OCR Text |
Show tin? Rifi I iOiv. a fnry f-sf r--r W &A (2'. il. Eagle Emporium, it t : t a i i . . Liurir. CHRIST U A3 M..1 N SW YEAR'S YVEih. v. e r. ill open n 'SAZAAR DOM EST t V, JAVA N KSE, AND CHI IS EKE NOVELTIES CHJUSTM.-S rMSEIsI ! One Aao ji'taieiit of (.ienuino IRISH POPLINS, MOIRE ANTIQUES, VELVETS, PLT'SliES, AND SILKS. FINE SHAWLS AND WRAPS, LADIES' WORK BOXFS AND FINE JEWELRY. FUIt SETS, - $3.25 AND UPWARDS. Ft the a "co in mod uion ot our puro-it! during dur-ing the Lxhibiiion of the Eaz;iar, We will bold this Kooin open eaeli evening until S p.m. H. V. CLAWSOX, Sift. VICK'S Xoi' 1871. TheFi3t Edition op Osj Ilryoitri) and FlFTr Ih .irsSi copies cf YtcWs Illustrated Illus-trated Catalogue f Seeds aud b loral Guide. i published a-d ready to scnil t ir 1UJ pase-, an:l no Knfrravin? of almost every dc-irblo Floncr u d V. -ct b p. I i.-ele-'anrly pi in ted in ti no t n t.M p, -r illui-tr.ue'lwilh illui-tr.ue'lwilh 'Ihr-e Hundred finn V.'mM grnrin!r- nd 'Ivro i e -ui i i U 1 COLOKKD PLATi:S. The mo.-t b uti fat nod tho most iivru -tir K I oral (i-iid- Mioiirhad. A GFAIHAS F.DITIO-V" pub i-he i, in nil oth-M- re-pct5 similar -o the Lngtih. dvnt f ce to a'l luy ru-toino.-.-! o' 1570, a.-rnpidl.T a.-rnpidl.T ni io--ibk'. wilii-iiu appl ca'imi ? -nt to ml ieu irho onier t h m fvr Ten Cents which is no- ba 1 f " b c u- . A'i'iri-! I J A HIS VICK. KorUt.ur, N'.V. GEO. W. DAVIS Be- t-- anuuui-: ;b.a he h:i- np u -d n ntn .-tore. pio-i:e -:i!t LliKc 1 1 ' eo. tvi h a choice ;iud wl-iI selected -;t')ck uf STAPLE A D FA . C Y GROCERIES PROVISIO N S, Which will ho n!d As Chiaj) as the Cheapest. Conjtant'y reoeiring fresh ujip.ic- of CHOICE GUNPOWDER TEAS Selected from the b?tft East tin and 811 Fianclsco MurketK. A .-plenJid ll of Call to r 11 la IS I an k e t n For eale cheap. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOLSE, And Two Dom oi tli of Ktmbnll & LaMrence'iti To be held ut the Salt Laltc House, On the rvo of Dec. ttO, fur the benc6t of the CATHOLIC CIIUIJCII. Dur'Tis tho evenina; ptvoral prizr wi 1 bo tli-tributod, a in " n 2 wnich ii a beautilul hlnger Hetvlng Machine, Viilued t S1"'. whi -h i now on exhibition at the Singer Machine bale Knini,oii Mum Hrect, where chance tuny ho ncournd at r-.L'Kl cacli. Cfirn tutt t.o of Arr iiu'fiii"nt-. Mrn. Gov.Vauthuu, Mre.Murflhrl, Mrf-Urcd, Ticket)), fcupj-er Iu-1 ul 1 SJ. OO SALT Ij J- 3t VI n wiii; and re.vdi.vg room TllWfOKAKY Ofj f;i;. Gould Jc Woodward'. E iaL Tuuiplu St. The fieri t.iry will bo in iitu ndaniM) Daily to e.xpliiin tho Obji-ofn uf thy 1 tii iiulion. thv K11 1 aud lUKiiUliony; enLt-r lite iiiiiiivf vi' ;ipiiic;ntl.i tor Muujburch i p. anil r'l'i-ivu Kii-tmuco Kii-tmuco Fclv. WAUKKN JIU.sm;V, I'm..,!,!,.!,!. on nffipouNjDx: ZUtUUUlRON AND STEbL At SSassi-tl I lolVmai)'. H ' ' ' i . ?. A O j M M I'.M I t I! I'll in- IMJRIi CAM) I KS SURPRISE BOXES ! Ml Ot'-CO? .''' JJACH I. U' I' 1 11 'nil :i n 11 ii iiAVficNl milium .i;th. r. v KHDCKttii', MIIHt.ll I'ON.il KS, ! ILI.OU,V,l KAIiMAtiK.S, A.,-. I i..ni:i;iiiit(rRV, p8, PAtTny, 1 , . 