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Show FLOTATION ENGINEER BUCK FROM ALASKA H. J. Stander Says Mining and Smelting Concerns Are Prosperous. TT. J. Stander, flotation engineer for the Yaryan Resin and Turpentine company of Brunswick, Ga., and Gulfport. Miss., is at the Hotel Utah, having just returned from AJaska and British Columbia, coming directly here from Butte, Mont., which he visited on the way back. He is being shown about the city by Charles Tyng, local representative of the company. Mr. .Slander is a Harvard university man and for three years was head metallurgist of the Arizona bureau of mines at Tucson. Tuc-son. While In that position he took out patents on flotation oil mixtures which are now owned by the company with which he is connected. From here Mr. Stander will go to Denver and thence to Arizona, later returning to Ontario. Can., where he will again confer with officials and experts of the Mond Nickel company. During his present trip Mr. Slander has visited the Kennicott Copper company in Alaska, the Canadian Copper company, the Granby Mining and Smelting company and the British Columbia Copper company in Canada, and the Butte and Superior and Anaconda compantes at Butte, Mont. He says all these concerns are in a highly prosperous condition. Mr. Stander will be here for two or three days promoting the interests of his company. |