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Show MELLEN TO BE TRIED FOR MANSLAUGHTER Indictments Against Other New Haven Officials, Past and Present, Aro Dismissed. BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Feb. 16. State's Attorney Judson today quashed tho manslaughter indictments against five officials of tho Now York, New Haven & Hartford railroad, but ro-fuscd ro-fuscd to quash the indictment against former President. Charles W. Mellon. Tho wrock occurred at Wostporl, Conn., October 3, 1012, in which seven persons were killed. Officials of tho road, past and present, pres-ent, ngainst whom indictments woro quashed, are: 0. IT. McITcnry nnd Henry J. Horn, former vico presidents; B. R. Pollock, former general manager; 0. T. Woodward, general superintendent, superintend-ent, and Laurence J. Carnialt, former engineer of maintenance and ways, Tho cases wrim to havo romo im for argument nnd motions at the criminal term of tho superior court this week. Although State's Attorney Judson refused re-fused to discuss the caso tonight it is learned from other sources that he has also quashed somo of tho indictments against Mr. Mellon, and is holding him on one count. |