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Show ASSESSMENT NO. 0. Old Evergreen Mining and Tunnel company, com-pany, Big Cottonwood mining district, Salt Lake county. Utah. Principal placo of business, Snlt Lake City, Utah. Notice Is hereby given that at A mooting moot-ing of tho board of directors of tho Old Evergreen Mining and Tunnel company, a corporation, held at tho offlco of the company, at Salt Lako City. Utah, Tuesday, Tues-day, the 23th day of Juno, 1904, an assessment assess-ment of 3 cents per share was levied upon tho capital stoclc of tho corporation, pay-ablo pay-ablo Immediately to H. G. McMillan, secretary sec-retary and treasurer of tho company, at his office. No. 161 South Main street. Salt Lake City. Utah. Any stock upon which cald assessment may bo unpaid on the 30th day of July, 1KM. will bo delinquent and advertised for salo at public auction, and unless payment is mado before, will bo sold at my office on tho 22nd day of Aucust 1901, at 1 o'clock noon, to pay delinquent assessment, together with tho cost of advertising nnd expense of sale. (Seal.) HENRY G. M'MILLAN. Sccretarv. No 161 South Main Street, Salt Lako Cltv, Utah. Juno 2S. 1904. x2-iS7 |