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Show 0r47 J1IfiCral)l0? I (BW 5roucuitU'B 'ru""'-s '".vmi? j tic J Ti00'1, Alonev bade if ' from viSSeUvV Iowa, 'jilW'ttotr a iS,,lnk Elect rli: Bit-trill Bit-trill 1() thcaino Cfor rSHFflJ 1B9 ?ia-5 palt LaU Photo , ", sAdvcrliBementO A Good OouBh Medicine for Children. (-nnvinrinp- proof of t.ho rare cura-flvo cura-flvo Jrojidcs of riiiimberlniii's Conch ilmdlv fame rrom Mrs. Mnry jwcott if friimell, Iowa, who snys: "Chain- (AdTcrtlrrmoiit.) Safe for Babies, Effective for Growii-Upu. That's Foley's Ilonoy and Tnr Compound. Com-pound. It lias the confidonco of your druggist, who knows it will ;ivc you satisfaction. W. W. iSressniit!it Slates-boro, Slates-boro, Ga., says: "I have used Foley's Houoy and Tar Compound in my family nnd havo sold il in my store and it novcr fails lo cure." Kofuso a substitute. Schramm-Johnson, drujjs, "the novcr j substitulorE," five (5) sood store. I tAilttVmMiUA 1 A Winter Cough. )m A stubborn, annoying, depressing Jjfl cough bangs on, racks tho body, weak- jllj ens tho lungs and often leads to seri- Ija oub results. The first dose of Dr. IS King's Xow Discovery givos iclicf. Hcury D. Fanders of Cavendish, Vt., vAi was throntened with consumption, af vjp tor having pneumonia. He writes: "Dr. IV King's "New Discovery ought to bo in iff, ovcry family; it is certainly tbo best NS of all medicines for coughs, rolda or lung trouble." Good for children's ini coughs. Money back if not satisfied. Mlj Price 50c and 1.00. At all druggist's. W H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or 13 St. Louis. (Advertisement.) Ua J YOUR "bLOODJ 1 j Moro than two-thirds of tho peo- Ili j.plo of the world ara afflicted with V S U r tainted blood, according to mcdlca' i m . statistics. Some have acquired It 3 fW through dlEcasc, but most have lnhor- 1 nH 1 itcd It, Tnls Is nil !il:irmltif Mint,. 1 rffl I affairs. Did it ever occur to you that l W you may be among that great major- S 33 ity who have Impure blood? , IB YOir MA V TRIO AT FOREVER with j I medkinns tllrecled to tho relief of ' 19 your symptoms, but unions your blood ; ,m is first made pure the medicines will ! all fall. You have intelligence enougl. S to agree with ino In this. ItB.MIi.M-1 B15R THIS: Nothing can bo cured un-f I loss the blood stream which carrier, e a all nutrition lo the organs Is puro. V. M I put the blood In perfect condition if and nature docs tho rest. ! f TIIIC NICW SCIENTIFIC li fil METHOD. k jit I have a Salvsnon Equipment fron. P w which 2H0 to SOU cubic centimeter:: ; (llttlo less than a quart) Is poured til-J fff roclly Into the heart: from there !t I 11)11 lw sent through every artery and vein 3 ffln I will dcmonstmlc to you how you c Sty inny be cured If you huve an atflb- I Wj I lion that will not yield to ordhiuo E nil treatment. f JjZa I keep up with tho latest scientific 1 wfl methods and apply them in my work; 8 you can got the best for the same i m I price you will pay for cheap work, t tvjt Careful attention to study and works ng has enabled mo to occupy for many! Myl years tho position of leading specialist v m In men's diseases. A call coats noth- C jls J Ing, proves everything. In a word, In euro prlvato disorders of overy form. I MS I If you desiro only relief, go to others. H jEj j If vou desiro a cure, come to me. ft Oil Write for Information, if unablo to I S1 call at once. fl f Salt Lake Medical Institute 1 i -IS'JX SOUTH MAIN. J Are You "Going Back"? 1 When you begin to feel that your physical strength Is on tho do-llne; when Win ,u". Joints commence to get stiff and your nerves woak. and you find that I MffjU j the least exertion tiros you. It means that you arc "going back." Heed the 1 W, HI 'danger signals" lu time. 5 jLltt 4 .Vou,dii't you like to have the same ambitious spirit, tho strength, vllablv i Win 5 that you used to possess? AH that you lack Is vitality now life. You aro ! 