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Show RICH BISMUTH ORE " FOUND IN NEVADA From tho Eureka Sentinel it is learned that a rich strlko of bismuth has been made In tho Diamond range In eastern Nevada. The discovery wns mado by Tobo Connors, Jim Mulligan and Peter Holm, and is nbout three miles north of Iho Overland on tho west side of tho rango In "White Pln county. The oro is found in a dike walled In with granite and manganese on ono side and with porphyry por-phyry on tho other. Assays rnado of tho surfaco rock revealed re-vealed 23i ounces of sliver and 34 per cent ooppor. The ledge, Jwhlch is about forty feet wide, assays from tho grass roots down. It Is 3aid that ore taken four foot below the surface carries from 2000 to CC00 ounces in silver. Tho ore is of tho bismuth bis-muth variety, llko that found In Colorado nnd Montannr It is the first discovery of its kind made in tho Stale, and tho prospects are that It will prove one of tho richest mines In tho Slate. |