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Show Murders Because He Lost His Job Frenzied Bavarian Tries to Exterminate Extermi-nate Family of His Former Employer. SAM FRANCISCO. July 10. Because ho was discharged from .a position that not-led not-led him J2.C0 per week, August Gcbor, alias Schell, today tried to oxtermlnato tho family of his former employer, Georgo Harlmann, Sr., a painter. Gehor was dls-diargcd dls-diargcd this morning for Insulting. Charles Harlmann, a son of tho employer. Gcber, who lived with the family, went upstairs and, returning with a revolver, lirod at Ilartmann, Sr. The old man llpd nr.d his son, Georgo. slammed a door In Goner's face. Geber tired twlco through tho door, one bullet entering George's arm. Georgo staggered back, and Golior. rushing through, knocked aged Mrs. Harlmann down with a blow In tho face. Ho ran lo tho front yard, whero he inot young Charles Hartmann, whom ho shot through tho throat, causing almost Instant In-stant death. Gcber then ran Into tho street, flourishing flourish-ing his revolver. Ho was overtaken by Policeman Tyre.ll and a despcrato tight followed. Tho policeman managed to get ono hnild on Gcb'er's revolver and finally got hold of his club with which to beat tho fronzled man Into submission. Gobor Is a Bavarian, about 50 years old. |