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Show fBatrlal Caicai. The Sena'orial Republican caucus held a meeting this morning, to receive re-ceive the report of the oommittee on nominations, and to noin'iute the members of the staod-ng committeses of the Senate. After di-cusoa the report was voted uns tisf u-tory. and ; the subject was recommitted. It is understood objection was made to tLe retention of Schun on tie committee of foreign relations which it is desired de-sired to make strong in favor of the annexation of San Domingo. Wort Aplntmeataw The following names, among others, were sent to tne Senate: To be Consuls. Con-suls. D. H. Baiiev, of Ohio, at Hong Kong; R. G. W. Jewell, of Mississippi, Missis-sippi, at Camoo; Henry Houten. at Gua-emala: C. S M itioon, of Ohio, at Honolulu; H H. Houton, at Per-nambuco; Per-nambuco; W. H. Veasey, of D. C, at Nice: W. J. Wright, sf Santos, at Sautos, Brazil; A N. Young,' of Kentucky, at San Jago de Cnba: A. C. Colquitt, to be Marshal of the Consular Con-sular Court at Chiag Kiang; 3- M. Vshenfelter, to be Attorney for the Territory of New Mexico; J. S-e!ey,to ! be Attorney for the district of Nevada: Addison Sanders, of Iowa, to be Sec-fe'ary Sec-fe'ary of Montana Territory; Nathaniel Nathan-iel Pope, to he Siperin'tendent of Indian affairs for the Territory of New ' Mexico; Herman Bended, to be Su perintendent of Indian affairs in Arizona Ari-zona Territory; Jasper A. Via!!, to be Superintendent of Indian aff lirs for ' Montana Territory; W. H. Odell, to 1 be Surveyor-General of Oregon; P. W. Dexter, Receiver of Public Money", at Aurora, Nevada; Chas. McDonald, to be Receiver of Public Money, at Skasta, Cal.; John 8. Follansbee, to I be Register at Shasu, Cal. ' -Winter aiaraen Thoatre Bnrnoa. New Y'ork, Dec. S. The Winter Garden theatre was burned last night loss $S.tXJ. The Metkodist book 1 concern adjoining was damaged by fire and water in the building and stock, ' Canadian Papera on tave .Vrnare. Montreal, Dee. ?. The Canadian papera comment variously on Grain's message. The question of the fisheries attracts the greatest attention. The Gastttc, ministerial organ, attempts to show the inconsistency of the President's Presi-dent's complaints with the treaty of 1818. It says: While Canada is always al-ways ready to negotiate for a settlement settle-ment of all matters in dispute, it cannot can-not submit to stand and deliver arguments. argu-ments. The Herald, independent, trusts there will be sufficient right feeling among the people of both countries to get over the existing difficulties. Confirmations. Washington, 8. The Senate, iu executive session to day, confirmed the following nominations : Columbus De |