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Show WHEAT PIES FIRM Bull Speculators Point to the Comparative Srnallness of World Shipments. CHICAGO, Feb. 16. TVheat prices today to-day showed unvarying firmness, the re-stit re-stit chiefly of European markets gradually gradu-ally working higher. Closing quotations here wero steady at ic to ic net advance. ad-vance. Corn finished unchanged to l-l3c up, and oats with a gain of a shade, but provisions off 2a5c to 7Jc. Bull b-pcculators In wheat pointed to the comparative srnallness of world shipments, ship-ments, and called attention to the untimely un-timely rains throughout Important harvest har-vest sections of India. There wero reports, re-ports, too, .that Argentine was buying Australian wheat, but the Chicago trade vvas not disposed to put much faith in iiju wea mat sucn a carrying or coal to Newcastle had actually come about. Suspicion that export, business was in progress at Duluth formed an element of the strength that characterized wheat. Duluth operators did some heavy buying it Minneapolis, a fact which seemed to Imply cash sales to the east. Before the end of the day, however, Duluth turned to the selling uldo and thoro was nothing noth-ing to confirm any Inference that foreigners for-eigners had mado new investments in United States wheat. Not much selling pressure could bo put on corn, higher cables and the firmness of wheat being too serious handicaps for the bears. Moreover, there were advices that stocks all over the east were light, despite messages purporting to ask that shippers hold back supplies on account of a lack of distributive demand. Oats had fair support, mainly from shorts, who wore Impressed by a falling olt in the visible supply. Packers and other longs mado free offers of-fers of provisions. As a result, the market mar-ket gave way regardless of an upward elant in the price of hogs. RANOE OK THE LEADING FTJTUHEI. WIil Opnn, Hlth. Low. C1oc May D35i 91 JSK 93 July S5i S3 SSi 85H Corn-May Corn-May CG'i C5H 05 65H July GIU 65 C4t G4!fc Oils-May Oils-May 3V, 39ii mi 33 July SDK 591! "4 S9H CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheal No. 2 red, 3C'ff57c: No. 3 rol. 3IQS5; No. 2 linrd, 021 033c: No. 3 lrnrd, e2032Wc; No. 2 northern. P4tt3c; No. 3 northorn, S2fl33c; No. 2 oprlnp. legale; No. 3 uprlnB, SlCfSirc. Corn No. 3, r.3V4fllo; No. .1 while, CJ'ifiGtc: No. 3 yolloT.-, GOiftSlc. Oatii No. 2 white, ll'.4342c; No. 3 while, 3S',i 33c: clnndard, 2Q'mQ40c. Kye No. 2. BltfOll'c. Barley I9270c. Timothy J3.76CS.3S. Clover J12.00&14. 50. Pork J2L76. lnn1-U0.G7ii. 7llbs ;11.0)MI.&0. New York Produce. NKW YORK, I'cb. IC Flour. tlniily hold; nprinc patonH. J4.403il.C5; winter nlrulnhto. J4.16 4.25; winter p&tenU, I4.40tf4.6S: eprlnc cloara, Jt.00B4.2O; extra No. 1 winter. $3.55C;3.7G: (;xtra No. 2 winter, 43,3o3.50; Katiuau ttralKlitO, J4-Oa vwsnr. firm: No. 2 hard winter. Jl 00 c I. f. to urrlvo; No. 2 rod. 51.02 olovntor, do-mwtlc; do-mwtlc; No. 1 northorn Duluth. H.0)K t. o. h. afloat: No. 1 northern Manitoba, Jl.MV i. o, i. attoat. Kiiturcs wero Inactive, but firmer on the cable nad HKht offcrins closlnc HCJVjC not hiKhcr. May. J1.014: July. ?7c. JIopn Steady: state, comrowi to choice, lia, 404c: 112. Coerce: Pacific co&at 1913, 213 "ildM-Stcadyf' nogoU. 32(233c'. Control Amer- ,CItroU?uin-BlMdr! refined Now Yorlt. bulk, S5.25; barrels. 55.75: case. J1I.25. Wool-Steady: flomcrtlc floow XX Ohio S.OMo. Turpontlno Koay; maehlnn banuw, 4V4c. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO, Tcb. lS.-Hutter. hlshor; creamcrlw, "KMHlglior: recelnw. SOS0 cum: at. mart, calw Tncludod. 252 27c; onllnary (InU. 2-0.fic ;S!.Sfe SSf 53S. "Iilf lfilic: turkeyo, drcracd, 23h. 3JIVEBTOOK QUOTATIONS. Omaha. SOUTH OMATIA. Feb. M.JloeifoR- , ft nn- hulk of sales, SS."5I?S.4b. Catt cMi-olptH. 7200. Market, lower. N'attvc Hteors. ?7.25(fPS.C5: cows and holf-VrH holf-VrH Sfl 00 08.00; western steers, W. 8 on- Texas steers. $5.85(8)7.15; range cmvs and heifers, $5,7n7.0O; calves, $i.-'50 I0ghooi-Recelpts. 1B.R00. Market, lower. TearltngT. ?f.Sw.6Jj: aethers. 5.75; Iambs, C.3(g)7.0. Kausan City. irKt..ti CITY. Fob. 10. Hoss Re-Jn& Re-Jn& ROW) Ma'ket. 5r. higher. Bulk. fWjB- drSfl-bcor steers, J7.2B i?2SrtirndStSSS 7.00O8.40: southern tZ&di M ftSt SS.00k50: calves. f0.50 ahoGiRccrlpts. 10,000. MnrkoU ateady lo lOcwer. Lambs. ?7 iw7.6oj year- j lings. $G.00G.G5; wethers. $5.253.75: ewes, 51.75)5.75. Chicago. jannW0', ,Fe,b- "--Hogs Receipts. 0.000 Market slow, steady to 5c above WW closP- Bu,k- S8.55S.GI5; light, !c"i2f--2: ,nlxed. $S.3oaS.70; heavy. I 50 rough. 38.200)8.15; pigs, 7.50 Calllo Rccolpts, 25.000. Market, slow. Beeves. $7.00ig"J.50; Texas stcors, ?G.80 8.00; western steers. Sfi.G0(f?)7.S5; stock-ers stock-ers and feeders. $5.30$.00: cows and hclfors, ?3.G0ig)8.5O; calves. S7 oOtfDIO 50 Sheep Receipts. 10.000. Market, steady to 10c lower. Js'atlve, S-1.7035.50; western. west-ern. $1.707.50; yearlings. $n.en7.00; 1JilI1is' native, $6.757.75; wcBtcrn, SG.65 Plax, Data and Eye. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 16. Flour Uneliansed. Barley 45Q 67c. II ye Wc. Bran Unchanged. Corn No. 3 yellow, P6?i1f57o. Oats No. 3 while, 36H37c. EIax-.62iffL64i. Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 16. Raw nugar, quirt; mureo-vndo. mureo-vndo. 2.3Sc; ccalrlfupil. 3.43o; molaancs, 2.73c; refined, re-fined, o,ulet- Elgin Butter. ELGIN, III., Fob. 16. Butter, firm; SO ronla. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Fob. 16. Cotton rjosod barely fttrady at a decline of 7 to 13 points. |