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Show THE INCOME TAX. By reference to the Congressional news it will be seen that the prospect is good for abolishing the income-tax. This will be one of the most popular things that the last session of thp forty-first forty-first Congress can do ; as the retaining of the income-tax during the last es-sion, es-sion, after the time at which Congress had declared it should ceabe, was one of the most unpopular done during that session. However much taxation a people may be willing to submit to, a direct tax like this is always unfa-Torably unfa-Torably recoiTed. Men have a repugnance repug-nance to any other person prying into their business against their wish, and opening up their financial standing in the way such a tax does. It involves an intrusiveness that is always objectionable, objec-tionable, even when necessary. It comes in a plainer form than indirect taxation, and the yearly amount foots up a larger sum than maoy men care to promptly pay, though they might not object to pay equally as much if it caaie gradually in the purchase of articles ar-ticles of consumption. There is no need to enumerate other causes which combine to make an income-tax unpopular. un-popular. It will be enough if it is repealed re-pealed and the country is relieved from it. A majority of the committee on ways and means i3 declared to be opposed op-posed to its being immediately abolished, abol-ished, and their influence may be thrown in favor of its retention for a definite period. If so, their action will not be well received by the nation at large. - The present session of Congress has much important business before it, bat none that will be better received re-ceived by the people than a just and discriminating reduction of tariff. From now till the 4th of next March much may be done, and the action of the two hou es will be watched with more than ordinary interest. |