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Show DR. FARLEY ACREE OFFERED POSITION Was Formerly Chemist at U. of U. and Is Regarded as a High Authority. t Special to The Tribune. BALTIMORE, MVL, Pob. 36. Dr. Solomon Farlov Acree, associate professor pro-fessor of chemistry at, Johns Hopkins university find formerly of tho University Univer-sity of Utah, liar, been offered tho post of 'assistant to Dr. Carl Aulsburg, chief of tho bureau of chemistry in Washington. Washing-ton. Tt is believed Dr, Acree will nc-cent nc-cent tho post. Two of bis assistants at tho Hopkins, Drs. .Tosoph W, Prazer and Charles A. Itoullicr, who havo boon associated with him in Ins research work, havo'nlso roccivod offors from the govornment. to -work with him,Bhonld nc uccopt. , Though comparatively unknown in America, "Dr. Acroo is a standard chemical authority abroad. Hecontly one of tho oflicials of the department of ngriculturo characterized him as the ' "greatest chemist nlivc," nnd recent German text books, in which he ib lib-ornllv lib-ornllv quoted, scorn to take, tho same view" Ho will announce his docision next week. ' Dr. Acrec was profossor of chemistry at the University of Utah from 1901 to 1003. no Inffc Salt Lake to accept a similar position with the Johns Hopkins university. - |