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Show ' " i .f, : GIRL WROTE BRIDGE BOOK. ! j And Society Had Quito a Time Locat- j I ing-tho Clever Authoress. 1 j MORRISTOWN, July 10. It has been 'A discovered that an nccompllshcd young v, ;3 ' woman ot the fashionable Morrlstown -j r set Is the author of a booklet on bridge i , which was recently published here with j ' the name of '"Eiram Ecyrb" on the r i title; page. ?H ) Since Uie publication of the booklet ) lofrlstonlans of the social colony and I ". , ; others from Bernardsville and else-r. else-r. i "where have been wondering who could : ?' he ite author, because positively ,1 - "Eiram Ecyrb" does not have the ring j . of Renuineness about It. . There are many devotees of the fash-tg'1 fash-tg'1 . . lonable game ln IMorrlstown, and .. ) among them none is more skilful than 1 '.. Miss Marie Bryce. She has won many H citSjouinaulents and' prizes, and has given -?lfmuch instruction to the others. Aa all- 1 Morristown has been wondering who ' '' "Eiram Ecyrb" could be, it seemed only natural to suppose that the transposition trans-position of the letters, which makes the Morrlstown champion's name, is the only proper solution. ' Some of the don'tr. In the book arc: "Don't lean on the table," "Don't leave cigar or cigarette butts on the table," .' Don't take all day to play a hand." , "Don't hold post-mortems," "Don't eat candy and try to play cards," "Don't-. "Don't-. ; Ejug, whistle or drum on the table." ' and last, but not least. "Don't gamblo " ' when you cannot afford to lose." |