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Show GBHTllTOMOBILE . SHOW QPEIVS TODAY Promises to Be Most Successful Suc-cessful Exhibition of Kind in Intermountain West. THOUSANDS TO ATTEND Feature of Formal Opening This Afternoon Will Be Address by Mayor. The doors to the grcatost automobile show over held in tho intermouiitum vrost will bo thrown open to tho public at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Brilliant Bril-liant lights, a band concert, gaily be-, I decked boothB in which will stand tho latest triumphs of motor car manufacturers, manu-facturers, colorful decorations these are Bomo of the thiugs that, will greet the eyes of tho visitors as they step into tho David Keith building this aft eruoou and tonight. Tho formal opening will be characterized charac-terized by an address given by Mayor Samuel C. Park. It will mark the beginning be-ginning of the third annual intcr-monntain intcr-monntain automobile show. Ever- exhibit ex-hibit will bo complete. Artisans, decorators, dec-orators, motor cur agents, factory mechanics me-chanics and others have been laboring for thrco days to finish their respective parts of the'grcat display; Thousands Expected. It is expected that there will be 25,-000 25,-000 visitors at the show before its doors arc finally closed late Saturday evening. even-ing. Tho 'show will be open daily from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. after today. The hours todaj' will be from 1:30 p. m. to 11 p. m. Admission will be 25 cents except on Thursday night, which will be known as "Society night." Then it will be doubled to 50 cents. Amrmrr Hip int prnsfin cr fnnhirns nf f.lm I exhibition will be the largo display of accessories, which will occupy the entire balcouy of the Keith building. The exhibition ex-hibition of supplies and accessories will be tho best of its kind ever shown hero. List of Exhibitors. The following local dealers, many of whom are distributors of their respective respec-tive lines for the entire intnrmountain ifgion, are among those who will have displays at the snow: Tho Salt Lake Automobile company, the Alkirc Smith Automobile company, the Tom Botterill Automobile company, tho Shannan Automobile Au-tomobile company, the T3rowning Automobile Auto-mobile company, the Grady-iioueche Motor Car company, the Studehakcr Brother Company of .Utah, tho Kan-dall-Dodd Antotnobilo company, tho IMah Motor Car company, tho Choea-man Choea-man Aut-omobile company, tho Maxwell Motor Car company by its agonts, Marshall and Johnson, tho Austin Iiro & Rubber company; the Bicycle Supply company, tho Bertram Motor faupp y company tho J- O. Clark Mcchaxiicallv Inflated Tiro company, tho Spoodwcll agency, the Brown Automatic Tiro Pirticturo Signal oomnauy. the Reliable Motor Car company, the W O. llcndne Rubber company. Lou Claflin, tlio Oon-tinentnl Oon-tinentnl Oil company, tho Monarch Alotor company, tho IIouso of Hopper, tho P. Fowler Manufacturing com-nnny, com-nnny, tho Spiker Electric Garage com-nanv. com-nanv. the United Vulcanizing company, tho 'Potty Dirigiblu Light company, tho Utah Oil Kcfiniug company, tho White Automobile company, tho Botterill Ac-cesoriea Ac-cesoriea company-, tho Onc-Mau lop Lifter company, tho Aetna Lilo Insurance In-surance compauj-, Landos As Lo., tno Salt Lako Electric Truck company, tho Appersou Motor Car company and others. |