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Show ftGOB HANGS NEGRO. Man Suspected of Choking and Threatening Whito Woman. HOUSTON. Miss., July 10 "We. the jury, find that tho deceased, Jesso Tucker, Tuck-er, camo to his death by hanging o.t tho hands of unknown pernons," was tho verdict of tho Coroner's Jury this morn lng, delivered while stnndlng on tho overhead bridge of tho Mobile & Ohio railroad, under which, hung at tho end of an inch grass rope the body of Jesso Tucker. , , Last night, whllo many citizens wero attending a circus, the negro entered tho bedroom of Mrs. J. E. Johnston, where sho was asleep with her children, turned out tho light, wont to tho bcdsldo and caught Mrs. Johnston by the throat with one hand and told her If sho screamed ho would blow hor brains out. Mrs. Johnston reached for a rovolvcr and told tho negro fiho would blow his brains out. frightening tho negro, who turned and made his cscapo through a window. , , . . Mrs Johnston's outcries brought assistance as-sistance and a party went to the nearest near-est house, In which lived Jesso Tucker, nnd found him hiding between two mattresses. mat-tresses. Tho crowd then dispersed, and Domo tlmo beforo daybreak the negro was carried to the bridge by unknown per-i per-i nono and banged |