11 I IT tll4Mt l '-wlt Itl-'MXI. THE BEST PAPER, ASD THE 1 BEST INDUCEMENTS!' . h if Quarter's 13 Knmtiiri Sent FREE !" ;itt iubioribiu?, before DoC 25,1.U, fwr next year's :ruhal14evv-yorker, ' TOT cr.7.T ILirfBATtO ; Rural and Family Weekly. This ie not only tho L.Rrget, Beat and ! Cheapest, hut by far the Larget-tir-; culailng Journal of Its l.t I Na j tiooftl in Uharfiftrr, Ably Edited, Superbly ! Illustrated ftud Triuted, it is tho 'BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY ' It is tho Stnwlnrd Authority on all br nches of AG KlC ' L TURK, lioRl'I'UL-TURE. lioRl'I'UL-TURE. Ac. An a Literary aud h arally Paprr it a tavorito from Can ide to C li-1 li-1 ioruia. Indeed. AJOORfc'S hURAL has no Kivt.l iu iK Sphere, and is the Largest 11-luBtrated 11-luBtrated Journal on tho Continent ea h number containiner Sixteen FJre-i FJre-i olumu Pages, (uoublo the size ol moat paptrri ox its clasdj A NEV FEATURE. Among recent accession" to tho RURAL'S uue'iu tlod Editorial Slafi" i? that of lion. T. Het Hyatt, of (Jala., as editor of tho Paci6c Cm3t Iopartment a new and valuable lea-tur lea-tur . Bv prompt m -Wing and rapid rnilrond tranait. the KUKAL n- w r achoa the Pacific Siope about tho time of itd date. TERMS, IN0UCEM1NTS, ETC. TERMS 83 a year of 52 Number., and onb in ctuH-of Ten. Ihis Ouarter'a 3 Number- tent PK.EK, a offerea above-Our above-Our Club Inducements for 1671 ro unprecedented. unprece-dented. Specimens Premium List, Ac., sent free to all forming club and we want a Htb Club .rtgent iu every Town. Address D, T. T. MOORE, 41 Park Row, New York. H. DIN WO ODE Y, FURNITURE DEALER And . '' All kiri'ls of IMPORTED FURNITURE Constantly on hand at the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, Lst South Street, Salt Lake City COFFINS, FI..J and ORNAMENTAL I Always in Stock. i i Produce Departm't, iZ. C. M. I. i ! ls,A.vfi-IVKT KND K.MPOKirSl ; BUILDING?, el i.n-ilc Moat Mnrkft. I We art ''lijtnlly E j 11,1; i.ud .TtUiiic i Hides, Wheat, Barley i Oats, ; Onions, j Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, j AXO ALL KIVUS OF PHODICK, For which tfa c Uifthcot ilnrkct Price will be paid. j II. H. CLAWSOM, Sup'c. MORE LIGHT! NEW LISHT! Cheaper, more Cleanlv, u nt rerie- tly free from thedaijRor of K.plo-ion. TIIK DA IN FORTH XOV.tlPLOSIVE PETROLEUM FLUID 1,000 GalloiiM Jtut IlccvlTrd, Only 7? CfntN Per GrMoiiI 1:. iti;i;si: co .ult B-ent (or Utnh 'IV'rrit-.ry. l'o.ol ut corner foulh il W.ilkor Bros'. W O T I C I I TI'rsiiTi Olliccs . AUE NOW Ol'L.N AT PUV CKKEK, Salt Lako County, LKIII ami I'LEASANT OBOVK, TTlnh County. A. M. ILeKH. fnt. TRUNKS, VALISES,&C.,&C. Mjiuuliiolurii'l by "ZBr-r rWUm Mm '"n u.iihI in vnripty at tint Olothinjf )ciir(i-iit. AIo, r. ni IIOVKH, APPLE 1IU.VKS, Ami Ornrrnt lknrkltiK (num. M.iUiito ui.l.T ai tl.o 'i rimk I'lictury ut tlie K'wi't i'ri': .'