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Show Gnisr to the iliu.-lini..,-ymr grain to the li V. lower mill, wL.ch w now fitted up and turn -i out a No. I article of 11 iur g'.vi;c; the largest yield to the bushel. I em al-o prepared lo grii tl bti -k wheut. CH Wtl.F.S U'lI.KlN. Whiti Housr. .-j. B unb'Tgcr & Co proprietors; firsi-clti58 imnily hotel und reurant, reconstructed u.ld-T new mft'.&eroent. Main itreet. .Salt Lake City, Luh. Laro and vr 11 1'iirnHhea rooms and all iheOeiicauie., of tije aeason at reasonable charge-?. A ladies' dining room att tched to tne epauiu, retro-h riirnt saloon. Board and lodgirg $2 00 rrday; by the week, S12.00; day board $-3,00 uer week, r're-h oyster-, ju-t re-cer. re-cer. ed and fcerved up in evf-rv style nilil or day. Free conveyaric to meet 11 t-aim. 8. Bamberger 4 Co.. Proprietors. . adv CAsn paid for Buckwheat ut i). ijrenig'n. adv Fine Fresh Honey in the comb, delicious and cheap, at II. Wallace's. adv Wivmt is Co.minu on. As that if the season of lestivity you should hiiy your watches, jewelry, clocks and at Cull C. Asmussen's new jew-' jew-' it and toy store, Fast Temple street. adv . Frfsh Srrri.V of genuine Kng-hh Kng-hh Alo, Golden Crown Cigars, Pigs' le.'i. Lambs' tongues, e. , ,Vc. , at l'iiil. Margotts,' 2nd South Street, adv A Nrw Stock-Of the linest (lands of cigars, tobaevvs, pipes, pipe--lerus. Walking canes and notions .:"iisrally for gendeue n, bought per-soaally per-soaally in tan Fi'ancisciv and lor side y Ed. Harris. ;uiv j Paris in starving, the Prussians say. Golightly i Harris, though, keep the Globe well supplied with the finest bread, crackers, cakes, pies and pa-t y; and manufacture the choicest quality of pure candies. Try them. adv .Iok Simmons receives daily, large, fat nnd delicious oysters direct from Baltimore, which be spreads before his patrons surrounded with superior condiments, Ac., Ac, at the following low prices : Slew, 75c: Fry, Tic; Raw, 50c. adv -M.uyuks. The Great Western matches, manufactured by Paul Lech-tenburg Lech-tenburg arc equal to any imported and warranted to keep iu any climate. Try them and be satisfied. Sold at the UHh ward eo-operativo storo. adv. Go fi'H IliM George ("band'er. de'i'rmir.od to continue to pli ase the public as he has d ue heretofore, will kei-p the choicest meats of every k:n I. villi aovmimo. biting salesmen n wad on customers. fry lntu. S'ail No. 2. right hand, entran.