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Show SAVED MAID FROM DROWNING! i Society Girl, Fully Dressod, Risks j-j Life to Rescue Another. I jfl MADISON, Conn., July 10. Miss Leila f 1 Carrington, popular in Now Haven sod-j fXr cty, whoro sho Hvo3. is now famous a3 ft jjj j ,j llfo-savcr. i i With her parents sho Is spending the h h sonBon at tho Carrington residence. Whllo seated on tho vornnda yesterday " her attention was attracted by tie screams for holp of ono of tholr maids who was bathing. Thore was an unusual gj ly high sea and a etrong undortow and i" the maid hod gono boyond her depth. Misi, 4f Carrington ran to thc shoro and without' 't romovlng any of her clothlrfg plunged laj jjjj and swam to tho roscue of tho maid. f! J Thoro won a short struggle for tho maw S,( tery and Mlsa Carrington won. Sne brought tho maid to 9boro In tho prcsonce; 's of a largo crowd which had gathered,' When takon from tho wator tho maid was H unconscious. I Modlcal aid wan summoned and after Jt,v two houra tho offorts at resuscitation Ifc-" wero rowordod. JfiP |