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Show RUBE WADDELL IS IN SERIOUS STATE PAN ANTONIO. Tes.. Fb.. lfi.-Rubo Waddrll. tho former hlg leaguo pitcher. ho la xufferlnr from bronchial affection. It lu a mi Ions condition and may not recover, according to a htatument br hie mother hem tonight. V.'addoll. who l at a local Mnltarium, la very weak and unahlp to want, Th notvl twlrjer camo here jeveral months ago In an effort to rrKnln his hp.ilib Thero I a po.slbllltr of hit ircoverlng. but .ho clianccn are agalnal him. tho doctor told ine," sild hU mother tonight. "Rub U much weaker tban when ho firal camo hcio anil ho li unable to walk now." Denplto hla condition. Rubo lemelna optlmlslle |