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Show WILL PAY DEBT. Methodists Plan Campaign to Raise Money to Pay Church Mortgage. Special to The Tribune. POCATELLO, Feb. 7. Last evening tho Methodist church direr-tors presided at a banquet wldch had for Its direct purpose the raising of funds to lift the debt on tho church. The banquet was served by the ladles' aid of the church, and about 12o covers were laid. W. II. Cleare, former mayor of the city and one of the church board, wiw toastmastcr, speeches being made by President Reed of the academy, the Rev. II. W. Parker, Park-er, district superintendent, and the Rev. W. S. Woodhull, formor pastor hore. The pledges made -at the banquet alone amounted to J19G0, The church Is In dobt about 5C500 on account of a magnificent building erected here two years ago. A whirlwind campaign will be carried on until tho entire indebtedness is ralsod. |