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Show .-rival anil Closi n. of Mails. ARRIVALS. Tkrviieti a.l, d-'.r. ' iJ p-ia Lool Ugatu, City, W-SalOi ind Moryn county, daily, 7:W ' AabiutuJ Wiisauli evuiitii-, Ki i'ity, i l 7:oJ ' lf-t TbrOMb UinJJ, dally, luSO ti.. LocJ Wt Joriiim and Hrrtcn, Thursday, T:OJ p.ni. Tootle chanty, Tuesday, Thursduj aod gat or lay, 7:'j p.m. 4rnurUie, Saturday, 7:w p.m. Swfth Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington Wash-ington Territory, daily, U:30 a.m. Local Ietu and Kox Elder coaDtiet. iaiiy, 10:30 a.i. C c coaoty, Mooday and TLun. " " iUcowmuiy, Thursday, " M lat Fillmore, and all intertrdi-t efilcti, daily, except jjuuday, 11; yjo. 8t. 0ortfe and Anion, Taeaday, Taurs day aad inorday, 11:00 p.m. ftapu ccanty, Tneaday aad 8tar-dy, 8tar-dy, 11:X) p.m. FairflaJd and Cdr TalJo, i'ridaj,ll:UU pL CLOSING. SmI Thraufb mail, daily, 9 p.m. Local Ogdo- Morgan county, Kcho City and V aaalch, tUiiy, 9 " Barnaul and Wiuaub counties, Tlmre-day, Tlmre-day, & " ITeat -Califcmla d jS"fcT, Through mail, daily, 1: ' Local We6t Jordan aod Herrimaa, (- Thursday, 6:Uj a.in. Tootle, 8 toe k ton id GraattTille, Monday, Mon-day, Ws-ueoday and Friday, 6:3J " Xortii Idah, Montana, TVuelungton anl Onoo, daiiy, 1;0 p. L-l Iaru and Wor counties, daily, &:U0 ' BjX Elder county, daily, 1:'J " Oacha ovuaty, YVeduedday and Siiar-day, Siiar-day, 1:30 " fucb county, Wednesday, Lo " tenth Klllmore, and all iatormodidte offices, daily, ic&pt Sunday, 7:oO ajn. BLUfrorgw and Anzotiu,Motiday Wednesday Wednes-day aad Friday, " Kanpet county, Monday k Friday, 7:&J " airfiM and Cedar V"y, Wed ties, lay, 7:oJ " OFFICE HOURS. ..:, rol Delivery open from 8 a.ra. to 6 p.m. :ay, 1 U 1 p.m. y...wy Order and Itr-giitry Dupartnitnt open r - . - ju. to 4 p.m. 0.i(-ide door open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. .7. M. MlHjRK, Postmaater. 0r-t fcalt Lake City, Ui-li. |