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Show STRIKERS FI UPON PASSENGER TBI Situation Critical in West Virginia Vir-ginia Mining Regions; Sheriff Sher-iff Asks for Troops.. CHARLESTON'. W. Va., Feb. 7. Conditions Con-ditions are critical tonight In Paint and Cabin creeks, Kanawha county, where a coal strike has been on over a year. A Chesapeake &. Ohio passenger train was fired on late tonight, tho town of Muck-low, Muck-low, "W. Va., wna riddled with bullets and a physician accompanied by a dying patient drlvinsr through tho district was fired upon. "When the physician, with his patient, arrived at a hospital tho patient pa-tient was dead The Chesapeake & Ohio passenger train ran for a half mile under fire. Tho engineer en-gineer and two passengers weer Injured. At Mucklow, a majority of tho houses bear bullet marks, but no one was Injured In-jured there. At a conference with Governor Glasscock Glass-cock late tonight Sheriff Bonner Hill n6ked the governor that troops be sent Into the strike territory. Sheriff 1UI1 notified the governor that the Chesapeake Chesa-peake & Ohio railroad would have a special spe-cial train ready to move the troops at once. At midnight striking miners were gathering gath-ering from Paint and Cabin Creeks In tho vicinity of Mucklow. There Is anxiety here as to the next move of the strikers. Deputy sheriffs, waiting for such an attack as occurred tonight, were prepared. pre-pared. The officers fired at the miners' camp with rapid-fire guns and rifles, but whether the shots woro effective Is not known. At midnight Sheriff Hill had iwonty-flvo iwonty-flvo heavily-armed men stationed at Mucklow. Governor Glasscock stated later that he would not send troops into the strike field for the present, but said he Intended to bring the situation to the attention of the legislature early tomorrow. |