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Show AN OBDINANCE. POLES. POSTS AND FENCES ON COUNTY HIGHWAYS. An Ordinnnco regulating the placing and maintaining of telephone telegraph, oleo-tiic oleo-tiic current and railway poles, and hitch-ing, hitch-ing, sign, fence, mall box and other posts, on and along the public highways, streets, etr ln Sa't Lake county, Utah. Tho Board of Commissioners of tho county of Salt Lake ordains as follows: Soctlon L It shall bo unlawful for any person, peroonu or corporation to set, place, keep or maintain nny pole, post rence. or like obstruction, upon or along any public highway, road, street, avenue lane, alloy, trail or sidewalk hi Salt Lake county, except as herein designated. Tolepnono and telegraph poles shall bo set with the face of tho pole nearest tho center of tho street alone a line known as the curb line, which lino is located as followH; On eljht-rod highways, etc.. fifty feet from tho center thereof; on sevon-rod highways, ota, forty-lvo feet from the center thereof; on six-rod highways, high-ways, etc., forty foot from the center thereof; on five-rod highways, etc., thirty-two thirty-two and a half feet from tho center thereof; there-of; on four-rod highways, etc., twonty-tlvo twonty-tlvo feet from the center thereof; and a apace of two feet outside of tho curb line, on the Hide thoreof farthest from tho center qf the street. Is hsreby designated desig-nated ns tree space, in the centor of which trees may be planted. Electrio light or other poleo for carrying car-rying electric current for commercial purposes pur-poses (except telephone telegraph or railway poles) shall bo set In tho same manner as telcphono and telegraph pole3 along the said curb line, and also, upon order of tho Board of County Commissioners, Commis-sioners, may bo sot centering along a line four feet nearer ' tho center of tho street than tho Bald curb line, provided, that when tho said electric light poles are used also .for carrying wires for electrio elec-trio railway purposes, they may be ot Uireo and a half feet from the rail nearest near-est the center of tho street on a single track main line on four-rod highways. ar on all highways moro than four rods wide they may be sot three 'ind a half feet from the rail farthest from the center cen-ter of tho street on a single track main lino Railway polca, for earning wires fof electrio railway purposes, shall bo sftt either on tho curb lino ns for telephone poles, or upon permission therefor obtained ob-tained from tho Board of County Commissioners, Com-missioners, throo and a half feet from tho rail nearest tho center of the street on a slnglo track main line on four-rod highways, and three and a half foot from tho rail farthest from tho center of tho street on a single track main lino on all highways moro than four rods wide. But no telephone, telegraph, electrio light railway or othor pole for cart-vlng wires to 'convey electric current, shall bo set on any public highway in Salt Lake county without permission or a grant of right of way therefor being first obtained from the Board of County Commissioners. Hitching post3 and postH for carrying or holding mall boxos, shall bo set either In the troo space hereinbefore named, or centering along a Uno .four feet nearer the center of the street than tho curb lino hereinbefore designated; provided, that on two-rod lanes the said posts shall be net eleven fee from the center of tho lane, and the curb lino on two-rod lanes ls hereby located twelve and a half foet from tho center of said lanes. Sign posts on public highways, etc . shall bo set only in the spaco acslgnatcd as tree space; but no algnboard shall be permitted to extend across any sidewalk at a less height than twelvo foet above the level of said sidewalk, or across any portion of tho roadway at a less height than twenty feet above tho level of said road. Fence posto may bo set along the fence line, which Ls hereby designated as distant dis-tant from the center of any highway. lane, etc., not loss than half the survoyod and platted width of said highway, lane, etc., no public highway, road or street In Salt Lako county being regarded as surveyed and platted less than four rods, or sixty-six sixty-six feet In width; and It shall bo unlawful un-lawful to placo or maintain any fence or building the face of which Is nearer tho center of any hlghwny, lane, etc.. than the line herein designated aa the fence line. Section 2. It shall be unlawful to set, place or maintain any telephone, telegraph, tele-graph, electric light or current, or railway rail-way polo, or tree, or hitching, mnll, sign, or other post (except fence), which Is set upon property abutting on any public highway, lane, otc, In Salt Lako county at a point nearer to the fenco line than centering one foot therefrom on tho side farthest from tho center of the street; or. in other words, any nearer to tho center of such highway, lane. etc.. than centering center-ing at a point ono foot more than hnljf tho surveyed and platted width of said highway, lane, etc.. from said center; and It shall bo unlawful to set or maintain nny hitching, sign or other post on nny alley or trail less than two rods In width, or within cne-half foot outsldo of the outer limit thereof. - Sect!cn 3. It ls hereby provided that any grant or permission hereafter given to set telephone, telegraph or electric light poles upon nny of the public highways, etc., In Salt Lako county shall be made subject to tho reservation, whether or not Bald reservation Is specifically set forth in the- grant or permission, that whenover tho Board of County Commissioners Commis-sioners shall deem It necessary for tho public good or service, the said county shall have the right to placo cross arms on said poles, nnd to string one set of wires thereon, for furnishing electric current cur-rent and light to Salt Lake county, and to uso and onerato tho same during tho period of such grant or permission, with reasonable regard for tho rights of Bald grantee. , Section 4. It is hereby mado the duty of supervisors of road districts to treat as obstructions to public highways all poles, posts, fences, etc.. set or placed In violation of th- terms of this ordinance. 3sct!on I. .ny person violating any of iho provisions of sections one and two of this ordlnanco shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. .Section 6. This ordinance shall bo In effect on and after July 21. 1901, this dato being not less than fifteen days after Its passage Passed this 6th day of July. A. D. 1004, Commlftaloners James IT. Anderson, William Wil-liam W. Wilson and Henry N. Stnndlsh each nnd all voting "aye." (Seal) JAS. II. ANDERSON, Chairman Board of County Commissioners. Commission-ers. Attest: John Jamee. County Clorlc. x457 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United StateB for the District of Utah. In the matter of Shurtlcff & Shurtlcff, Harrison S. Shurtloff an1 Arthur T. Shurtlcff, vol. bankrupt In bankruptcy, No. 731. To tho creditors of Shurtlcff &, Shurtleff, Harrison S. Shurtloff and Arthur T. Shurtloff of Salt Lake City, in tho county of Salt Lako and district aforcaaid, a bankrupt Notice is heroby given that on tho 9th day of July, 1901, tho said Shurtlcff & Shurtleff, Harrison S. Shurtloff and Arthur Ar-thur T. Shurtllff, were duly adjudicated bankrupt: and that the first meeting of their creditors will bo held at my office In the Commercial block, Salt Lake City, on tho Ittth day of July, 1901. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time tho said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustoo, examino tho bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly conio heforo said meotlng. CHARLES BALDWIN, Referee In Bankruptcy Salt Lake City, July 9, 1004. y&5 |