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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES llobcruou, IJ.iS. Sens.LeM" itoiu buiu Carolina, is re-elected. Cespedcs vill think.- the Sj.aniavci-will Sj.aniavci-will be driven I'lviu t.'uua. Tho Jloi'wt. i' i- aiJ. is ajaio alsuu. to .-ail with aid t'nr the Italians The XaTajoes have commenced war against the Apaches in Arizona. The Atlantic cable eoLui.atiies doubled their pros vales yesterday. The eastern shoemakers and tie employers ate about coming to uti tiin-icable tiin-icable arrangement. The conference of the European powers is considered nugatory, eo fur as England i.-: concerned. An organized raid was made on the New Yi r'f stock market, on Wednesday, Wednes-day, but it proved a partial failure. Ru-sia has American workmen encaged en-caged in making metrailleurs, and is evidently preparing for war on a grand scale. Augusta, Georgia, has eleVted u Democratic mayor aud council. Troops were s'ationed near the polls, but did not interfere. It is said the house of representatives representa-tives of the North Carolina legislature, will impeach Governor Holden at the bar of the senate. Judge Goldthwaite, Democrat, is elected to the U. S. Senate from Alabama, Ala-bama, for the six years' term, commencing com-mencing March next. The English government has given a contract for sixty batteries, of eight guns each, of Gattling's metrailleurs. to be made in America. Ex-Governor MeC'ormick left Pies cott, Arizona, November 22nd, for Washington, via Santa Fe, to attend to his Congressional duties as Delegate. Dele-gate. A Portland, Me., dispatch Fays a tra;n on the Grand Trunk railroad broke through a bridge on Tuesday, and the fireman and another man were killed. It is announced that the Canadian government will adhere to the policy animadverted on in President Grant's message, and that the imperial government gov-ernment approves its course. The Alabama gubernatorial muddle is before the courts, Judge Smith, of the circuit court, having summoned Governor Smith to show cause for withholding the State documents and books from Lindsay, recently elected. The British Consul at Maracaibo has arrived at Jamaica, aud asks the British Commodore to send a war ves-el back with him at once to protect pro-tect English and other foreign residents resi-dents there, as an insurrection is raging. |