. 11. I!. ' CI.AWSON, 81 IT. rvr-.AVr-; DKVLKIW. .IOIIA I.ONVcVSOS OUlIS, bTA'I'ION. K;ri jnr pulo tho lriulinir iicnfi'tt vt ami )cri"diffal, iiom nil parif d ( lie onunl ry. St'T't)p(.pi0 v imv uf iimuntinii jicencry und ol-jcrli ,, intci i- i nn ihn rtn! IriMifcoiili-noiitnl IriMifcoiili-noiitnl rnilw y, 1'li .iofrrnnli" 'd Imdinn mi'ii, Miitenicry, 1'iuit, CaiHlnM. Ac, A" TIIU HALT I.AKK UAII.Y IM.U AI.l) Can iihvnyd 1.0 lid at Mv.inm. how'n .Hand. TO PRE-EMPTORS. V. nre now prt't'iin 'I to l"urni.'li j Agrk-iilfunil l.anl Snipt , ' "r IceiHiiin .,t (liivrn)Miiiit l.nii.l ill I vn .,u;i,inr ,.,.,ui,,. iiiinnrcii, i i.uit) Dfcl'. 10. 1 1,'iU,. Nv, j0i , D. DAY. I.F. CULMER. BAY a GULflER, Wholoaulo and Ketail Dealors ih DRY GOODS, GEOCERES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HAT, BLANKETS, OILS, NUTS.&c.&c WK JI.1KK BEST TEAS SPECIALITY. Purchasers will find it to their advantage advan-tage to give us n, call before bujing elsewhere. First Door South of Town Clock Store. TONSORIAL! If you want Fashionable and Skillful D A II B E X . I 1ST GO T UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S Who hk aflocidted with him Mr. JULIUS 8 AS G Kit, at tho old grand onbeend oouth Street, ll iir Orescins. Shaving, Shampooing, Shampoo-ing, nnd all kinds of Hair Work, from a riz to a wig, done in a manner warranted to give satisfaction. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON & KAUER3ACH, IVext Door East of the Herald, Are workmen who not only repair Watches and Clocks, but will make Watches to order in any desired style, or any part of 'hm, from a pivot or pinion to an entire Watch. Work Executed on Moderate Terma. NOTICE. In tlie Supreme Court for the District of Utah. In the TiiaUur of ') M. J. is N EDAKER, In Bankruptcy. Kankrupt. J TO '1HK CRED1TUHS OF SAID 1 Biiiikmpt. NuLicu u hereby given that u Third Or-i.erul iteeliii uf the Creditor.- of mid IJankrujA will b livid ttl h Court uf liftnkruptLV, ij be holdt-n uh thel.'tth day of IV-cembf-r, A.D. Ib70, at 10 o'clock, A. .M., bofure Wm. P. Appleby, lieg-istc.T. at hi otlico in Snlt L:ike City, in mid District, fur the pur-po-es mentioned in tlie 1:7th section ol the Bankrupt Act cf ilarch 2, J."07. And yuu ere further notiiitd that I havc-tiled havc-tiled my final accounti hi Assignee ol -.aid Estate, in mid Court, and thst n iaid time aud place I shrdl apply to ?aid Court for the. seitiemert uf my shid hc-ojimti, hc-ojimti, aiid for a dicLt -e from aii ik'biiiiy iu A--iKr.''' of s;iid Estate, in ai"crd:inee with tho proviioin of tht Slh rO'-tion of Miid Bankrupt Act. II. J. FAl'ST, Assignee. Dated Salt Lake City, Dec. P., 170. SHAVING tc 1IAIK-DKESSLNG