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Show FOOTLESS MAN GOT DRUNK. County Infirmary Patient Starts a Bough House. Henry Lloyd, a footless Inmnto of tho county Infirmary, wandered down to tho city Saturday and succeeded In acquiring a lighting Jag. Upon returning to tho institution Saturday night he began to abuse everyono about tho placo and created cre-ated such an uproar that the management found It necessary to call upon tho Sheriff's Sher-iff's office for asslstanco In quelling tho disturbance. Deputy James Cowan wont down and brought Lloyd to the county Jail, where- ho quickly became as docile as could bo desired, and quiet once moro reigned at tho infirmary. Lloyd Is an old-timer of tho city who somo years ago had hlo feet so badly frozen that both wcro amputated. Then ho lost all of his relatives and becamo a county charge. He will bo held in Jail long enough that the experience may servo as a practical tompcranco lesson. |