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Show ?S Bread Made by Machinery. Sifi , avlne furnished our bakery with the M fn;eEtind most complete machinery t9 1 f makln bread. we are now prepared fl nVrteuUvtb?ESTandrmreBtbrc. xrj h,-ncl,ty- Glvo UH a call. Vienna M o n Pakerv and Cafe. 13 E 3rd South. m i J Bell 'phone, 19E1. Iud 15. mi wo deliver free. ' ' CHAS, G. SEYBOLDT. CUMMINGS I COMMISSION CO. I Continuous quotations on Now P rK Btock? and Chicico Grain, ft S Wo buy and sell otocka and grain fl f on margin or for caah. Our prlvato 5 rooms onablo our customers to como In and transact buslnosa with 3 i the utmost accrcoy. f I Write or call for our Book of In- H J formation ("System of Specula- t Uon -Jr. "pon application. 5 Rooms 209-210-211-212 D. F. "Walker f block 'i tt Memboro Salt Lake Stock and I 1 Mlnlnc Exchanse. 'Phono CW. 3)LUTf2LV PURE.' ' Sliquozone free j An? olck person who can nTer used I Llquosono aliould', wrlto the Liquid 90aorn Co.. 43S-4C0 Wabash avo., Chi-cat,. Chi-cat,. They will oend you an order on your drueffist for r EO-cent bottlft free, 9 if you wQl stato tho dJseaso to bc j treated 2-H. O. F. E. The State Bank of Utah Cornar Main and Suth Temple Bta .Salt Lake Sity. '' wttFv3111- PrrtMont. ChaV?q I' SiSyoif- Vlco-Praldent S&Sy3 S- BURTON. Cashier. HENRY T. ME WAN, Aast. Cashier. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts Solicited. Special attention to cot..try trade. Correspondence lnvj COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 3. J. Daly, W. P. Noble. Vlcc-Prcaldenta. A. H. Peabody, Asa't Cashier. WELLS, FARGO & CO. BANK Salt Lake City, Utah. E.tabllaucd 1852. Tho Oldest and Stroagent Bank la UtAh. Car-liaJ Surplus ...Sl,879,000 Undlvidod profits J Transacts a general banking business, domestic and foreign. Direct ccprcctior.c with banka ln all principal cities oZ ihe world. ISSUEaT Drafts, I On all Lcttero of Crsdlt, V prominent Teleirraphlc Xranofors. eiiici. Dpoalta received subject to check. H. L. MILLER, Cashier. H- iP. CLARK. Asst. CMhlor. ESTABLISHED 1611. 1C0 OFFICES. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST. Q. DUN & CO., The Mercantile Agency. GEORGE RUST, General Manager. Utah, Idaho and "Wyoming. Office ln Progress bldg.. Salt Lako City. CAPITAL FULLY PAID, 3S?M.0a WALKER BROTHERS, BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Eetabllohed 159. Incorporate 203. Transact a Goncral Banking Business. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. QESERET N ATONAL BANE, UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Salt Lake City, Utah. Capital, 9500,000 Surplus, 250,000 Jj. B. HILLS, MOSES THATCHER, " Prcoidont. Vlco-Presldont lL B, YOUNG, E. S. HILLS, Cashier. Ar.at. CashJor. Safe deposit boxos for rent I 1 NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC U. S DEPOSITARY. FRANK KNOX President JAMES A. Mt? F.RAY Vlce-Prcsldont W. F. ADAMS CashUn CAPITAL PAID IN. S300.OW. Banking ln all its branches transacted, Exchango drawn on tho principal cltlcd of Eulrope. 1 INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS, jycSOENICK & CO., , Bankers f felt Lako City, Utafc. ESTABLISHED 1870. 