SALOOiN. JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, K AST TKMPLE STREET, First doorsuuth f Up. ltunter' residence Xrivnti UooiiiH For Cultiuj: and Drecsiup Ladies' and Children's Chil-dren's Hair. MAM FACT t RED II AIR. Erery desrriptioa of Hair Work made tc j order. A quantity f Ladiea' fawiteues on band. i Ornamental Hair Work. Ladie' and Gontlmen Wtoh Ouardi. bracelet. Kitiu. NtM-klace. Ac, mudo to order. Cottonwood Klines. Persons who dwien sellitiff their lUy up Cottonwood Cnnon. nhould purchase a first elan Chif.iRO made Hay Press, Which I hare for nto CHEAP. II. K. KOWI.TOX, Nineteenth Ward, OrL. S. UILLS, llool'tr, BKlrcd A Co.'i Unk. SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE ! The Beat muil th. Ch.aitr.t t Ilitv Yon Tried Thcml VIVXI-I) YHPEPT 1 C, compoundVoneset PlttS. llomo-niiide and purely vccetuble. Twenty- five em I? pvr bux Twenty Uverillc. Wiirrttnli'd ti irivy Dtitiatactiin. They rollov .Tinunlii-o. PyfpepriU. IndiKoi-tioo. IndiKoi-tioo. I.ivur Complmnl, ilondarho. Low ol Appotilo mid l-'oul Sioni i h. will or-:k up l?'dlM, rr(tr, tlouchw. iiml Purily the Hlond lov will Clc:tn-f tho Moiimcu, HonovMtr the iy.sunu, itnd dipot Ui-wnp- Are icood iu ill o wliero l'hypic in nrcded l'rv n lnx, ou will liko ihcnt.Miid never want nv oilier 'trt, lhey-rt) 1'iuio, Cthrtic mid lvxpeo- OI'lH A LMICI 1I.VLSAM, Ov V.yn Itnlin. Vnhi:il.l. in tnoNl 1 ticoiiFon of tho l.yos. llo-ui'ivcn llo-ui'ivcn liiHiunnvtiinu. .Siri'UK honn tho Sitht. and Weak or Ih-mipiiiK lit nod in tionornll v honliinr jin-l umiLMUunnia tn tho h pht, Ux an !,' dm piiiii. It t ii pi (rood lor JYdor. Ulumvi.i id iiiul I'nd Sorr . Hnly 1 wcuty-tive Cenls per llo. A valitithlo l i nn -l lor Uul-j.llniinpN. Wound. iurr, l!urn:i, t.-nid", uml fur e:i k or Liunr Uti''k. i--ily or )trua:i, and (or ni.Tiiy olLei 'llnoo ami oi.Hur home-iondo la ml I v modi oliii'B uro pri'purxd ly J. JOIIN(, si. (,rorr, I'mh, An I 'olH at ,ion' v'o-opriativo Morn" an tiy olhrr mrrnn I Itroutrliour tho 1'omti.iv A h o i old at wlmlrM.le nr lurili-dird on com uiUmoh Iu rcp'uiiltlu mionu It thcoo m rt-lmriaiu.t rt-lmriaiu.t liopi t .ur inoref. n-k v.-ui in iTOl.Mti t Li ordrr tlmin at no. A NEW SUP P LY of ti clibrutj'1 iWACSSS HAS JTJBT AERIVED. FARM AND K&YOfJ WiGDNS The Favorite 15 T A. 1VX O 3NT T3 nnd tjtk'ir LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, Very desirable for Fainlly' use. The hmdt-kaker Wug.jul are manatictured out of th. rerj bet materials bj the most competent necb.aic's In tbe country, aud art; WARRANTED FIRKTC1.AHS. RlP. SALE AT CRKAP RATES. JOH.V T. CAINE, Agent, Salt Lake Herald Office. More or tlie YTsir ! IS PEACE PREPARE FOR VAR Get your Guns, Pistole, Balieta. ?h't, Fi?h-ing Fi?h-ing Tackle, an'l everything r.ece?:ary for defence or .'r import. Aleo, Saddles, Bridles Whipe, Spurs, ie for racing or riding, from