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Show SESATE. At 12:40 a.m., the Senate went into executive session; and at 1:20 p.m. an open session was held, lasting ten minutes, min-utes, when the list of standing committees, com-mittees, agreed upon by the senatorial cauens, was presented. The various bills upon the table were then diiiribu e l among the committees. commit-tees. Alter a short executive session the Senate adjourned at 1:45 p.m. H USE. Orth gave notice that the committee on foreign affairs would, next Tuesday, call the attention of the House to the report on the Paraguayan affairs, for final consideration. The II .u 8 aeree 1, by 94 to 92. to adjourn over from to-day until Mon-dhj. Mon-dhj. The tariff bill and internal revenue bill of last session were taken from the calendar of the committee of the whole aDd recommitted to the committee com-mittee of ways and means. The Houee then resumed consideration of the bill to revise and consolidate the postal laws. A bill was introduced and laid on the table, by Wilson, to prevent assessments as-sessments upon government employes for political or other purposes: and by Nye to create a fund to be known as the mineral land fund and for other purposes. A lengthy discussion ensued on Farnsworth's amendment to abolish the franl'ing privilege. It was closed by the previous question. An amendment, amend-ment, by Ferry, to strike out the hundred hun-dred dollar section was atrreed to, and the amendment, as amended, was then rejected, by 70 to 102. |