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Show CASHIER DEIIES HE SEGUREDJMIVfUWITV Defense Rests in Trial of De- fund Boise Stale Bank Official. Special to The Tribune. BOISE, Kob. 7. The state rested its oaso today atrainst Edward and Eugene Payno. president aud cashier, respectively, respect-ively, of the defunct Boibc Suite- bntilc. who arc on trial here charged with falsifying falsi-fying tho records of tlie institution and making false reports to the state bank examiner. The defense will open tomorrow. to-morrow. Bank Commissioner .Piatt misplaced his commission to tho office of-fice ho holds and it- was necessary for tho stato to place .tt. E. Jlyntt, assistant assist-ant secretary of state, on i.!io stand to prove thjit he held the office. J. W. Keeffo. former cashier in tho bunk, and. who turned state's evidence, denied while on the stand he hnd been offered immunity, lie admitted the stute had dismissed the indictment against him and that he had been, asked to testify for tho state. Tie testified to altering tho roports of the bank made, out subject, to the. call of the bank examiner but said that lie did so at the request and upon tho orders of President Payne. |