JAMES HAUTE, SitD of tlie Lie fiun, K-ut Temple streot. THEODORE LUBBE, MunufHCturor uf LADIES'-FANCY FURS Eat Temple Street. At Floren Pewing Ma hine ?aleroom, OppuP ite aalt Lake iioue, llai on hand and for gale a fice a-?ortment of HOME-MADE LADIES' FURS Suu Ttnh and Alaka Miuk. K-uitiie, C hlnrhllUi. U n In n qiil rrel. Aximknii, Persian Lamb, I kraner, Krtm urr, R a ii a ii 4 iirh Coney. Ttati and Lantern .Muskrat-, &.C..&C. Whirh I offer at exceedingly low priccr. All co'idt warranted aJ repre-entcd or money returned. 1 adie?' Fur? of any description aiue to order ia a wurkmanlike tUMnoer JUDD CO.'S Mail (c Express Line Will lcure S:iU Luke City Kt OPHIR, EAST CANON, AT SEVEN O'CLOCK A.M., DAILY. CarrTinr Pa??eneer:. Mail und Expre-? to BLACK HOCK, K. T. CITY, TOOELE and STUCKTOS. IN ew unj com fort. ihle coach e-. .ood t ook, four e b n d c of hor.-(v on thetrtp nod e ductsl rule? ire the inducement offered to trre ers. P.-ispice tnd Eirre.-s booked at our c:hce at thvOalt Lake Uou-e. W.R.JLDD A 11. P. KIMGALL. Proi'rietor. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Npriiis: Hutlis ! Private and PluiiKe rhjtelvliri.tod btb ne opoB lo tbc vul lio t UI wni. Tbrtr a e4i. inJ (rpfrtie ne no wiielj anewn that it i ovlles to vnuufnl tbo id. BiH the Prirnte Btha, the lure and han.1.oiii-ly han.1.oiii-ly lurmnbi-d I'lunftv 11 a 1 ltd ,t Unio aid livotlfairo rt no ivn. 11. AU.NOLU. GIANTPOWDER Proof of It Superiority tor DlnMlng l'urpoie, Wni.nKx Cn i riot Minino Comp v. t Silver Cit. Iditho, Oci, IS 1ST0. j Mor. P:indinnQ, Nel.-on Co , Ajteut (imnt Pjwder C-., Vunci.-co. t 1 : Ph Sik.h: In ronly to your hue fivor. I civ yon thu followint r pint ol my orkntf hero: l'h e.pt oi dnliiup. hich co-t under un-der th ohl cysicm o' tit i u iii v herv. 510 iv4r fo"(. with t he Kinglp hnnd -vii'in of w irk in c .in-l (imnt Powdo- I ho re-liiocd Ion ,M t ior lout, und when under the old cv.-tiu cv.-tiu hut --no 1-'..t .or day wiw di ivon. my nun n en-ily mitktnit o e inl h h;ili f.-ot. I ndor t ho old f iom w in;.u i- f el "iju.srei "1SL ' ,,rr l'M'l- P;mo i- now c hti n mc JJ ij p.-r I mi t w.Ui iho mine diiUrcnoy iu tune ilii) in di illiLt:. I ndor tho old .-U'-u. our mine could never tnado to i-id e.-o.dms 4i t i-cr month ; with t i i nt I'.-wd.-v and - in, i;in i Inlliiu. 1 Htn now furin-hi u onlhiv j.nii lonn t a reduoed cot ol ut loaM ;v'S P'r enl iesf vr ton iluni undor tho old m !iiu. In ionclui"n wtU ?i;tto tli:il tho neii; h ior-intr ior-intr uuiio-. i-U Llni.r on-i Orn 1 ino. inttu-cticpd inttu-cticpd hv ro-nlis in tlie tlnldiM, ('lm in m nr. Iihv- n-loiied -iiiKle h:ini d til ins mid li it I'owdir, lo th- nllor e.hii.n ol d.-ihlo bund work. I 1 1 bo dt i nd iv-iiiin.-n h hm mn I -wtlvr, I n o.-i i o-. i ut "n ol re-int in U -I-don i liHt ioi initio, 1 roier you loiho .'roi -lonl and J'.iMd ot TniMoo. re-idoul in your oitv. Youn, re-ipivtlnllv, ,HHI I', t ASM. I upoi int.'ii-loul M. tj. l. Co. v nil Gr cy Depa.