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Show EEItAL. Waihll (twi, New York, Dec. 8. A Washinttoi special says the belief is strong there that Schenck has been offttred the English mission. Some members assert as-sert he will be on his way to London before the first of January The feud between the President and Senator Sohutz is said to be still unsettled. un-settled. There seem; to be no doubt the income in-come tax will be abolished this session. At a least a dozen of bills to that purpose pur-pose have already been presented, and there is a stronger foeling against the tax than ever before. It is understood, however, that a majority of the ways and means committee is opposed to its immediate repeal. Cuba anal TeMmalav. Late news from Maracaibo says a treaty is negotiated between the Cuban general Qjesada and the Venezuelan leader Guiujan. Quesada is to blockade block-ade Maracaibo with ten,steirrers, and in return Guzman will recogniie Cuba and provide her with arms and supplies sup-plies The Spanish offi .'ials here anticipate an-ticipate the early departure of another republican reneral. Ryi is again in Nassau. It is a-ain rumored the agent-ot' agent-ot' Prim are wining to nego-ia e with the members of the Cul-an junta. Racruila for avltformla. One hundred recruits hive bef-n ordered or-dered from N ew ork to San Diego, California, to recruit the 21 at infantry. Ksmlaalloai. The i '!low:ng nominations w?r sent to the Senate today: ice-Admiral Porter, to be A imira! ; Rrar-Admiral Rowan, to t-e :x Admiral; Commo-d Commo-d re Jenkins, to be Rear Adiiiiral: Captain Mi; any, to be Cotttuoaari-; Coijmbus Delano, to be Secretary of tie interior, B-njiain H. Brito, to be Solicitor Geneia; Cedent H. Hill, to he Assistant Attorney General. Gen-eral. M. J. Cramer, to be M:nister ;o Denmark: Jo-rph P. R ,0:, to be Minister to CLU ; A'.very A. Adee, of New York, to t-t B.trtitjy of. Legation at AU4.i |