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Show SEEKS TO REGULATE I WAGES BY STATUTE Dr. Jane Skolfield Would Have, Commission Fix Minimum Pay. Twenty-sixth Day in the House. Now minimum "wage commission for women hill introduced. Boxing commission "bill to he ' presonted Monday. Motion prevails that denials of attaclts in Herald-Republican may, he made "beforehand in official journal. Mothers' aid hill passed. Bills offered raising ages of children chil-dren in prohibited employment from li to 18 years, and eliminating eliminat-ing girls in domestic service from exepption to the sixty-four-hour law. Bill introduced designed to prevent pre-vent misrepresentations to persons engaged as strikebreakers. Bill presented for payment of traveling expenses of district judges. Dr. Jane Skolflold yesterday presonted In the house a bill to take tho place of house bill No. 21, tho measure providing for a minimum wago commission for womon and minors. Tho original bill was withdrawn after the committee on labor had suptfeslcd numerous amendments and the now bill lakes Its place. It la known as house bill No. 10fi The bill provides for tha appointment by tho sovoruor of a commission of three, ono of thorn a woman, to servo three years each after tho first appointments, which are for one, two and three years, respectively. The commissioners are to receive $5 a day for time actually served. A eeoretary Is provided for. Tho commission Ik to Inquire Into the wages paid womon or minor employees and If It finds them too low, tho commission com-mission Is to establish a wago board of not less than three representatives of the employer, three representatives of the employees and ono or more chosen from tho public. Tho wago board, after a careful care-ful and thorough Investigation of conditions, condi-tions, is to fix a minimum wago scale, if it finds tho existing scalo too low, and Is to report Ita findings and conclusions to thJ commission. If the commission ap-n ap-n roves the determinations of tho board It shall give public notice by advertisement advertise-ment In at least ono nowspapcr In each county of Its Intention to fix a legal minimum mini-mum wage scale. Puhlic hearings may bo held thereafter If the order Is not satisfactory. sat-isfactory. After the minimum scale has been fixed the bill declared It shall be unlawful unlaw-ful for any employer to omploy a woman or minor for less than the wnges fixed by the commission- Tho commission Is empowered em-powered to make exceptions In cases of women who aro physically unable to do tho work performed by an average working work-ing woman. It Is specified that any employer who discharges an employee for giving testimony testi-mony at any Investigation la made guilty of a' misdemeanor. Any person employing a woman or minor at Ichp. than the minimum wage Is ; deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable by a flno of not less than $10 nor more than 550 or by Imprisonment In j the nonntv jail of not loss than ten nor moro than ninety days. It Is also provided pro-vided that any omployco who rocelvos lr-sa than tho legal minimum sculo shall be entitled to recover In a civil action the full amount of her legal wages, together with costs nnd- attorney's fcoH. , UMvc thousand dollars Is appropriated for the purposes of the act. |