6reeDicksom Sectional Book (Base gift- In selecting igSEp? a book-case ggf look first to 111 Sn iXJJJiA ward and pTjSprj: d o w nward. ff! ?natdM,?i;S cannot stick ijUs form strong, feTy rigid shelves. F-sl13 uPn which Mirr T'T ws Fmsm.t0 ,lanly for Sil'&fcS ",1 r o f o ronce. m 74 When books 1 'ZZrjkhVk'A'i nro removed rwipMri shut ?trS Si tftivKfiKiwyi matl caily' iSP Tno cntlro ,yU-j2S5Sf2W back of tho lSSFiSSir-g? 1 book Is ox- ULS- posed, show- ypZ- jne title, au thor and p u bllshers' ! names. A flve-pleco section can be tipped ' endwise, forward or backward, or moved ' about tho room without coming apart. It is practically dust proof. Built by mechanics me-chanics and finished to suit any stylo of , furniture. H. R. DERGE & e Are the Utah Agents. See their window. LIFEMALT The best possible tonic a Jifo-aaver in many instances. Recommended by reputable physicians everywhere. For "that tired feeling" it has no equal. Nothing- equals it for convalescents. Order a case it comes in pint bottles. bot-tles. A single trial is all that is necessary to prove its effectiveness. Adam Snyder, Agt, 276 S. Main St. Fred KrugBretvisig C2o. Omaha's Model Brewery, Tclephono 1081 Y. SALT LAKE. HTHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM KUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN. TO THIS END THE BATH v SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH MRMB SHP0LI ,A!1 Grocers and Druggists. i ; i Tho Greatest System of Transportation In America E j ic composed of j ! "Big Four goute" I NEW YORK CENTRAL. . i ! BOSTON 6c ALBANY, ! LAKE SHORE, ; PITTSBURG & LAKE ERIE. 2 ! ERIE R R.. i E LEHIGH VALLEY,. ' j ! CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RY. ) These lino opcrato j ij MANY FAMOUS TRAINS j over h p SMOOTHEST ROADWAYS i throuffh the t DENSEST POPULATION " nnd h E LARGEST CITIES ! m In AMERICA. ) Connection with nil steamship i lines to and from New York, Bos- i ! ton. Baltimore, Philadelphia and , ; Norfolk. Low Tourist Rates. : Slop-over allowed on all tickets ; at St. Louis, Niagara Falls, Lako Chautauqua, Washington, D. C, ; and other points. r W. P. DEPPE. Chief assistant : General PassenRcr Acent, Broad- , way and Chestnut street, St Louis. Mo. ; ' X-11.,. E Tis tho Comfort Line " FEEE ON THE POPULAR HENDERSON ROUTE BETWEEN. ST. LOUBS THE ERST AND SOTHEHST AS WE ARE THE ORIGINATORS OF FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR SERVICE BETWEEN ST. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE, DON'T YOU THINK IT WOULD PAY YOU. IN TRAVELING TO "GET THE HENEnSRSON ROUTTJ HABIT7" IT WILL US. RSK US HSUT IT i !5 CL IdNDSAY, General AffSife a s. OTjrrariNGEiAjfijj iStjev. Paso. Agen LOUIS, Ma COLOKADO-UTAH SHORT HNS TO ST. LOUIS. Through- car, Salt Lake City to St. Louis and Kansas City Only one chong to Now York, Buffalo and principal polnto East low r.iten for summer travel. Especial attention to ladles and chll. dren. Tourist sleepers through to Chicago, Boston and other points without change. Two trains dally. Inquire at ticket office. 102 Dooly block Salt Lake City. Any information cheer, fully given H C. TCWNSEND. G. P. & T. A. Missouri Paclfla Ry.. 3t. I Louis. Mo I A Delightful Placo to Visit. S A Profitable Placo to Live. jj I ..SEE.. Greatost Play Ground on Earth. ? 