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Show iClPH AGIST mm vivisect! Senator Gallinger Wrought Up as Result of Recent Sensational Reports. By International News Service. WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. Senator Gallinger Gal-linger announced today that ho will begin be-gin a nation-wide campaign against human hu-man vlvlsectionlsts Immediately, lie will Introduce In the senato this weok a resolution reso-lution calling upon the public health and marine 'lospltal servlco of. the navy for a national Investigation of the shocking charges developed In New York City. Should tho facts which have been alleged al-leged prove true, Senator Gallinger will then Introduce a bill providing a long penitentiary sentence for any physician who experiments with a human being, lie proposes that the penitentiary sentence sen-tence shall be obligatory and not optional option-al with the Judgo trying tho case. "These reports." -he said, "show that the vlvlsectlonists have violated their own creed. They have alwaya said tho only purpose was to save lives by experimenting experi-menting with animnls and hopelessly sick persons, Now, from reports, it appears that" thoy have Inoculated healthy children chil-dren nnrt rloKtrnwiil tliolr II I'M ."fore thpA' were fairly begun." No Personal Knowledge. The senator made it plain that thus far he had no first-hand Information concerning con-cerning the practicing of vivisection on children.' "From what I have read," he added, "I am convinced that a prima facie case has been made out against the physicians. I desire that all the facts now bo brought to light." A spirited fight for tho passage of anll-vlviscction legislation in the senate will result, in the opinion of Senator Gallinger. Gal-linger. "There is, in my office," he said, "an Investigation report, with t'ae testimony, which I conducted six years ago. Tn tho testimony was the statement made, by a Dr. Pylo of Canton, Ohio, that he favored the practice of vivisection on criminals. He did not, as I recall now, specify what lie meant by criminals. "At the time of tho Investlgation.sena-tors Investlgation.sena-tors received many letters from physicians physi-cians who advocated vivisection, urging them. In the Interests of science, not to adopt legislation which would binder experimentation ex-perimentation on animals. These letters had their effect. No legislation passed." Expects Laws Will Result. The New Hampshire senator believes tho present revelations will result in considerably con-siderably wider agitation, and ultimately a set of criminal laws will be adopted specifically covering all forms of vivisection. vivisec-tion. "In proposing a resolution authorizing tho Investigation of human vivisection by tho public health and marine hospital service." he said. "I express the sincere hope that reports which have been published pub-lished will be found to have been exaggerated. exag-gerated. It seems impossible that' any man could llnd In his own conscience an excuse for the Inoculation of a healthy child with the germs of some disease. "If the federal Investigation should verify the reports, then a federal law should bo adopted Immediately. And the option of paying a fine or going to the penitentiary should not bo left to lhe court where the fact Is established that a physician deliberately practiced human vivisection. The long penltcntlarv sentence sen-tence Is the only remedy." |