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Show PULL, ITEM)! table Statement of I ar producers Fails to ft Shares. iflFICSSTRONG J I Money Shows Firmer 1 pn Gold Export Movc- J ! menl Continues. : 3 SyBBOADAN WALL. S'Vi ?.-Aftcr several llre .n prices, a rally was f " can hardly be said , flrcnsth in today's mar-rn,ihv mar-rn,ihv of this characterlza-lul characterlza-lul and prices steady, art ivity to causa any ?rinS by th short, he dVa buelncM occurred Slflc! Union Pacific and ri$ prices failed to reflect changes In ppeculatlvc or ,nrs. As an illustration news may he discounted, fljuccra' statement, show-ncrease show-ncrease of metal In Mn-t 0 W any liquidation of . shares and the attempts in cover their modest eom-,i eom-,i Amalrnalcd to close of J, A6 the vlslblo sup-fal sup-fal has Increased between 40,000.000 pounds In the Jsf there is llttlo induce-amv$ induce-amv$ to come into the iy are obstinately holding concessions In the price. the Market. fnat conditions cannot rear re-ar In the copper Indus-immedlato Indus-immedlato settlement of llcultv cannot now he exec ex-ec foreign buying- In snf-to snf-to absorb such a supply Holders of copper stocks face reduced earnings If continued of retaining an for the metal. Tho strain llnued indefinitely, tl&tement Is expected to ise In bookings. Pavt of will undoubtedly be con-iWc con-iWc and move than likely ; lieen discounted In tho mnimon. The short Inter-:k Inter-:k Is still conspicuous and iomcnl of strengrth In the present moment. An ln-ei ln-ei mnnufacturer of con-Incnco con-Incnco is authority for the the trade looks for a re-ptr re-ptr cent of Ihc duty on it of the details of the ) Pacific eesresation failed ipecial Interest. The !n-L'olon !n-L'olon Pacific will have H). to spend for bettcr-roTemcnts bettcr-roTemcnts durlnp the next roaEtrued as moderately )th (he common and pre-closed pre-closed with small net ih the Price. Me will have to aciis-!v aciis-!v market conditions. The itibt worth the undcrwrit- 1 The syndicate will offer ient for both Union and fie stockholders to sub-r sub-r allotment and the sov-ipparently sov-ipparently sanctioned the ' the distribution that will nauo nreak In tho price, id delayed cables to such communication with Lon-,n!ch Lon-,n!ch Impossible and op-orlsn op-orlsn account were out l Foreign exchange again M 5ln5th, which Initiation In-itiation of the goM cx-il. cx-il. 9ver $5,000,000 will onroVs fteamer for the liu. fiAcr tonc- d"e koraMc statement in their '"kot la awaiting a fresh ft unless this0 appear" vfe.a fa,esing market r lo lower prices will prob- York Bonds. 10?&t-N ,ln 3-- 3Sj n$i i PacIf -,E - 70 1021 do conv S . . sih .dl&bT. !!:!!, I'' OSLrfdg 4sV.. 0 8 "VI? --..si - b P col 4 97 So. ( 0 cv 4s ,25 i ?r1? ...: si |