3 , ?j Famous Places Which Everyono Sj ? Wants to Beo. : Invest In Ticket to CALIFOR- A U NIA and Secure Rich Dividends in : 1 HEALTH. PLEASURE AND ? J WF LTH f t Mujnlalne. Valleys, Rlvem, Lakes i 2 and Oo an Reached by tho 3 I Southern Pacific j 'j Company's Lines i For desoriptlve and Illustrative i V llteratur call at No. 201 Main I W Street. Bolt Lak City. U g D. R. GRAY, General Agent. g XnL REGULARLY ffi NEW YORK Londonderry, Glasgow, fcrff Yorl;, Gibraltar, Naples. J I Superior accommodation. Excellent Cul- 6loe, Comfort of passonccra carofully consldcrod. Sloirlo or Round Trip Tlritcts oo.tvcon Now York nnd Scotch, ni;fi3li. 1 Irlati aad all principal Scandinavian ami Continental paints at attractlvo rotes. Sond u for Book ol Tours. For lljltctf or ccneral Information apply to any local agoat of tbo Anchor Line or if HENDERSON BROS., Gon'l Aponts, CHICAGO, ILL. Scoff's Sanial-Pepsin Gapsulss Jfcv A POSITIVE CURE $f'Z( H ForInflmrootlon orOfttMThof tbe UlnddfrnnJ Dlwtuod Ktd rtQ'ftSl j uc- 0 otrsB uo PA7. Cnrfto vfatt- i llQuickly nd wrniftDcntlr the rii " !jwort cipo of Gonorrhoea Vjfi p iJCiUil &! ot, uo nmttr of how 'ftftr93fV I loDflTBtmjJln.1. Aboojutoly V'WZaS'V'l horaileti. Bold by drugRlsta. Jtif i , Prlco Sl.CO, or bv mall, jost- ViSfe?? A P011' -w costs. ?2.73. f&iTHE SAHTAWEPSIK GO, "''vvy? Ecllefootalnc, Ohio., r. J. HILL DRUG COv Salt Lake CItF, TIME TABLEo San Pedro. Lob An- $&&P4J el i Salt Lako i ' DEPART. From Oregon Short Lino depot. Salt Lake City: For Provo, Lchl, Falrfiia and Ncphi, Manti and points on Sanpeto Valley Ry 7:30 n.m. For Garfield Beach, Toocls. Stockton, Mammoth, Eureka. and Sliver City 8K)0 a.m. For Provo, American Fork. Lehl, Juab. Milford. Frlaco, Callontoa and Intermediate Plntxs 8K)5 p.itu y ARRIVE. From Provo, American Fork. Lnl. jab, Mllford, Frloco, Ccllo-itcs and Intermediate lomio, 9:35. a.m. From Provo. Lehl, Fairfield, llercur o"l Sanpeto Valley Ry. point 5:3B p.m. From Silver City. Mammoth, Eureka, Stockton, Tooelo ana and Oarflpld Beach... 5:35 D.m. Dally. Daily Pullman Buffet Slceplnjr Car Ser-vlco Ser-vlco between Salt Lko, Mllford. Modcna and Cnllcntes. Direct Btape conncctlona for all minlnjj cilatrloto ln aouthcrn Utah and Nevada. City Tickot Office, 201 Zdnin Street 3?elephono 250. E. W. GELLETT. -J. L. MOORE, Oen'l Paaa. Agt. DlsL Paaa. Agt. In effect June S. 1501. LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY. No. 10 For Bingham, Heber, Provo and Maiy.vule 8:00 a.m. No. 102 For Park City 8:15 a.m. No. C For Denver and East S0 a.m. No. C For Osdcn and West 10.50 a.m. No. 1 For Ob'den and Went i: p.m. No. 2 For Denver and East 3:15 p.m. No. 8 For Provo nnd Em oka . . 5:00 p.m. No. 11 For Odcn and local pts.. C'Oop.m. No. ! For Denver and East S:05 p.m. No, 3 For Opdcn nnd Weat 11.-E5 a.m. ARRIVE AT SALT LAKE CITY. No. From Ogdcn and the Ea3t SAO a.m. No. IS From Ogden and local ptal0:25 a.m. ' No. 7 From Eureka and Provo. ,10;G0 o.m. No. f From Denver and East... 10:40 a.m. No. 1 From Denver and East... 1.2S p.m. No. e'rom Ocdon and Weat.... 3:05 p.m. No. ml -From Park City D:15 p.m. No. &-From Blncbam. Heber, Provo and Maryuvale . C:00 p.m. No. 4 From Ogdcn and the We3t 7.S5 p.m. No. 3 From Denver and East.. .11:45 p.m. All train except Nee, 1 n 6 atop at in-tern: in-tern: ears. te polnta. Ticket office, Dooly Block. 