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Show " L1 . MtDICAL. - . I): BENEDICT, iURGEON ANO PHY-ICIAN. Vi at Rwaidenco, rear of .Seventies HalJ. V, . I". ANDERKO.-V, M. I)., SURQEON AND PHYSICIaN, Oflfl'' at It(ji?idein e, in llie Thiilcenth Wiird. UR. 0. C. 3 RMS BY, PHYSICIAN, SUKUEUN AND DRUGGIST, IIRKilll.U CITV, UTAH. Dr. HiGGINS DAVIS TOR about thirty years Medical Pmeti-. Pmeti-. tionur in liiKland, tenders his prtilca- miiul aid to all who may require the ciiue. flu h;t had much oxpononco in every innrli of hia pruiosirm, and ull't-rs tidrico on Tery reasonable teruifl to the, poor lBhubi-' lBhubi-' a- of ibis oiiy, oery uiorning from 8 until lidwifery from upw;irdo. ' ' No. 1 .Morris' Lerrnuu, Kith Ward. LEGAL K. Kirkputrick. 8. A. Mann kllKPATRICK & MANN, Attornoys-nt-Law, OycicK Firt South St., Fourth door eaat of Hovper, Eldredgo & Co.', Bunk. Z. KNOW. E. I). HOCIE. SNOW k iiogi:, Attorneys and Conuaolors at Law Salt Lako City, Utah. Otlico at Snow's eorncr, 1st East St. HOTELS. Salt JLaKo Iloime, KA8T TEMPLE KTI1KET, S A L, T LAKE O 1 T , TllDRS 4l LAUHEIKCE, Frop'ri. BANKERS. Flit ST JATK)AIi l?.Vlv OK I'TAH. ."'a '.l Lako City, Ucili Tcr. Win, H. Hoopor, II. S. Kklree, L. S. Ilillf. H'loiH-r, KIrtrt'l?e Co., BANKERS. '.v r Tfvvi.k St., Salt Lakk Citv, P(Jrv In '''d IUst, Ooill, I'ixi'llMIIKO. JjilllH Warrants, Kto. ' ' looliou.'i maiio and promptly remitted' re-mitted' CORRESPONDENTS: jl'.iKS Jfc Co., Nrnv York, jV'-.ik of California. Sau Francisco, I "it National Hank, Oliictt'o, l-'v.-linnso Bank, St. Loub. i'Ust National Hank, Omaliai I. Morgan & Co., London. wiluamTTcaltqn, h rt.,t.o(iC..odin'.a'5,U,,'0y;,;l'; '" J.C.JIEKUIU, cVi O, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ao ndui) Clirornl St., Fr.n.Uco, . . c.llform.. ;.:rtieuir .tt-Btioo P,ii ,0 the filc. oruvrs lnr Trr dwcriptins ot merohnUV CALIFORNIA TRADE. C. ACOLFHE LOW & CO,, SAW FKAN'CISCO, CAL., Importers of TEAS, COFFEES EAST INDIA MOJJl'CE Of whiv'ti they keep stocks constantly on band lor f ale to the O B 3S X IV Q. j? ADE. AL.-iO AGENTS FOR La Vtuda dt X Iltrmony'H, ofCHiilz, SHER KIKS, Bartlett WHITE LEAD COMPACT, of Srw York, AND PRAT T'S SOX.EXPLOSIVE ASTKAL OIL.. JameaOti. v A. Macondray. r V.'. Macondray. MACONDRAY & Co., SEIFFIM & CflMMISSIOl MERfHA.VTS, IMPORTERS CF uM.N kH3 JAPAN TEAS And all descriptioc! of EAST INDIA PRODUCE, sax FRA.veisro, . CAL. A. J. GI11FFITII, Bel" in kiniof PICKIj ED do S1VC-- IS. 3Z SALMHN A'D HFRRINGS, 133 Washington Street. Below Da vi-i. SAW TRSNC'SHO. All kindd ol Diii-d- Siuoked aid Pirkied Firb Cr-ntJitly on h;tn L ClffiNERY, SOUTHER & CO,. Importers and Jobbers of all the varieties nf POKEIG.V AM) DOMESTIC WINKS AND LIQUORS, Wli'.ch we offer for pale to the t adp in Utith. at low rate- in och-inifC for im tinner I currency "?:t?li down" or approved credit. 