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Show TO ISSUE FOLDER FOR ALL TOURISTS City Passenger Association Desires to Make Salt Lake a Long Stop. Preliminary plans for issuing a 10 M folder and map of Salt Lake City for the purposo of advertising tho city and tho various side trips of interest to tourists wore mado at a meeting of the Salt Lake Oitj' Passenger association hold last uight"at the Commercial club. The i'ollowiug were appointed memberss of a committee to work on the proposed folder: A. V. Peterson, W. M. Iluns-beigcr, Iluns-beigcr, .J. K, Williams and II. B. Gray. If it is found feasible to ot out such a folder tho association intends to make tt strong effort to have this city made a stopping point of at, least two days' time on all the various excursions. "It was said nt the meeting last night that at presont most of the fours list only a visit to Saltuir and the .Mormon tabernacle taber-nacle as the Salt Lake portion of itineraries', and the association, b- judicious ju-dicious advertising and a campaign through eastern representatives of tho railroads, intend to have the Bingham. Emigration canyon, Ogdon canyon and other trips mado features to attract every tourist passing through. |