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Show As "Evil Spirit" Cast Oct or a Man who had been Poesissio ' por Eighteen Years! Salt Lake City, Dec. 1st, 1ST0. I hereby certify that I hare been sorely affl.cted with an evil spirit, or demonia-ical demonia-ical Mosses-ion for eighteen years. No tongue can ever expre-ss the mental and physical sufferings I have endured from this cam-e. The contortions of my body were perf. ctly terrible. I was often c impelled to act in a very ri lic'ilous manner, without being able to help myself. Two weeks aeo I commenced taking treatment from Drs. Roberta and Goss, who, I am only too happy to say, have succeeeded in casting out the evil or undeveloped influence, by the power of psychology and animal magnetism. I am all right now, thank God. (Signed) E. Anderson. Subscribed and sworn before me this first day of December, A. D. 1S70. '. seal, s Sld ) Notary Public. Drs. Roberts and Goss will remain at the Omaha House, Salt Lake City, until Jan. 1st, 1S71. or longer. adv |