31 1 Clay Stivvl, -6aik Fvanciico, - - California VIU?,m'M & K; LIOGS, Importeiv an 1 Jobbei? of Wme3 and Liquors, 214 A 2H3 1'KONT STREET, SAX FKAXf lro, Jahim 8prnitcf, John SpHianoe, C. C. Cuti.man. J. & J. SPflUANCE, Importeri aod Whole-ale DeaMrf in WINES A M 0 L5QU0RS, 415 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. EflDIIGTO-I. E03TETTER & CI, Importers and Johbor ot PORKIOX AND DOMESTIC DRUGS k CHEMICALS Fln KMHcntinl OH, CiuntH, Root it, Seed, Flo we rs. SpongCH, SIlIiib, Pomades, tc. And all other Htnpled oonnected with tho Wholoaalo and Retail Drug Business. Conetantly in recoiut, by direct Importation, of Kurojean and Asiatic praauct?. Kxcliisivc Agent p for Quicksilver. Ilostetter's Bittern, Drake;? Plantation I'itt- i-. WoIf olicidiun Schnapi,,, Newell's Tuluiunary Syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Modieines both Amerioan and European. Orders Promptly anil Carefully Kxccuted. Koh. and 531 Market Street, Botweou First and Second, SAN l'K'ANCISCO. CAUFORXA. EINSTEIN SflOS, & CO., Importer!" Hnd Manufacturer? of BOOTS AD SHOES 113, 115, and 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Wo would epei;tlly cull the attention of the Tr;td to our CAUFQSMIA MADE G30DS I Which in point of style, fit and durability are equal to the be.t cutom made ood. Leither and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, :i4 i 216 BATTERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer to the trade of S Ot L.ike sr.d vicinity LKATIIFH. of all kind, HJKKS, COLLARS, WHIPS, And s goner.il .i?, r;n;cnr f SADDLE PY GHODS AT NfW YORK PRICES, Send for Cat.il. suc? ar.d Price?. WH1TTIER, FULLER & CO. Cameron. W hit t icr A Co. and Fu i!oiV 1 leather IMPORTERS AND DKil.KKS '. N PAINTS, OILS, AND WlfiCOW CdASS, SOLE A..I:NTS K'.'R FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE GLAJS COS 21 & 23 FRONT STREET, dr. Pine Sinvt, S AX FRAXfl.te. C. n. Bissrtr. O.F. n-nmv BHSSETT& HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All kindi ef HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Hteel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Affrlenltnral lmplrmmt. And Mlnlnf Tool., At I.wtit Rttn. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOCSE. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, ?-re- re '.' A. Vrti I Cf.. CELEBT! 4 TUP CINCINNATI PIKE A"T ErKGLAR PROOF SAFES, Ar.d .cir.-ut' .V : 'r.i Aa'c-nati. - V msm rr.ATT COVT.RT. G.r..-1 Arr.u, tf- Wacitf".cn M , Ctictgo. H, B. tLAWSOV. npi. 2. c. M. I, Ag-at far lt" I.rrllarr, HELMBOLD'S PREPABATIOXS Highly- Concentrated" CO.MPOC.ND FLUID EXTRACT BUCMU, 4. positive and spe-?:f renjeiy t lc..v of the B uider, K dnev-, 'iravel and Drep.-i'-al Swedi- ?s. Thi? medi'-ine irjc-e:i--e! the povt&r?- of 1 dice di-ce t i o n . and excites 'ho a b -. - '" r n ; i r. ' o healthy action. b which the m:r;cr of calcaneus cal-caneus depo-i:i"n- and ail unnat:irsl en-larceniect? en-larceniect? are r itccd, a will u- pain aj infiHmm -tion, and i- Kood for nun, women and children. H HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BICIU For weakness ari-inc from excesses. haMts of dissipation, early indiscretion, a-tciidea w iih the following symptom; : Indisposition to Exertion, Liss -f power, iMLhoulty of Breathiiir. Ls of Mesnory. Horror of Disease, Wakefulness. Dimness of Vision, P iin in the Hack, Flushing of .the B-iy. II. it Han. is. Erup ions of the Face, Weak X rve-. Dryness of the iikin, Trembiiv.c, Padid Countenance, La-siiude, Of the Muscular System. These symptoms, if allowed to on. (which this medicine invanaoly remove-.' soon follow Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, Ac, in one of Thica the p-tient may exp:re. Who can say they are not frequently followed fol-lowed oy th"se "direful diseases." InsRUlty and Consumption! 