-tmcnt, DON'S CO 0PIRMIU MfR JANIIlE INS 1 11 U N. EflSTEF.N TRADL DKUGIISTS Iealer4 Iu PA!TS, VARNISHES, 0U. DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES Window Glass, Glassware, Patent Medicines, &c,. &e. 00, 0 O Lake St., tor. Dearborn, V.'Uh a large e.jeri. iu:e in ihc Territr.rinl tradp. wo 1-el rure of sati-laction in (iuuluy, prid-a ana puckiLfr. MARKUY, AILING & COL, ImjKjrU-r and Jbbere iu Hardware ? Cutlery 31 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ill BENEDICT, KALL & CO., BOOTS AND SHOES, on, 47 9 and 2S1 Broadway. - - JiEW YORK, PAGE, BIlO.cV CO., Iniportersand Dealen in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 50 Lake Street. mVZ CBlCiED. ILL D. Ii. SHUCKEU, MLKCHANT TAILOR. No. 517 Olive Street, ST. LOCIS, Sende Clothin? all over the Wect and girtt entire satisfaction, a No. 1 e-tabliFnmenu Tim VationalSeries textTooks. IfS- Tne Reader. Gejiiriiphie, Sriw.ce snd Oeruiti i Ojk-iof thi S-ri- h :e be-n bd"rtted for s&iiri;iiM mjinriiiiry in L":ih, uti I tiie iL-r 'e f-!vorj-.ly received by rtio ltt eJucatorE. PiRKEK wAis3.-.'s ami A Primer, and Headers in Vive nuuben. Spelling liooks, lii two grades. DU'l-V MATH;ATI3S, Tre Niti-n'tl 5i.nir-i. an t rn'r coiu- let, oo-si-U-nt ami iLLil -rni n:- h -J iu t-ery uruuch, hb-bra-.-ui,; lext ti,ka c.v.u ,.nir-Arllhmeiic. ,.nir-Arllhmeiic. Algebra, Geo -r. t ry. Caicnlut., Surveyiiig. Perspective, Etc. M3NTiTH'S GiGSPAPHlr. A .-r"ci in ihre j--",k. 1. First Lejoii. 3. Manual. 3. -icNflly." Wiih i!jt-.-rr..-K.i- a.r.-J .-. 1 ; i - - - n vo'.umee, aod A Iet f Wall Maps. ClAKK'S ClA3-A?f1 GRfiMVlAR Find Lc$on ti Ktilih (riimmtr. The Normal EuglUli (.raminar. STEtlE'S -ATUKAL SCUNGE8 A "F nrtwa Wot-t?" Onre" in frb kn-h ; intrnsiT intere-iiL sE'i i jv-:'ij pr-pu.ar. erabmemf atnral PtLlloopbv Astronomy, CheinUtr), ideology. WCRMAN'S GERMAN SERIES Grammars. In wo Grades A. Header, mid Ecti , or ConversAir. Bct F'"r fii-npt'Tf riairt'cir with fell du:If rt-rctinp rt-rctinp f. ut h:iod'ied ,dati -f tl w.rk, d-ire tie yai ..ber. A. S. BARNES & CO., Ill and US W ilii-m SirwU.New Ywt. CITY L1Q u Q R" STORE, Keep constuntly on eand. AVhoIeMile ami Retail, Cfc&u'e Imported LIQUORS ,xD WINES, At Lowoft Kste?. GROESBKCK'S BtlL DI5G!, East Temple Mrret. Z. CM. I. HOFdt MANUFACTURE! Wo ba e bought out thon-ck and umckioery ot the "BIG BOOT" K.STAB1.1SIIMES I. And can now ?-ir,'!v a tir?t artiol pf HOHK JIADK BOOTS AHO SHOES Yarrnturl Nnj-rflor t lt ported TllK N.iMISOOn Is nn.ii'vrl t-T Ihr M-r, inl vmv ! -rt fr Tcuirncp rl l.dic who wi?h t I'mi lintf orhf fr'tttert to Ordr. RHor: rjniNCS In lull a-VK tor ii.i.ir u" Al. l.fc-A 1 11 KK, I K I HKK, ' i' ..U ln..ii . l.an.i. j He i.if n,.(lif il.- i i T txta wo r." 1 H. H. U LAW SON Snou |