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Show KH ROADS ARE MACADAMIZED. HH Large Force of Men Finish Work on RH Plain City H Job ways. HBO Special to The Tribune. KB ,0x,?.DT':N' Fob- 7. With tbo completion HBH too macadamized roada In thb Plain BjR City district. County Commlnsioner ro-HQHj ro-HQHj Tonl .Sheen declares that the peoplo of BKjHf thnt section urc at a loss to imdersteand B 'hy they failed to take up road Im-HNH Im-HNH jirovemcnt many years ago. They are Bn delighted with the Improvements and HB Jiavo extended an invitation to the pco-EB pco-EB Pie of Ogden to visit Plain City and ride KB ovnr tho beat highways in the county. TOBi According to Commissioner Slceen. th BIB work in tho Plain City district will be atgt cornplotod by tomorrow evening and on nwg Monday work will ,o starred in the Bar Iwinesvlllo dlsinrl. At tho present time BUM -nt' county 13 employing alout twenty I tOm JiiPii and an equal number of leanm on the road work, nhilo tho irrueher at the Ogden hot springs Is turning out an av.jragtt of 100 tons of road-building material ma-terial dally. This working force "viu be maintained throughout the remainder of i no winter. |