1ST Many are aware of the c.i usee-f theirsuier-ine, theirsuier-ine, but none will cuf s3. The records of the insane a.-ylums ucd the iu lancholy deaths by cn-ump'io.i ber.r aiiple witness lo the truth of the assert ion. The ContitU'ion. once a'iecte 1 bv nrirai.ie weakness, require- the aid of mediiine to str-"nthen and invifrorate the svsteni. which II FL M BoLD'S EX TR CT uF LI CilU in variab v does. A trial will convince the n.'ist sceptical. In manv jtP'--ctions i culiar to Female?, Id EXTRACT KL'LTIU is une.,ualed by ny other retLedy. uu-' fur alt complaints i ctdeut to the sex, or in the DECLl.NK OK CH VNGE OF LIFE. La oKE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. No Familv sliould be without it. Take no Bal-atu, -Mercury, or unpieitsatit medicine for uajdeasuut atid dnnyerous uio-Siines. uio-Siines. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCll U IMPROVED RQ3Z ..:.3H j Cures Secret Disenc in a nt little expin.-e. Iin Ic or uu - .... diet, no .ncyit . enieui'e, ;.nd no expwsare. , Use Helmbold:s Extract Buchu Foratl affee ions ana d'-enses nl'the-' "rc;int? I whether -xl8lig in Male or Female, j from whatever cause uri.iii iiini:, r.iH n ;inaite h w tuup siaudint:. Dist-a es nl'tht.-o i organs r q lii i the .id u. u diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 111X111" IS THE GREAT DIVRET1C. And it is certain t- h tve the desired effect in all disease1- for which it i rec nmneodcd. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Highly Concontrnted ConiH)iiiul Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying tho Blood, rcnmriTig ".11 ehrn-! ehrn-! nie constitutional dis'-ases arisinn trom an impure state of tho Blond, imd tno only reliable and effectual known remedy for tho cure ol Semiul i. "oald Head. alt Kheuui, IViins and willinps nf tho B ii"-. I'kera-tionsofthe I'kera-tionsofthe I hroat Hnd Locs, Btnti hc. I'iin-ple-un the Face, Totter. Erysipelas, and all scaly Erupt iunj of the Skin, And Reftiittfying (he Complexion. Two tabU,apO'iusful of the Etra-t 'f 3.ir- aparilla added t- a p nt ot water N e'ti-.( In the Lic-bon Ou-t Drink, nnd one bottle'ul is ful I v e-iual to n C i Ih-n "f i he Syrn i ol Sar-a -pnrilla, or llic decoction &s usually nude. HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An txdlent Totion for difca-is ari ini: fro in habit- of di-- pritb-n. u-el in connection connec-tion wiih the t.xtr.icis Buchu nd var.i,p;i-rjbi. var.i,p;i-rjbi. in siu'h di--asc? r. rec muiended. E fi'.ience of t he ino-t responsible and r- iaile -haracter will accomi-ai.y tiie nie-licine. Also explicit dirc-ti 'i.s for u.-e. with it i" -i'i:DS or Tii"i'S4Vns )n inc witn hc-, wnd upward-of un-olicite I cen (ic nnd recommi'iitiatory lett-rs. ui.iny of whi h h re from he h ij-'hest t-ourcp.