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Show MTIOIL CITY BANK IKES GOOD START That tho National City bank, Salt Lake's newest acquisition in banking institutions, has made a creditable start on its business career, with promise of rapid increase in deposits and transactions, trans-actions, is indicatodi in the bank's first legal report, which was yesterday attested at-tested for publication today. According to tbo report, the bank's total resources after but a few days of activo business, amount to $468,-758.92. $468,-758.92. This is apportioned in the report re-port as follows: Loans and. discounts, $28,600; U. S. bonds to securo circulation, circu-lation, $50,000; bonds and securities, $50,000; banking house, furnit.uro and fixtures, 4:61,41.7.68; duo from nntional banks, state and private banks, reserve agents, redemption fund with U. S. treasury, and. other sources, $277,8S5.97, Of thi3 amount, checks and other cash items, represent $52,523.51. and tbo lawful law-ful money rcsorvo. $1 1,605, Current expenses, interest nnd taxes paid arc given at .$555.27. 1 The liabilities aro apportioned as follows: Capital stoi'k paid in, $250,-I $250,-I 000; surplus, fund, $50,000; undivided profits (less expenses and taxes paid in). $320.08; due to other banks-, do. poFitfl and cashior's checks outstanding. outstand-ing. $108,432.8 J. |