114 A like nn engine without sloam you haven't the motive power to keep tho 3301? j machinery of your body working properly. mm Sir You Are Sick of Experimenting Sick of Failures Sick of l Mm Being Sick COME TO ME. I ml What You Want to Know-: My ExtraordinaiySuccess I f A Can YOU Be Cured? lR d.uo to my many years of practice, i mta V combined with a full knowledge o' i mfc, fi How LtinL1 Will Tt Tnfcp? vtho '."osL dvancl methods omployed fflii: 6 Will It Be Permanent7 which assist me In defining M-mp- : 9m f rrxn xt iJC i cuiuuiuiit. toms pron,pty and tlic oxnct lroaU J JWW I What Will Ft f!n 7 mont to bo prescribed. KNOWN ni f VIH It 1051 . SULT3 aro what count. That is w! at IfS I B CONSULT ME FREE every sufferer earnestly desires. Fo- tm i m w-hjavx xialj xxvxau. Umt rongon j aak yoll ,o vom(t tQ n,c i u and learn what can be done for you. Mt I (0S$ DON'T "GIVE UP If 1 MMmi A VISIT WILL TELL Bjjf H MMw4WvP-,!r 1 simply want the opportunity or J JKt H hWFAvMIvSI allowing overy nufferer whose cna lc j t!3i M SV,'J"-''WU-hi 8tl" curable what I can do In Chronic H f J y WAmi0U,' ' Dlseaaes, Constipation, Pruritic. Ec- m H mWUmMmWfiu ie'"f. Uvcr. Kidney and Bladder ! j& B WMftMM&W troubles, Rectal Dlseasct, Piles, FIs- ! Hfi j 1 tu,a' Rupture, even when others have at '$ M MtNVViHr ' f fa,,cd entirely. No cases accepted I I VTOMC F by mal1' Ca" todav' Neglect 15 t All 'i S VlHRkOs A dancerous. -fl fill 0 JfW'Uff- -nk. ARE YOU ERVOrfS and de.pond.o' HI. ft fi Ju 1 J ' U,C noraln;; uo ambition -llftlrxa: mentor f 1 at t jV AJi Vy'i,',ii,, -.. J roor: Hy fatlRUrd: rxrltable and IrrHabN li '. M tl -Mllll llilill niDken. t-U and blurred ; plmplr. r- I V Wl S lmiVVWv vAvi1 '" lwnl-loAln. vk trli: l'V e V f rM 1 llxv 4 onergy and -oflduo-i' Are you one ol I' jf I JK fflwwwwv S5A Jv. man nnfnrtunate who. ifcioufte mm, ,i r r Ri I vVWwVXWN. eaIvo iudy. ha wrekd their bralih H li J,f I VVWvJnv Vvfc Itrnstli? u all make mlatakw. b a J i 1 iWVNNJS vfov iS5v ' aecoo'l Mrfoua mUUkc H ffi K K iSSSStSSxtfK V'eVf ' BeKlilns thlr vekMi4rf eondlrloit. rrv fl Sil M- J WwSwVSJ. ' ,D aR naturo rfloue for halp Th r-;t-r. 1 S ( ? VSSxSi. 2!V tluit vf lkrtkan-dorn peoole l to life T.e-- r iff. ft, I I e VVWWOWC Vf N"iiiBl'f of Grateful it!eH r Ul vovrb t H SI I . -5s Mr aklll. liooMty aftrf ailllt- O K? j Reasonable Terms. Sfees! Honest Methods 1 1 S Thn fact thnt you have been treated I treatment than those possessed by S 1 j. Bjl 5 elsewhoro without benefit and are I many. H jja n'l S okeptlcal riocs not discourage me In Do not let money matters prevent (J JjS H : the least, nearly all my patients tell you from consulting me, and do not tl jla'lll i of this same experience. I am cur- i think on account of thc reputation I if ml Ing these cases every day and feci , have attained In my special lino that li la M I I sure I can do the same for you. I my charges are excoaalvc, as my pj WlfTl I I ospoclally solicit these ntnbborn, : charges are VERY LOW, and satis.- tj f! A3 1 a chronic, seemingly Incurable cases ! factory arrangements can alvays be Fl ff fCj M ; vho realize thc seriousness nnd made for the payment of thc same. R llj ; gravity of thslr condition and will My best reference Is thc fact that In I' j appreciate bennfltt: conferrod and the ! have cured many after others have jl I scientific treatment I give. Come to failed. All patients colling ar: In- J jj; Ml mc for free consultation. I will then j eurcd of my own PERGONAL AT. j III H-fl explain how different, better and TENTION. ns I EXAMINE and fl f Vt'l I more curative arc my methods of . TREAT all PATIENTS MYSELF. M l II Free Consultation. Call if in Trouble. Everything Private. ft II I I DON'T LET MONEY MATTERS KEEP YOU AWAY. V f Jj J J TERMS Reasonable and Made to Suit the Convenience of the Patient. K Ml II J MY OFFICER COMPLETE consist of 1 rooms, ho that all my buslnoKs ,n III II 2 he carried on conlldentlally. All my dealings arc private und all bbsineas il fl a absolutely secret. Hours: 9 a. m. to B p. m. and 7 to S p. m. Sunday, fc llj If S 10 a. in. to R2 (noon). Como and have a friendly chat. t JJj I UNITED SPECIALISTS, Rooms 1 to I, 2S W. Broadvv U SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. " I j |