-e of Meat Mar- j Let. adv. I MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Haifa b:o wet of Prefidea Yciic'i i.fei i nc JOHN W. YOl'.N'G, Esq., Prop. Katlve Batts, Bird! and Reptiles, Wolverine?, B .r-, Fnit. M.i nuin Dtr, Lynx. Wi d e'alf, ir. IasperUnt eollecur.n f Native M natV.f: Admission, tl) ct. Cli ildren, IU " Orn very day exeepl Scndaj, frc-m a.is. to & p.m. Feeding Time, 3 p. in . J.L. BIRFOOT, Muuir. Only 300 Chmcd, at One Dollar Each. A v-n and ti!F rrUTi p e-f fSS, Ksaai-us tti nwtraait-Ht arvi buy your ticket 'or iLt K2c at lano, Secretary of the Interior ; W. H. Odell, Surveyoi -General for Oregon : James geeley, Attorney f Nevada. Honorably Dlar a rjcl . Washington, 8. L C-n Alexander Alex-ander S. Whb, unassiruaj, has been honorably disoharged from the service of the United States, by the President, under the new army act. Capt. L. Walker and Lieut. George W. Smith have been honorably discharged from service undet tho same act. AMUiEMlWTS. THEATRE HAN6K mr TIME. Doom aoes at 7; Farformaiwe to oottffieata at 7. Glorious Revival ! Saturday Ev's, Dec. 10,1870, Will he preB-., (of the Hr time in Tral Monl'p. the treat emotion! drama, entitled U:.:!3 Tern's Cabin I MISS DKLLI1 CLAWSON Aaimtriiw for tSo firrt line Be TOP9EY. la etiT prfffftti, the Bret Knit&. u4 bmcMionul Drama, enlitle-d THE LO!-T NUIP. Will ihirUr ftpefi'. Mr. and Mle ConlHk, wpprtel by the Lawiri-tAhc Dramatic Conpaif. "A CetnpUt Pictorial Biaiery f thm TinH," "The bent. chrapit anit daiI oe-ceefal oe-ceefal mmily fpr la the I lo,' Harper's Weekly. SpUwHldlf Illattratrd. Sttoe of the Prt. Tke B-il Dewipnrtr ef oar ofluntry. CspUi in !l the art'i.rtmef-iU' of n im-r icn fftmilr r-p r. lnnr wli7 erud fftf lUelf ntht u it title. "A Joar-Bl Joar-Bl CiviliMMoa " N Y. Evening Foe . Tke beet pobli"'ti'a of iti -1um m meri-o meri-o tad far eb of a'l etbr kly joar- a u ot to permit of ny eomp-an-oB tweeo it ao4 nr f their nunbir. : rol. uaBFfont-iBti.efiDePicolly",oDof rFdirf I naiiuer tbet ere r-nDi-ed. I- illu-tr- I tiBi re bu -Demos and bpaTiful, hr f ftamiwked by ibe ebief fcrfsi? of the couBtry. I BePloB Trare er. Hpr' i te t-- rj r'.kt ! trrtiDf iHBtrd fcwpT, 'f)r d" I f ' oe a (!. on it n iotr-to uli-.t. I reiir.f Tttr pof Bh'ca ordrf cneri ; rie-l. iBtrer;tir, ee teriAiliiii, kad Ubfi-eeptionebie Ubfi-eeptionebie IS. Y. pud. s tna s cr ipt i o x s 1 sti. Term) Harper s We-ek'j, one year ti.j Ad ei:r c y "f ei'ber the M.o WlflLT. OT BiliV W. tl Mpilie4 f'tlta frr trtry f ti n.t,-r tr t M i0 -h. iti 'Be rexiLLaoce; er. en t lor $5 .0. with&Bi dirt copy. -jV.crip;.eiijT&Hr'-r'iyAaif, wtk j ecd Kevi . te ete Maw far ,n jrr I. or. two.f H rpfr i pentni nvii to 'jQrT U-l oee year. yo Bftaek cuaitocrf cb be isi t-iie-i at bey tine. Tae 'tioil volae of Hi'wr'i iy, in Beat e.oii, b.a il ti n t y ti - pre, fr of up-t f i r IT jj ea?L. A imp ". eet, et, a. rr. r. i'oariaB c tan.. pea cn rae p' -1 c ra r the :e f I' J. , er 1 eat ipent' ef rtr'.butr. '6lsite XIV. reay JkLaary 1 k. The pe'iae- "'ri llarper'i W y -a twrfy j t- j ar. fc.'B