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Show MERGER VE1 FOUND II GOLDEN CROl Extension of Vein Established Estab-lished and Work to Foot Wall .Will Begin. IProm Tonopah word was rocelvod on Friday that the management of the Now Golden Crown had driven into tho hanging hang-ing wail of tho famous Tonopah Merger vein, d 01110 nstrating to tho satisfaction of Manager Kirch on that the extension or tliia noted resourco soon, will bo discovered discov-ered in the Crown land. Tho values In the hanging wall, as in tho ense within the Merger lines, are small, the rich shipping ship-ping material not making Its appearance until tho foot wall country is gained, so the New Golden Crown management will (proceed without delay to investigate the foot walj Hide of tho vein, and not a great' many days will paes before tho cliaracter of this vein is well determined at the presont depth, winch Is round the 300-foot 300-foot lovol. When the Merger company drove into its rich resourco lest year, tho Goldon Crown organization was revived and revamped re-vamped and placed upon an operating basis, Utah capitalists figuring In the company work. Work has boon under way in nn energetic mannor for several months, and existing conditions apparently appar-ently give prom Ism that tho company will bo tho next producer of ora added to the already large Tonopah list. The Merger Mer-ger ores are among tho richest that the stato of Nevada lias produced in recent years, and tho shipments run up in.to bank accounts very quickly. Success at tho Now Golden Crown means a great- deal of now work In that section 0: the district, for tho results will servo as tho Index to others now in search of the extension of the Merger ores. |