Keeler, Mrs. Martha Mandell. V. S. Rawlings. J. Challen Smith. Ella Crowder. Margaret Morgan language and composition Mrs. i,. v. Fritz "Elizabeth Bond, E. V. Fraser. Lillian Lil-lian Whelan. Maud Chugg. Jennie Crabbe. Grammar Gertrude Arbuckle. Charlotte Rurch. W. J. McCoy, W. D. Prosser, Nelle Kosser, Lvdia Smilhen. Historv William Bradford. Delia Pen dleton, II. J. Stearns, Ruth palmer, Clara Kpenins F. N. Poulson, Evelyn Reilly, H B Folsom. Ida Sconherg. Esther Hart, Violet Whitworth. Fannie Buckbee. Hygiene E. S. Hallock. George Snow Gibbs Dr. T B. Beatty, Miss Ellen Lees, Mima B. Kendall. D. G. Spencer. Penmanship Etta Powers. Charles H. Keele, Mary B. Sayles, Rachel Edwards, Marv Riches.. rt J Leo Fairbanks, Mrs. Sara E. Karrick J T Harwood, Mrs. Emma F. Daft. Caroline Harrison, Bessie Bancroft, Elinor Ra"he. , . MiJ-Hugh W. Dougall. Lyle Brad-frair Brad-frair Mildred Jones, Leola S-chrack, , --i'vTingeline Thomas. fr Junior high school G. N. Child. M. C. i Brown, Mrs. Retta Casady, Ella M. ukes, Caroline Paine, A. O. Garrett. |