-, i ncl u-i i njf em i n n t Physicians Clergymen St teamen, f. "I h e Pro''ri. tor ha? never re-ort td t ih tir pubi i . Ciitiuti in ih ne?pa en ; h" does n't do this, 'roin the fact that his article" r,nk a? Suindard Preparation, and du nut ue.l to be propped up byifrnfl a C;. Do Science f Mdtcine. Iii,e the D"ic Column. h'MjUl "'and -imile. r'ir. ui;i;-tir hvmg F-ft t" li-i I .duetion lor i t pillar, aud Iruth alone i-t it? Capital. L My El':a''t arp:ri.i;i i' ;t )',ir.'t I'un-fe( I'un-fe( : my Extra--: 1 .-ha i' 3 D-urt: p-, bn will ,.c; (a- ii :n hil ;.t-e-. Hot h are p'-ep i re i on pu rly " n t i ! pn nc pie- ili v - uo atd a e t i. e il . e uie-u e ot et:::e- thtt r n u-a i-. r- ady cd onc o-iv te: w . tf r-'i r-f "i--oij t.f h'-jr prop? -t 1 1 with t h'-.-e ict 1 r' D irj the f II 'w:r.T ofkf. "e D p n-a o rv -f j b - V ': ; f-i -ar. ee 1' .tesF"r lii-ir vaiui.i w-.ik tn Vrnc re - f l':,v.:- rex.j k rurij-- iv the ' -t-r;i (d I r. PT ;c. I'S 1 Se rem"-k- inn ie v h- L"'';h I"-r.-wi:: a ed.r t--i Pr. - :-:. ..--.j v; c-j v t f the RohI ' vii.ff- r.t r-., ri-. it-; 1. il j r i-j!;ei m ic ::!. , n - :t K $ r. -1 v u ea n J -j a ru I 1 A:-', -.hi -il Mfvirw. pa I -t.-'i hr Bt j" T.vf.-, tr'.: w ..; r, .... ,l, ,f, 1 t-c ' -' urreon' "e n'Fi c lie !:e f'-: Jrl :. f r. D AH.iresi ;::r f-.r ;r.f -rai;!oD. il aL. 'o j H. T. HELMBOLD. 1 Ti.:sc ifi.. : r. f - . HlmbtlP prng ( htmlnl U trfhomr, VJ. Br..d), .N.l . f.fc-r. j HfliBhold Mdtrl Dfpot, 104, j kODib Tcnlb ft H h 1 1 d 1 j-b I , Bivarf of Cftttnterfeita ! ask; FOK JILLMUOLD'S! TAJti. k.() othkk: CALIFORNIA TRADE, TO BIN, DIXON 6l DAVIS SO?i, lmponerfi of ENGLISH, FRENCH A GERMAN Ilnvii.c rt-1-it-r.t r.irtrt.-- in liuri'pt. !-; '..' rt; in dirts-: r'-Hisit:n:r;ii!orj w::h tHr r:::-!::-; ers. we are ecaMifd I--- ext .sU orvier-. i Sell Rt a Low Rme as New York 1m porter.. BI VLRS FOR I TAH TERRITORY To onr Si.x-k, wh-rh is ihs itr-i aiid ik-.hi varied tt.e Pacific CoM TOBIN, DIXON i PAV1SS0N, KST 13 Ij I T-t lSO. castle mm, r i" o x 'Xs xii t. i WHOLF.SAhK GROPERS, '-i I nd il5 Front Street, Sail Franeisco, - - Cn 1 1 rri. 1 u. MURFHY.GHANT4 CO. CALIFORNIA. Call a I tuueu lo l;,...nn no; a--,.rl.l t.H k V. Dress Goods Cumpri'irj.; FRENCH PLA'O PCFL'NS. Empress CloJIts, 'lionise C Iollis, In All Colors, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOES. iJTO. SS'X'C!. ETC. Al.., lull Mum ,,i 110 S J K R V, AVhile tiociits, Linens, TABLI CAMASK3, SUPKI2, Toveliiis, ,c. All of ln. h t li Ay ofit-riit the nw.-l uiarl. zsn. iCk i.t.p: h. Propriet.-i of tho H i'im: Hn an-I r.- ATi.-.-lf-s Vineyard-. Pi--t tor tbei-ii !f ol hi NATIVE WINES UNO BSaK3!W M. KELLER &. CO., Corner of i'atiry and Wanhjnjctun Stn't-i, Jan Frnnrlt.ro, - - - C n It for n t n. Aug lira Wine, Klrlnrnrio Wlitt , Willie "M Mflrti 1ort ' Wlnr l!lltn, S li-r ry Grapf 11 ri ml y . A I our W int- un 1 Ilrntnl t piirniil.-"l -t i irl pn , :, urn- tlir" . 1-1 4 'siilt Lnkf Cnv Ctn-pnrali'iu -m' rn-op.'rnt i v-Met v-Met rant il i ii-1 u ii h. -n t C".. -; . I) II Pi-,. FT n-i IP.P i (',. 'I I, P l.. IM win.- ) .mule. HICHARO (iOn)HIn. At- r t, f-Hlt 'i, WEIL & CO. IMPOHTEK-t oy Cigars and Tobacco Pro pri etnrf of the HAVANA C l ' i R V A N T" F A rjft H V. HZ I, UU.t mnA Zl' Front M SfiUlbwwt ornr rmnt A Hurrrnni-i to Mi . 