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Show EIEABOUTS I. FRENCH NKN0I Is Sent to Phoenix, a, by County At-?, At-?, Asking Arrest ' "Promoter." Kg PRIVATE CAR, S'OPS FROM VIEW )s Angeles Immedi-er Immedi-er Governor John-ants John-ants Requisition leturn to Utah, fter ho had dopaxtod from in his private car "Con-bly "Con-bly for Preston, Axiz., 0. anted in "Utah to answer if obtaining money under es, and styling himsoLf Iho board of directors of ieel company, was named eonfc to the chiof of po-nii po-nii and his arrest ro-County ro-County Attomoy I. E. Bi Salt Lake and by the county Bf cf Los Angeles county, Cal. Hgateaient was mado in Sacra-H'j&oiday Sacra-H'j&oiday by attorneys for KtIio have been making a fight Joveroor Johnson to prevent tbo Befarn to Utah, that thoy -would Hb the California supreme court jfte decision of the governor. The Rl.uy that the will at once flic Bf habeas corpus to roviow Gov-jBoboKa's Gov-jBoboKa's decision in order to Htjiighest tribunal in California Bjii the sufficiency of the Utah Hi; Awaiting Advices. Morgan, assistant count' at-Htfin at-Htfin Los Angeles, where he is Bjsdvico as to French Js location. Bta is caught iu Arizona ho will HpMat onco and given his choice Kdiitely returning to Californisi rw a light for extradition to Hi fugitive from justice County Hf Willey said yestcrdaj' that jBVoald probably be kept in Los that the fight might bo car- Rvlnddcnt with tlic decision of JMhraU governor French left Call-JBb Call-JBb hit private car, telling his lBJlt he was going to Phoenix M return In a few days. Ho Is jjWW'M bond and no effort has B la California, to hold his jBIor tho man's return. sjB" received Inst night from JK!t W the effect that French HV there- that ho expected to bo Bjh: for at least two weeks. The JWlyin Grand Canyon. fB?" than a week French and his lff Private Eecrotary remained jjKk private car, which had been on the Santa Fo, 200 feet Mdl' depot in Phoenix. From ijK company It was ascertained jWtbat the car Iirs been routed gVt on Saturday and that after D afternoon and a night in that j2tn Se"t on to Ash Fork with (M Uiat it be carried to Flag-iKi"1. Flag-iKi"1. Grand Canyon. The belief ocla,s ln Phoenix Is that K " " time at the canyon. rS H5ro Frnch visited Phoo-i-5rV'.ate car and gave out i L which he Intimated that he JEut concerned in tho dcvolop-Mineral dcvolop-Mineral resources in somo fat state. He said at that K" would not bo long before iJBotool company would be tak-'Kj tak-'Kj In Arizona in quantities iTrrre. tho section second to Kw 5? Slates as an Iron pro-'Be pro-'Be mi110 dccned to definitely JBTtriT f" 0r mineral lands in concerned. ,i(V.ith,Rt hB naB ljen car-:HWonnii.. car-:HWonnii.. inlnoua correspondence Sj., he has absolutely re-B'hu re-B'hu in nF any Particular rea-SK'iUl rea-SK'iUl ,K V Phocnlr. lie did, SF at i.ftlV8, he erected to be T weeks. He was iSsT ? 18ltatIon with a Phoo-kWn Phoo-kWn ,nLupon what subjects dPt fa,',,! i" atlorney is a mem- us rr tho Grand canyon. ML,68 state-sBheS?bvdto,,artur state-sBheS?bvdto,,artur wus r- fBL.r Police iV1?"1 Wiley ivom Tftn? v1,8 A"Bo!cs, Just iBfity fi,,nel, N- Morgan, aa-'UVt aa-'UVt thy Md wired 'from tSt the rBU,0,n hnd bcon a rBn,iiH Mforn,a Bovernor jiBi ft rendition warrant for Kr under J ,t?2n)P Utah- Ho yRKn h$ '00) bond, pend- !HEV? as 8onny a"o"iy that he P hSriaH became t-on-JK. neHrintf would go agalnat Karntei000n f0'' cashing two JBiXts chnV- "1 ' hl'-h proved OFFICERS HI fob c m. rl (Continued from Pago QiMi? bllng the county attorney In thej.1 Lion of requisition papers on nor of Arizona. One of the prow: the extradition law Is the fnctM, requisition papers must state tfHJ mer requisition In the case haaW, made. In view of the fact tha" mcr requisition was honored, 7 It Is believed by the county attoB. this trouble can be overcome. 3&i spent the morning In going oveK In tho matter. |