B.ae; fte iua.4 t IM rub ! Mr bfef 'I -el c-e. 1 IMaATafl aK-THtni, SOUTHERN MAIL & EXPRESS LINE i Carrying the U.S. KaU, 1b4 Well, rarye A. C. Kxpraoa. j Toe aadeT-r.fTi1 eo ruavnin a Daily ! lice el Suae to j PROVO & FILLMORE. j Ob asd a. -r Ker. Utb. I5n, will rua ob a:temate d&yp for ' Meadow Valley. Star District and St. Ceorge. C-oocec inns made with s:afM U-T I Tiatle aad Srvler Mince, aayt and Arilena. ftfod Mfil ip1 icTowmodtiD alor the lioe. Time : 6t. ire-Tue and Mea.w Valley Hint, 3 aajs, 10 hour. t iirGH WHITE, Prep. ffic-e t elif. t arrw A Ce-C. Ce-C. F. 8MITH, 0nri Agm FOK SALE ! A lew hundred "yeet"' in the "Tiatic" aad ' "Lafayitite" Lodas, Tintic Mininc Diftrict. lwquire of JOE JIMMOX, Omaha Hnnsp Element. eo-cpehmT TomTYlrani i Jarlai Street, 17th Ward, I Haf-a-block wt of tha Tabernatle. j SALT LA(E CITY, j Having the lataT imaroved Machinery for! werking in i Iron, "Wood & Brass,! Can mtmniacture all kinds of Xaahintete1 Toole, Teralnc L, at Fan Blewtrs, Gear Cntting and Belt SercwlBg Machlnee. 'ktrese Tate. Cotton, Woolen and GrUt Machinery, Ktc, Kte., Etc. OUR FOUNDRY! lln&, at present, be-n the JVo&t S'wcc-wW in thi Territory And we caa turn eat "asti-ifa from the tuin-nw tuin-nw of a "teTe Plate up to mmeiYe onei for melting and CrnhiBg Werki, at Low t Ignree. We hare aa 1 A No I Model Maker,1 And order in that line cuaranited to be j saiiala.-tory . All kinds of Old Iron Bought. LIMHVR AVAM KI). A few more Shares of the Capital Stock can be had on application to WILLIAM FULLER, feereury. PIONEER STEAM WOO W. U. Koijom, Gfto RnMXKT. aamaaaaaa'a'aBMaaMaMOJtaaaaMBaaaBrT aaMoja mi H. K. SKAFP, j'-r;. He si dent Dentist, 1LT tl-tC CI1T. TrrTII Pa ' te ull --e- i-i.e-t-d I FT I H M P -:'" i ver. i - 1 I ' I I usaiir.. P.- ,s i .i-v.;-1. -'nSSer. from S'.1' fe- ft! s.-t, .tj sn -I iffaciios caaj-'Sle.i a a.! satyi. I Tth FIXl.d rtih no d and tl ir. riaira. Teeth Kllracted nlthonl rain. OFFICK Fie,-, door .t cf D sere: N.. COAL ! COAL ! COAL in -nT Jesirtvl quarTitv. !-the !-the V C L'jp t or df ivf . vi n; ry pit aif the --it - 0 der can be 1 eft at 'Vet -life 'tive ''n:: f:ore or at H. Kirk wood', i rri-',-itf Lake Hone. GKORGK CB1SM N . C. S. I. WILLISTON'S CELEBRATED COMBED SEA ISLAND six conn SPOOL C6TT0N. i To Arrive. j Will be (old wh-'lefale and ret II. hi Z. C. M. I. TW3fPJ0!SG,V:N W.U For every ono nu entirely -tuiit a t .y 0 WORKING COMPANY". Til"- I ..? iv m It II 'I A! I ..It mm, EOBINEY & CO, (botuti luj le Mrtot, one block wt.t ,. Hi,- 'IT: i,,.,. ) HavinR added to their already extenaive stock of Machincrv are n..w ir. i m . to turni.l, all nrne'e, in their line, a fir-t clae article, ai -.t.y r,,l,i,' ,1 ',.. from tbe bent lumber prodm-ed in ou own mouniain home have