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Show GOT GEMS WORTH $50,000. 71 Thief Makes Away With Jewels of ' tho Wife of Bishop Potter. " COOPERSTOWN, N. Y-, July 10. Three j IH boxes containing J envois valued at JSO.OCO , belonging to Mrs. Ifonry C. Potter, wife V il of Bishop Potter, wero stolen from a safe 1 in the offices of tho Clark estato, where (j iH they wero stored. During the noon hour, H when tho building was closed and all the j ! H employees had gono to luncheon, the ; H boxes wcro removed from tho safe in the IH vault and the thief got away. The loss IH was not delected until six hours later. iH The safe and vault doors were closed, , jH but not locked, and the thief, who gained H j entrance 'to the building- earlier In the ' H 1 day. found It nn easy task to secure his ' IH booty when he chmo from his hiding place vH after the last person had left the building. IH Having secured tho boxes, the thief went jjH to the cellar, whore, wth tools kept there, , B the boxes were forced open nnd cast aside B after thu valuable had b.-on rcmovod. In cfpcnlng the boxes ho must have soveroly cut his hands, us thu boxes were covered tHBpl with blood A reward of $1000 has been uBPAVJ offered, which stimulates tho dctectlvos to Al their best efforts. Scores aro busy search-inc search-inc for clews. The jowcls had been in Cooperatown only -iBlPJll a few weeks, and that such valuables wcro stored there was not gcnorally 'IBlYAl known. Mrs. Potter had placed them In JBPAH the safe, thinking they would bo safer AJlVAVJ there than at her villa. The pollco of all l'7BBPj the Important cities in tho country havo )BPJvJvJ been notified of the robbery and have been , bAb, ask-Kl to look out for the thloves. VbYAbVJ |