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Show INKLINGS. Beecher lately got S50U 1'or ten minutes' min-utes' work in marrying a couple. A State Conrention of bee-keepers is called to meet at Jlankato, Minn., on the 14th inst. A woman in Brooklyn lately reeoy-ered reeoy-ered $1,381 damages from a dog owner, for injuries inflicted by a bite of the cur. An army of rats h&s appeared in Scinde, India, to finish up what odds and ends of vegetation the locusts may have overlooked. "Minister and Preachers of the Gospel" are .excluded from the Maryland Mary-land Legislature by a constitutional provision to that end. Out of the one hundred and thirty-five thirty-five inmates of the New Haven, Conn., almshouse, there are only nine who have not been convicted of crime. The aneak thieves of Blnghampton, N. Y., in the absence of n ore profitable employment, have suddenly taken to stealing feathers from the bonnets of young ladies. Dr. Wright, at one time a firm believer be-liever in the sincerity of the Davenports, Daven-ports, has lately been making a very complete exposition of their tricks before the spiritualists of Baltimore. An engineer named Tompkins, who has a strong penchant for the romantic, roman-tic, was recently arrested at Albany for stealing the trunk and clothing of a young woman whom he had made the yictim of a mock marriage. Frank Sylvester, of Lincolnsville, Maine, nineteen years old, pleaded guilty to the larceny of clothing, which he stole in order to be sent to the State Prison, so that he might, learn a trade. His wish will be gratified in precisely two yeais. The head waiter at a certain hotel in Jersey City is a Bussian Count, who speaks eight languages, is a brilliant pianist, ha3 been in tho army, fought in the Crimean war and sayd Russia will not go to war with England. Of course this paragon is authority. At Providence, Rhode Island, on Thanksgiving Day, the newsbovs and bootblacks were treated to a dinner, the prominent feature of which was a mammoth pudding, three feet long, two feet wide, ono foot deep, and containing, con-taining, among other ingredients, fifty pounds of raisins and ten cans of milk. The Britishers are poking fun at their new open postal cards, and Punch has a cut representing a venerable vener-able landlady reading iu amazement ono of the new open letters addressed to her lodger, with this inscription : "Marlbro' House. Dear Joe : Look in to tea and shrimps on your way home to-night. We're all alone, and the Princess and the young ones'll be delighted. Yours ever. Albert Fd-wird." Fd-wird." "Well, if ever I did ! I'd no idea! An' I was ju-t goin' to give the pour, dear young fellow a bit o' my mind about his rem." X. B. The stratagem was successful. |