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Show WOULD CREATE : I STATE BOXING I COMMISSION j Board of Three Proposed in M Kriebel's Bill to Supervise B Management of Athletic jfl Contests. n BOUTS ARE LIMITED H TO FIFTEEN ROUNDS H Slate io Receive 5 Per Cent H of Gross Receipts of the D Matches Promoter Must H File Bond of SI 000. jfl Boxing Board Proposals. I Promoters must procure license B from commission. H State gets 5 per cent of gross K receipts of all matches. Bouts limited to fifteen rounds. g G-loves not heavier than sir. M ounces. Id Commission consists of three ap- S pointed by governor. B Fako matches mean perpetual IB barring of promoter. S Participants in fake matches B barred six months for first offense M and perpetually for second. B No boxing matches permitted W except by licence of commission. m THE state boxing commission bill tac predicted sonic time ago, will 13 bo introduced in the houao Si Monday by Kricbel of Salt 9 j The bill provides for the creation oe ffi a stale athletic commission, of three ifi persons to be appointed by the govcr- U nor within thirty days after the act M takes effect. The appointments are to Lb he 'unfile 'from persons residing within m the territory- embraced within the B First.-Second, Third, Fourth and .Fifth flj judicial districts. This tomto- cm- m l braces Cache, Rich, .Uos lilder. Wober, & Morgan, Davis, Tooele. Summit, Salt 3! j Lake. Utah, Wasatch, Uintah, Beaver, Iron, Juab, Millard and Washington at counties, Tho commissioners are to Mf ' j hold office for four years. -The coin- m ponsatiou is limited to the necessary 3? traveling and other necessary expensed JH ' i of tho members of the commission, m which, including the salar3' of the sec- rotaiy, shall Tiot exceed i?2500 a your. Si Exclusive Control. 81 The commission is given, the sole and. exclusive direction, management aud if i control of all boxing matches and ex- m w hibitions within the state to bo given k a by any individual, club, corporation or El association. The commission may, iu 8 1 its discretion, issue or revoke a license If 3 to hold a boxing match. Tho cornnm- g siou may formulate the rulos to which S j the license shall be subject. Tho ap- affi plication for a license shall contain, a tsljj rocital of such facts as will show the applicant entitled to receive a license. fun and such other facts as the rules of the Jglfi commission uiU3r demand. on it is provided, tbat all buildiugs used jjffl for boxing matches shall bo properly IBB voutilatcd' and provided with, lire e- mB No boxing match shall bo of morn jftfj than fifteen rounds iu length, and the B contestants shall wear gloves weigh- Sffl ing at least six ounces. RUI No Fake Matches. Iftjl A 113" person or organization that pulls Bsfll oil' a fako match shall forfeit tho li- jntfl cciiso aud. never again is ho or it ro gffl receive anothor. SSH A contestant in a. fako match is to Km bo pwnilizod in this mauner: For tho &9 first offense he shall bo restrained from participation in another match for a I SM period of nix months; for a second of- ' g9 fonse ho shall bp totally disqualified. WSm Evety person or organization that i conducts a boxing match is required ( M to furnish tho commission within twon. jvIHj tj'-four hours after tho determination uR of tho contest a written report show- j Ifraj ing tho number of tickets sold, the J Ujtjfl numbor of pussos issued and to whom, I IrUm and tho amount of the gross prococds; j and also to ay tho stato treasurer a lax of 5 per cent of tho total gross I MB receipts, which tax. after the payment ' sUSl therefrum of the expenses of tho com- !raS mifiiiiou, shall go into the general fund J Ifljg of tho stato. Bcforo auj- one mny re- ruM ccivo a license ho is required to filo IfB a bond of $1000 conditioned for tho j IbM pigment of the per ceut tax. ffSm Can Examine Books. j !JB The slat ii treasurer is empowered to f fwW cnuso au examinatiou lo bo made of I foB thu books of tho promoter in ens? the i KhB state's la is not forthcoming within Trl twenty-four hours attov tin' match, li f'l ' l$ 'f i- .(Oontlunod on Faga Two,) , , ( ) ,' ; BILL TO ESTABLISH STATE BOXING BOARD (Continued from Page Ono.) tlio tax is not forthcoming within tmren ty days the slate treasurer may pro-, pro-, cced, through tho office of the attorney i general, against the bond and collect col-lect $500. The commission is yiven powor to summon and swear witnesses and it3 determination de-termination may be reviewed in a proceeding pro-ceeding in the district court. Theljill specifics that tho provisions of sections 430S and 4309, compiled laws of Utah, 1907. shall not apply to any boxing or sparring match or exhibition exhibi-tion given under a license issued by the commission. The sections referred to make prize fighting a felony and make a spectator guilty of a misdemeanor. |