a complete ret .f tv.h and Door .Machine, v, l.v whirl, wr , :,n till large or "mall ordem with irreat dinpatch. SASH AMP We puhlifh a lict of aigP. of Doom and Window-which are wHv k. pi n aand. Lip or eheek rail oash aod all kicdiand eitre 0I d..orK nm.lr to'oto. r : xl0 windows, 2 ft 4 ia'x 3 ft 9j in 2 ft 6 in hv I, i : 1I2 " 2 10( i 4 6 2 8 V' 10x14 " 2 10 j 5 2 2 10 , 10x16 " 2 10 x5 10 3 feet " , ItliiMU, Fiji mm mid J.Ionllin-i. Rollin-r and 8!ationr' Wat Blindx made to nrdrr to fill all kind ..f op n '"f" A)0T HDd Vi"dnw 'rme, Plain and rannelrd. llatinit ne f rny'. aplendidiNo 1 moulding machine, we can f'urnUh every varin, of .Moulding WOOD TUJtNINO. We have a No. 1 Turning Uihe. and have e,ar, d I'red 1'hiMcr. Vest trurner in the Temtory aud will tunn-h tuminK ol all dr- np,,,.,,.. .u-dmg .u-dmg wheel beads, chaim, bedrvadu, and all kmdn of wood iurnii,K ., ,,w r.ii..M. LATEKT IMI'ROVKI) MA( IIIAKIIV Oiir machinery i the verv heat tht eonld he p,irchf-d , ihv I a-t c.u ai.uupof a So. 1 I'laner and Matcher, (or eurlacin luu,l.,r and t,.i,a? uinJ and frooving Soonng ; a Daniel. Planer, fbr plinii, luiuU r out of wi,- IV,,,,,, 1DK Machine; a heavy power Mortii-ia Mwhine; machine-, lor lal.l.,,,,,, plowing, making ah, doom, Blind" and rjjouldin. Aa great variety of work can be done on t'hr.c tnachit--., ii ivr oh great advantage contracting and t'uildin. W, II. FOIX1M attend" to the huildin-t 1 -parlnienl aH hr,, experienced architect, and having on hand all the Ui, ei i, ,ii..r,,,,a ,,. . Brj.ared to make plans fpeciheaiiona, driaile, and cnliurl lor l,Ul,i,i- ,.l Tl.eold firm of LAT1VKR TA Yl.Ol! hiv rharye ol ,rlo depanmeni and in cnneeunn with the above n,a, hiiierv run a ,! of . ,,,!,, w. and are prepared to rip board., plank, pu lru. ,.nc,. einps 4 , c All who mund to beaguty, improve and build up, and want e.. .,) g work, oall on p.o Boxsr.fi. Folsom, Roinncy 6c Co. THE AVEEILL CHEMICAL PAINT C0MPANY:S mrns, Eruhrarinr over A HUNDRED DIFKKI'.KNT S.I 8 f'l i r injriiediaie apphcaiijn an I r'''iiiriii'' no in x J'ie. i.,v ,, . and for tM hi ll. DRUG DEPARTM'NT z. c. rci. e. I The irred,ent of thee '.int. are .'rop't kn i,l-l,..,r,r. , .. -p, , ' tie w'th whieh ifcey re'Tamen 1 themvlv.. are : r , . n .1,- ,i ' ro.ity of color, an unu-ua Iv atooo-b an I r o-y . .. , ... ' ( ,,' ia lay tie. no trouble of minr.r, will 1 bre r Sin a d .,. , ,, Wl of with atmrph-rie ehaora-, nor rha k -If bv 'ri - . I l.e bet, eheaie-.-, ujt .jura-.le mo-t p .pu ar I'a'nt- m , The AV'KRILL WHITE PAINT i ZINC PVINT. e m no ead and ta of (tial rjp-n,.nty and (rf.p'i'arlty. BRING ALONG YUL'R PAINT CANS OI'KN' AND I'UIK II I V, 1WT. r,.Ul.. A full line of Foreign. Domestic ami Liquors. At Lla Irojr Bnt, Z. C. ii. L |