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Show Tlie Xiittti CeairiR. Though the results of the census of 1870 are not fully collected, cuungh has been ascertained to establish that the population of the Uuited States is about 39,000,000. The New York Pant estimates that the principal change in the propottionato political power of the country will be the transfer trans-fer of nearly one-third of that now held by New England to the States bordering on the Mississippi valley. And curiously enouch, tho southern Suites are saved from the loss of political power by the much dreaded act of emancipation. While the former for-mer slave States have been f ir enough behind the rest iu the actual increase of their population, during tho l:uit ten years, to deprive them of at least ten representatives, they will gain onough by emancipation to reduce this loss to three or lour, iu a House of two hundred und forty-three members ; and will naturally retain altno-t the same political weight in the government which they then had, in tpito ol the immense growth of the north-wcatcru States. Assuming that the number of members will not be increased alio": the present number, ha-ed upon a ratio of one to about 101,250, inhabitants, tho New England Stales will Io'-b seven inembei ', tho middle Slates ten tnembcis, aud the buiuhtru Slatvs thrco. llut as Virginia, North Carolina, Caro-lina, (iuurgia, and Loui-.iant will all have largo fraction." upon this ratio, and as there will remain two iiieinbi rs to be assigned to the States Iiuviiir the largest unrepresented portion, these mu.-it bo secured by the f-oiith. it, Slates, reducing the lus of tlii.-. e tioti to a tingle, member. Wmlunfilmi JJiaiinf X'rif. |