'Phone 205. L A, BENTON. G. A. P. I. LAGOON Time Table IN EFFECT MAY 20, l&Ot. LEAVE SALT LAKE. 6:30, 0 CO. 11:00 a. m.. 1:30. 3.S0, 5:30, C 30. 7:80 p. m. LEAVE LAGOON, 7 30, 10:00 a. m., 12:00 noon, 2:00, 4:30, C:20, 8 30, 10.30 p. m. "Last train leayee Lagoon Sunday 9:30 p. m. Round Trip 2 CtS A. D. PIERSON, PaaS. & Tlckt Azt. J. B. BEAN, Excursion AkI. OFFICE. 101 MAIN ST. Extra trains, 2:S0 and -i-.S") p. m. on Sun-days Sun-days and holidays. J. W. CUHIIIE, d ASSAYER. . I TP W. 3rd South. Salt Lake City. IJpjj TIME TABLE lM 1 pfc June 19, 1904. ' UH arrive. , From Ocden, Portland. Butte, Sac Francisco. Chi- 'H carjo. Kt. Loul?, Omaha, and Denver Q&5 a,m fH Tom Ocden and Intermedin liil ato points 9:10 From Ocden. Cacho Valley, , . . I1 and intermpdlato points..... 1155 a.nj ji ;H h? ri.n1"""" c,t'. Oma- vSnli Port,and and Ban PrQnclsco 7-30 p.m. J DEPART. I For Osden, Omaha, Chlcaco, i Denver,, Kansas City and ' ' St. Louis ..... a.m IH FSr .dn. Portland. Butto, "'.1 Ban Francisco and Interne- ' iH dlate points lOUSO a,m. iH For Osden, Omaha, Chicago. . Denver, Kansaa City. St. Louis ind San Francisco.. 1:30 p.m. ' For Ogdcn. Cacho Valloy, H Denver, Kanaas City, Oraa- - B ha, St. Loul3 and Chicago. 515 p.to, .' For Osden, Cache Valley, I Butte, Helena, Portland, j San Francisco arul intcrme- IH dlate points 115 p,r, r , T. M. SCHUMACHER. Traffic Msr. iVS D. E. BURLEY. G. P. & T. A. J D. S. SPENCER, A- G. P. & T. A, ' i -tH City Ticket office. 201 Mala StTMt. 1 Telbphono 233. il jH Salt Lafeo & Xos Angeles RailiTay. TIME TABLE. H In effect Slay 31st, 1904. jH GOING LEAVE RETURNING 'iH SALT LAKE ARRIVE SALT l JH LAKE. j ( No. 2, 10:00 a. m. No. 1. 12:30 p. m, No. A, 2:00 p. m. No. 3. 3:30 p. raj I No. C. 4:00 p. m. No, 6. 6:30 p. m." i IH No. 8, r.:C0 p. m. No. 7, 6:30 p.m.' M No. 10. C-00 p. m. No. 0, 7:30 p.m.' 1H No. 12. 7:00 p.m. No. 11. 8:S0 p. m.l No. 14. 8:00 p. m. No. 13. 10:00 p. m. No. 16, 9:00 p. m. ' No. 15, 11:45 p. m.l j FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP 25 ( iH CENTS. ' . JM Sunday, last train leaves Saltalr at 9:39.' IH ri.lH Cheap Rates to 'I St. Louis ' I (jLND OTHER EABTERN PODNTS Yli) S-TBAINS DAILY-3 vfl can cave you mnoy. Writ bm. ' fl C. F, WARREN. Gcnoral Aptint H CI Dooly Block. Salt Lai:o City. H HOTEL KUTSFORD, H New and elegant ln all its appointments. 250 rooms, single or en suite, 51 rooms with I 1 bath. G. S. Holmes. Proprietor. 1 'jH I It Costs No More to I I 1 Go via St Louis ' 1 I i T'liy not take a little run East this summer, and go via , j JH the World's Fair City? The rates arc "away down," and it is ' t j jH just as cheai) to use the St. Louis route as any other. The Bur- f fl lington offers a very convenient stop-over privilege, which I S I IH ffi will be glad to explain more fully if you will inform me where iH you propose going and when you expect to start. ' : 1 I i; S Sj Send me a postal-card inquiry today. 1 ' ' H j llj-llllli E F- nesleNj General Aent, 1 1 j $ ' 79 W' SECOND SOUTS ST., t i ii rlH rJsmilMwv "Follow The Flag.- ( TAKE . THE WABASH - THE QmhY LIME l THE W0KLD9"STA1R : H MAIN ENTRANCE. . H J Phil. P. Hitchcock, Q. A. P. D., Denver, Colo. M |