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Show MARRIED LOVER'S FATHER. Man Slips Up on His Son Intended Wife Now His Mother. SALEM, Mass., July 10. Silently and secretly se-cretly Goorgo C. Vaughn, millionaire, president of tho Salom Safo Deposit company com-pany atolo away from tho city with a 11-conso 11-conso In his pocket which ho had obtained by telophono from tho city hall, to marry Mien Bonnie Norton Dnno, tho former sweetheart of hlo son, Dwlght Vaughn. Miss Dano left her home about tho Bamo time, nnd Row DoWItt S. Clark. D. D., of tho Tabernaclo Congregational church of Salem, boarded a Boston train, and tho long-expected wedding took placo. Relatives of tho parties havo hinted that Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn aro In Bangor. Dwlght Vaughn, who must now call tho girl who Is said to have Jilted him "mother," "moth-er," was not at tho wedding, and has nothing to say, nor did Mr. Vaughn's two brothers, Ira and Charles, grace tho wedding wed-ding feast It ls only a llttlo over a year slnco Mr. Vaughn's wlfo died. It ls nald that tho brothers havo been ostrangod slnco tho engagement of Mr. Vaughn and Mlsa Dano wnB announced. Mr. Vaughn is not nn old man, and mon a great doal oldor than ho havo younger wives, but thero hno bcon a great deal of comment in tho society circles of Salem about tho father wooing the son's swoot-heart swoot-heart whilo still wearing a crape band on his hat Tho brido lo a brunette, with a flno complexion, a protty llguro and sparkling eyes, which brought suitors lo hor foot. Hor brothor, Cheetor Dano, married Miea Graco Oliver, a wealthy young Snlom holr-oss, holr-oss, two years ngo, and tho family In oth-orwloo oth-orwloo well connectod and prominent so daily |