'X fK V -W"T .1. i.vkkdi.m; ,v .. CailiMIS-ilO MiRSHAJiri 4H C lay tit , Mn Kranrlro, OKA- Kit!) IN OltK.4) PKODI ( Kn :i:ii t if, r - ft "f "t.' .n Ham-. V-vu, L" 'i. M. Il.f-Tl. I ' . llrcl, c-f our (. i.H t.-n ji,m(! I a. - m -n l-.i-l B?.ITTAN.HOLBROO&C'i Stoves fe Ranges, J SHtET'PGH A.TI1- Pl4;r, (f)ipHr, 7.lnr, Kh.rl Lead, U kr., j 1TVI-.. j Tc-rtcl rtucl li on XTijo. TIM K" I.O !, j I T-. . -i v..-..r.- t. l '. r, I r-ou-e onis-ic m r XV , K a. ;,-. :.r I' -. J:.ir..i. V (.-! j Jtfti. ill a inr.iirnr AN f i'.AM I-l i). ( A I.. ! I -.i-.n, .v.... k S. P. HOLDEN L Cl-., foreh;n d'uv goods,! Linen, Orft Good Hosiery, tc. S -: 11' 5A0! F. T., ! A IS FKA.NC ICO. J UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. CaaLt.M M V 1i PI3KEER LINE CF UFAr!. On aud ftfur Thur.dtv. Pre. 1, 1ST0, IHilBr Tra ii L's-e Sst T skt- 0:;y r r - m sn I p.r-. j Arr ve ,; Otdf 7 s . sr : I p. m. i Arr vea: xs:: F.!kc i'-.;v 0.-.. n Mid r n; . j Fre from Slt I.nkr Cily to J W.,-rf "s C:v s 1 dr. r.-;::e .... ,A1 ! Karmi cton ....5 K.o-i.:e 1. s Cs-un . . - j Fre from Osdm to Kr.ysvillo p, ,;, fi;;, .... ! Cen rt-v; le : W ooa'f . r.-s j S.t,t Lke Ci:y '2 In addition to the abo e Afs ACCQMM30UIJN TRdN tt'il! rv.u DAILY. SI NPAYS KXCKlTVP. LeaTins Odcn at 5 s tu. and S:t!: Lake Oi t : at -I -K1 p m.. On which full fire will cut t'e th.c parch sr of a ticket to r.-tura oti ih s.-iu.e d-, , r,d tra n fre -, and wil- t.p by ar .o' r with the e.-iid-ci-T it a:i pom on ti;e inu io take on or let oft' p -sscntc s. PuSiifHSrvs ill pi. ar Pin rlias liirlr Tic rl ai t Oilirr Fifty Centf additional n-i'l K h.i!(:r.d whe-ihe whe-ihe t.-re scor.-ctrd .-n i he i;im. For all inforni.nion c-Micr ruins tro-h1 r P;iS :i;e. appl.v to D. O. CALDElt, ' ick t nnd Freihl v 'i Salt Lake City. JIK Vol ; sir; l.VR:'23l 4. QJLC;T.V .. N y .. -, 1 . . . INMAN LINE Of Royal lll trainria, RilU fi nitt f n um Every Saturday, AM Alternate '1 ue4i:iy. Cahln l-H-KBHf, lo Lit.. I. . K. I.h $ ; .v.no !.t'riatr t.ur., ;io.ua P g, from 1.1 vr i-pool in rn lnrh Cabin, ... (,,l, ; ..i n s'i-'i - - t.'.iu.b.l 31HO Ri'iin.l Trip T i-l-ou i.in.l r uu r:iip-. JOll i. I) t I F, An in 1.' llui im j 1 Ol k, Hr WILLIAM CAI.I. li. A(, i, KmIi 1.1. iiy. ti,h. Pi-jKEER SHORT RCUTEEAiT. C ICiGO & NOMHWEST'N. RAILWAY fthnrttftt tnd t4ntl.t Konl ft tm (-liiatia ii . i. i ( n tt K. " I . 'i J. l.n it'Oi I I r fc ' I iii ' - J i I y in . f n - : 'u i-- n ., i .,o I i, I - t - J - t. t i ., . i,i t ' - ' " ' ' u A in i 'I i 1 rol i I I i, I'tiljinuM i'l lloitj mid -It ping lit Iih -.'Pi,- to.-,, n.ill r,r ( r, . .r.r. J ' - 1 i. I N i. , - ": i . ... - .... - ... ... . '.... i. nihil. t t. .... ! 'I- I I". 'I- t'.M .J..-. ... ..... 1 rl an I a, . 1 d I. ..On., . t a - ... ""''"'''' I " " " ' - ' 1 ' ! tt i..,, :i.,o,M ,,, ..f--- K p l, ntti f... and m in j . t. j.1 .,1 uTr. '"I,'. Z'''m " " ftH - i. n-:-i;, t: ,.. i - .i b " wi .t ' ' I- 1.- , I - n . . .1 .. -II,- t t, lf ( I. t-i r . m. - - in 1 ' I " 1, . n.- . ' 1 J. Ml !.- - 1 1 u j... m., i l.a.- ' ! . t .: ; j u. t -i' ' " ' -pi ') - HARKY ROGERS, iJ. F ' A N 'b. ' i. T.' k.' A r-ui (- t K I I. IU I. A I", -i.'. "ni l- W. it. 9ir.U rU Aafvtia, dv ,tti. |